Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 427

Chapter 427: Pursuit (part 2)

After supporting the attack, these mechas erected the shields in their hands again, leaving a passable space beside them, and the mechas stepped back to stand in front of them and continued to attack.

Tide-like beams hit the mechas of Fo La Yeguo one after another. Chen Feng saw that several mechas had been penetrated by the armor, and a fire broke out on the spot, becoming the dead souls on the battlefield.

Brahman Kaul saw that she was anxious in her eyes. This time, she made a large-scale motive A because she wanted to transport the treasures found some time ago to the country. She did not expect to be caught by Guan Yuzhen, and the armored vehicles responsible for carrying the treasures were all caught. Many vehicles were blown up, which made her very painful.

And in order to hurry, Brahman Kaur did not bring too many heavy armors. These few heavy armors were still placed in front to open the way. Most of the mechas were lightly loaded on the road and could not stand under the sky. Times.

After all, Brahman Kaur was a famous general who had contended Guan Yuzhen for several years. After losing dozens of mechas in the confrontation with the mecha units of the Southwest Military Region, he finally transferred the heavy mechas on the other side of the troops back.

Brahman Kaur did not allow the mecha that was launching a confrontation to directly withdraw. This would collapse the defense line and give the opposing troops more space for attack.

"The first row of mechas rush forward, the back mechas retreat, reload the mechas on top, and go back and execute them if they disobey the order! As long as the pilots who participated in the rush are upgraded to the first rank! Act now!" , When letting the first row of mechas go out to die, they did not forget to throw a decoy to make them more motivated to withstand the attack of Guan Yuzhen's troops.

Under the command of Brahman Kaul, all the mechas standing in the first row rushed forward. The pilots inside were still screaming like crazy. It is very difficult to get promoted in the country of Buddha, and their class is solidified. Birth determines your destiny, if you don't have a big chance, don't even think about turning over your whole life.

It's no wonder that these pilots are so crazy, as long as they help the heavy armor behind to complete the transposition, and they can survive, they can fly into the sky. This is a rare opportunity.

Guan Yuzhen saw through Brahman Kaul’s intentions and immediately commanded the attack direction of the mecha units: "Don't worry about the front mechas, all attacks are aimed at the back troops!"

In accordance with the command of Guan Yuzhen, the mecha troops in front turned their gun heads to aim at the position behind the mecha, and tried their best to hinder the formation of Fo La Ye Guo troops.

Although Guan Yuzhen’s instructions are very fast, it takes time after all from the transmission to the implementation. Most of the front mecha attacks still fall on the penetration mechas, and these mechas are blocked between the two, and many attacks cannot pass them. Hit the mecha behind.

Seeing this, Chen Feng couldn’t help but have doubts. It happened that Ye Qi was beside him, and he manipulated the mecha to leaned over and asked softly: "Senior Ye Qi, since Commander Guan asked the mechas to attack the enemy behind, there is There are many enemy planes obstructing, why don’t we take off to strike? Many attacks are wasted."josei

"Look, you know you are a rookie when you hear this question." Ye Qi first made a little joke with Chen Feng, and then answered his questions: "You can't take off casually on the battlefield. The high altitude target is too big. When you fly, you will immediately become the target of everyone's attack. Pilots without superb skills would not dare to fly into the air in a large number of mecha battles."

"It turned out to be like this." Chen Feng nodded and said that he knew, watching the fierce shooting scene in front of him, he was ready to move. The fighting on both sides was too passionate. Commander Guan's command repeatedly seized the opportunity and made him very impulsive to participate.

The first row of mechas that Fo La Yeguo rushed out were all wiped out. Even if they were unwilling, they eventually perished in the merciless flames of war, and no one could survive to go back and join the ranks.

Thanks to their sacrifices, the heavy armored mechas on the Folaye country finally arrived at the front line, raising the shield in their hands to shield the attacking mechas behind them from the wind and rain. The attack effect of the mecha units of the Southwest Military Region was also due to this. Greatly discounted, rarely happens that the organic armor is shot at all.

The two armies are stubborn and shoot at each other. For a while, no one can do anything about it. It's just that the mechas in the Southwest Military Region are more powerful, and the pilots are more powerful. The mechas that fell in the attack are better than those of the Buddha. A lot less over there.

One after another mecha was carried off the front line. Chen Feng wanted to participate in the battle ahead. He only felt that the beam rifle around his waist was sending out urgent emotions, waiting to penetrate the enemy's defense line and make achievements. .

As if hearing Chen Feng's thoughts, Teacher Lang suggested to Ye Qi: "We students have a lot of good archery skills, Xiao Ye, you can arrange for them to join the attack."

"Will it be unsafe? Such a intensive attack will kill you if you are careless." Ye Qi did not directly agree, and then confirmed to Teacher Lang that he did not agree to let the students join the battle at this time.

"How can we grow without going through the wind and rain? Just a few of us are guarding by the side. Our small number will not cause any major problems. I will coordinate over Laoguan." Teacher Lang insisted on letting the students participate in the first session. First line.

Since Teacher Lang is so firm, Ye Qi is not good enough to say more, just wait for Commander Guan's decision.

After Guan Yuzhen heard Teacher Lang's request, he agreed without hesitation, and issued a task to Ye Qi: "Ye Qi, take your training class to battle, pay attention to protect them." In the end, Guan Yuzhen gave more orders. One sentence.

Ye Qi understood the meaning of Commander Guan. Each of the eight fighter pilots in the command team took up a giant shield to guard the students: "Each of us is responsible for four to five mechas. We must ensure at all costs. Do you understand the safety of the students?!"

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" The eight mechas moved quickly, each standing in the queue of the student mechas at a certain distance.

When all the preparations were in place, Ye Qicai and Teacher Lang surrounded the team with the students on both sides of the team, leaving behind a mech guarding Nangong Mengdie who was remotely blocking them, and the rest went to the first First line.

Chen Feng tightened the beam rifle in his hand. He had already held all the guns in his hands due to tension, just waiting for the moment he saw the enemy.

On the way forward, Ye Qi kept explaining the precautions to the students: "When the time comes, you will only be responsible for shooting. If you are in danger, you will dodge backwards. We will stop all attacks for you by the side, so don't worry, just use your full strength. "

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