Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 499

Chapter 499: Chen Feng Attacks (part 2)

Although this student has been very strong in close combat since learning to drop the colorful sword, but the current situation requires Chen Feng to provide shooting support in the middle and long range.

"I'm here to mention Mengdie dealing with several mechas that attacked her." Chen Fengyan explained his intentions concisely, and quickly raised his gun to aim at the mechas in two directions. The sooner the opponent is resolved, Nangong Mengdie will safer.

Attacking two mechas in different positions at the same time is more difficult than ordinary combat. Chen Feng must concentrate all his energy to attack. Teacher Lang knows Chen Feng’s current state and silently guards him, lest he doesn’t care about himself. Was attacked.

The distance between the two parties is still a little far away, and I am afraid that they will not be able to successfully defeat the other party with just a few attacks. After calibrating the opponent's position, Chen Feng racked his brains to think about how to cause more damage with a limited number of attacks.

Time waited for no one. A few more seconds passed while Chen Feng was thinking. The beams fired by the five mechas hit behind the bunker where Nangong Mengdie was hiding, and the attack of a beam blocking gun was already very strong. The combination is even more amazing. The huge power directly smashed the bunker, and even if the Southwest Military Region was built with the best materials, it could not be supported for one second.

The five beams of light did not disappear after smashing the bunker, and they continued to move forward. There is a strong tendency to kill Nangong Mengdie hiding behind.

Nangong Mengdie had this mental preparation for a long time. She herself used a beam blocking gun. She knew that the other party's attack could not be carried by this small bunker. After they shot, they began to change positions and move towards another obstacle. After moving.

Nangong Mengdie’s movements are very fast, but the beam advances in the air very fast. She has not moved much distance before the attack has arrived, forcing her to turn on the thruster to speed up, knowing that she is next to dense obstacles. Moving at high speeds, if one has poor control, it will easily crash into the plane and kill people.

Fortunately, the synchronization rate of Nangong Mengdie reached 90. After repeated operations, she avoided the attack range by a few minutes. The five beams fell on the ground where she was originally located, and penetrated nearly five meters before they disappeared. The ground platform of the Southwest Military Region caused such a deep bullet mark, and if they were hit by them, they would also be seriously injured. .

Nangong Mengdie raised her gun and aimed at the first time after avoiding the attack. She wanted to dispose of these five mechas in the shortest time possible, otherwise she could not support the teachers and students in the distance due to their constraints.

Chen Feng saw the situation of Nangong Mengdie while thinking, and was even more anxious, but in this case, he should be calmer, and definitely not startling the snake, otherwise it won't be so easy to try to deal with them later.

Chen Feng frowned and turned his head quickly, and finally decided to make a breakthrough in the way he was best at. After making the decision, he no longer hesitated. The two beam rifles fired one after another, and the target was directed at the two most distant machines. A.

The pilots of the two mechas were still happy after repelling Nangong Mengdie. Seeing the front of this mecha was so awesome, it was not necessary to flee in a hurry under their joint attack, then it depends on how they come. Teasing this opponent.

As soon as they became proud of the clinker, Chen Feng’s attack came on them, because most of the heavy armors blocked the impact of the Southwest Military Region’s mecha units on the front line, and they were located relatively far behind, so these interceptions There was no defensive force around the mecha, and it was hit by the beam of light falling from the sky, leaving a deep or shallow mark on the mecha.

I drove the enemy in front, but now I was hit by an attack that I didn't know where it came from. The gap between the front and rear was too big, and from the mark, it was not an attack from a beam blocking gun.

Being hit remotely with a beam rifle made the two mechas angry. They controlled the mechas to look around and wanted to find out the character who broke ground on Tai Sui's head.

Without waiting for them to take a few more glances, Chen Feng’s attacks continued to fall on their heads. The beams were connected one after another. The two beam rifles actually caused the effect of several mechas attacking at the same time. The guns did not leave their fuselages. Every shot will cause some damage.

"What's the matter? Is the mecha we attacked just now an important person? Why are there so many attacks chasing us?" The two mechas were puzzled, they just attacked some as ordered Why did the enemy planes hiding on the ground platform of the Southwest Military Region receive such intensive retaliation?josei

The leader machine listened to the overall situation of the communication and instructed the two mechas to exit the attacked area first: "You two step back first, and we will leave the rest to us."

In danger, the two mechas were not looking for Chen Feng's location, and flew back to escape the attack envelope.

Chen Feng was not surprised by the retreat of the two mechas. He had already considered this possibility before launching the attack, and slightly raised his hands to aim at their retreat route.

When the mecha retreats, it is easy to ignore its own defenses. The purpose of Chen Feng's aggressive attack is to force the opponent to retreat, so as to obtain a good opportunity for one shot to kill. Now there is a chance that he will aim more carefully.

The actions of the two mechas were extremely consistent, turning their heads and running backwards together. It seems that Fo La Yeguo's training in this area is in place, so that they have no deviation at all.

However, the uniformity of the actions of the two mechas gave Chen Feng a chance. Dealing with two enemies in different positions at the same time finally brought him a heavy burden. After a series of efficient attacks, a trace of his head appeared. Pain, if the opponent retreats in a different way will make it more difficult for him to deal with.

Now that the opponent cooperated so well, Chen Feng laughed, and adjusted the position of the muzzle slightly according to the speed of their retreat. He fired four shots at the mecha in the two directions, and then couldn't hold it anymore, and controlled the mecha to lean down to rest. .

The burden of shooting different targets at the same time is still too great. It is Chen Feng's limit to be able to fire these shots. As for the result, it can only be resigned, and I hope to help Nangong Mengdie create the best environment.

Chen Feng’s actions, Mr. Lang next to him, were all in his eyes. He thought he couldn’t do this shooting method by himself, and his evaluation of Chen Feng was a bit higher. He even had some eyebrows: "Chen Feng, you Where did you learn shooting skills? In my opinion, this is not a normal attack, right?"

Chen Feng shook his head and replied with all his might: "I broke through last time when I was separated from Zheng Zhirong, and combined with the experience in "How Are Double Gun Shooting Made?" that Teacher Lin gave me, I can barely attack at the same time. Different goals."

"Very good!" Teacher Lang confirmed the guess in his heart and turned around to block Chen Feng behind: "You are in a bad state now. Follow me closely. When you recover, you will retreat and shoot. We need yours. Firepower."

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