Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 368

Chapter 368: Fallen Colorful Sword (part 1)

Maybe it is because I feel that saying this will make Chen Feng feel bad, Nangong Mengdie said to Chen Feng again: "I'm sorry, Chen Feng, I did not deliberately target you, but I can't let my sister teach anyone outside the family, I hope you Understand me."

"I understand, you don't have to apologize, this is not something you can control." Of course, Chen Feng will not blame Nangong Mengdie. Every family that has been passed down through the ages has its own rules and prohibits martial arts within the family. Xuewaizhuan is well known, and she also doesn't want to cause trouble.

However, Nangong Huandie still disagrees. She still thinks that it is a perfect decision to teach the Luoying Colorful Sword to Chen Feng: "Sister, you have seen through the Academy Tournament. Brother Chen Feng has enough strength, but there is no suitable martial arts general. It can play out. Now as long as he can learn the Luoying Colorful Sword, he can add his wings. As a good friend, shouldn't he help him? I don't care, I will teach the Luoying Colorful Sword to Brother Chen Feng."

"If we can help, we must help. We can share the martial arts we learned outside with Chen Feng, but we can't teach Luoying Colorful Sword. If someone in the family finds out, do you know how troublesome it will be? They will send people to chase Chen Feng until they know **** him! We will also be thrown into the family jail and never leave." Nangong Mengdie can't wait to tie her sister up, the decision to teach Luoying Colorful Sword is too dangerous.

Nangong Phantom Butterfly is not as worried as her sister. Instead, she smiled mischievously at her sister: "Sister, have you forgotten? Except me in our family, no one knows what Luoying Colorful Sword looks like now~"

When my sister said that, Nangong Mengdie was quite annoyed: "You mean that even if the Luoying Colorful Sword is used by them, they don't know that it is the Luoying Colorful Sword?"

"Yeah~ When I was a kid, I trained according to the scores of Luoying Colorful Swords. I never used them in front of those in the family. They didn't know that I would. The Luoying Colorful Swords were so difficult to practice swordswords and they didn't even read it. I glanced at it, and wasn’t the sword book burned in the fire? Now, none of them knows what Luoying Colorful Sword is like, so I dared to teach it to Brother Chen Feng~" Nangong Huadie Yang proudly Picking up her small head, she had already considered everything.

Nangong Mengdie pondered for a while, slightly moved. She wanted to help Chen Feng very much, but she couldn’t help it: “According to what you said, it’s not impossible to teach Chen Feng, as long as you don’t say it is. Fallen colorful swords are good."

Nangong Huandie struck the iron while it was hot and urged her sister to agree to her decision: "If anyone asks, it's a sword skill we learned outside, just make up a name~"

Chen Feng was sweating profusely. This Nangong Phantom Butterfly is really unusual for his brains, but he still thinks he shouldn’t learn: “Sister Phantom Butterfly’s kindness is in my heart, but Luoying Colorful Sword is the secret treasure of your family after all. It’s better not to learn."

"Oh! Brother Chen Feng! I'm finally trying to persuade my sister, don't make any mess." Seeing that my sister was about to agree with him, Chen Feng ran out to disrupt the situation, so that Nangong would not run away like a butterfly. Stomped straight.josei

Chen Feng had to stop with her and explained her concerns: "Since the Luoying Bianbian Sword is passed down by your family, it is still impossible to guarantee that no one in your family knows. You taught me that if something really happens, then It's not going to end."

"Chen Feng, don't worry, no one in our family understands the Luoying Colorful Sword, and the Luoying Colorful Sword can indeed improve a large part of your strength. I suggest you learn it." This time it was changed to Nangong Mengdie to persuade Chen Feng.

Chen Feng looked at Nangong Mengdie incomprehensibly, and didn't understand why she said, "What's the matter? Didn't you just disagree, why did it change?"

"The sword book that records the Luoying Colorful Sword is obscure. It is impossible to comprehend the sword skills by watching the sword book. My sister can learn it with her extraordinary talent. Especially since the sword book has been destroyed, there is no one. You can see, as long as she has never used it in front of my family, and didn't tell them that this is the Fallen Colorful Sword, then they won't know how you use it after teaching you." Nangong Mengdie explained to Chen Feng in detail. In view of the special feature of Luoying Colorful Sword, this is exactly the confidence she thinks can be imparted to Chen Feng.

Chen Feng still thinks this is not appropriate. He doesn't want to imprison sisters Nangong Mengdie for imparting family sword skills privately: "Forget it, don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case, if it is really seen, It is estimated that we will all have a hard time."

"Chen Feng, let me tell you the truth, just because you don’t have any martial arts at your side, you will not do much if you continue to use the double sword, and if you want to practice the double gun shooting skills, there is little hope. Don’t you think you can get revenge if you continue like this? We can’t teach you about inner strength, mentality, or something. Now you finally have an opportunity in front of you, but you have to give up lightly. Do you really want to become stronger? Huh?" Nangong Mengdie decided to give Chen Feng a strong medicine. She had to stimulate the fragile string in Chen Feng's heart.

Lin Xian and Zheng Zhirong were listening all the time. Lin Xian didn't want to see Chen Feng missed the opportunity and said, "Chen Feng, learn it. Shui Bin will definitely become very good when he comes back. If you don't learn some tricks, how can you fight with him? ."

Zheng Zhirong also persuaded Chen Feng to accept the kindness of Nangong Mengdie sisters: "Chen Feng, you see I'm still racking my brains to learn martial arts from Teacher Lang, don't you have a chance, isn't it a violent thing, don't let down the kindness of the other sisters? "

"Brother Chen Feng, you are too careful. We will consider other things for you. It will not be seen through by the people in our family. Can you please be a little man~" Nangong Huandie even helped her with red eyes. The red one was in a posture that Chen Feng would cry without agreeing to her.

"Okay, I've convinced you, can I still learn it?" The people around me persuaded myself to learn, Chen Feng reluctantly agreed, and for the first time saw others force him to teach him the absolute knowledge.

Things were so decided, Nangong Mengdie looked at Chen Feng at last, asking him to make sure that he would not use the Luoying Colorful Sword on the wrong way: "If I change to someone else, I won't let my sister do this, but Chen Feng, I I believe you, and I hope you don’t let the Fallen Colorful Sword go astray."

"I promise that I will not teach the Luoying Colorful Sword to others, nor use it indiscriminately to do evil. Everything will be under the command of Sister Huadie. If you violate this oath, you will die." Chen Feng raised his hand and swears to the sky, anyway, he has never moved. Bad mind, not afraid to take an oath in front of everyone.

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