Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 580

Chapter 580: Parting Ways (part 2)

The conversation between Chen Feng and Zhao Wenxing at the boarding gate was only a few tens of seconds. How could it affect the takeoff of the plane? Zheng Zhirong couldn't help but retort: ​​"We'll be late for a while. How can it affect the takeoff? Xu Xin, I Tell you not to pick things up."

"All the students in the class got on the plane, why are you staying more? Isn't this a waste of our time? What do you say?" Xu Xin was prepared for Zheng Zhirong's counterattack, and actually encouraged other students to attack together he.

"You!" Zheng Zhirong realized that he had been trapped. Xu Xin deliberately agitated him to speak and then used it to attack. He didn't know how to argue.

"Hurry up and apologize. If we apologize to the classmates, we will forgive you." Murongxuan added fuel to the fire and directly demanded Zheng Zhirong's apology, and continued to challenge Zheng Zhirong's limit with arrogant eyes.

Zheng Zhirong almost couldn't help himself to challenge Murongxuan's authority. Fortunately, Nangong Mengdie always remained calm and directly held his arm to prevent him from losing control.

Next to him, Chen Feng stepped forward and blocked Zheng Zhirong behind him. On behalf of the three of them, he apologized to all the students in the cabin: "I'm sorry everyone, because we delayed the departure time. Please accept our apologies."

The other students didn't have too many thoughts, but Xu Xin took advantage of them. Hearing that Chen Fengfu Ruan didn't plan to pursue them anymore.

Xu Xin was reluctant. His plan was to use this incident to arouse all the students' dissatisfaction with Chen Feng's trio, and then achieve the purpose of isolating them. As a result, seeing this incident is about to pass, how could he be willing to prepare for another incident.

Chen Feng noticed that Xu Xin opened his mouth and was about to speak, and blocked his mouth first: "Since we have delayed the time, everyone should quickly prepare for takeoff and try to reach the Southwest Military Region as soon as possible."

When Chen Feng said so, the other students had no objection. They sat back in their seats one by one, fastened their seat belts and waited for the plane to take off.

After Zhao Wenxing arrived late, he was busy checking the safety of the cabin door and did not notice what happened here. He saw Chen Feng and the others standing in the corridor, urging them to sit down quickly: "What are you doing while standing? Sit down, airplane It's about to take off."

"Okay." Chen Feng pulled Zheng Zhirong behind him and found an empty seat to sit down. Nangong Mengdie followed him and sat next to him.

The plane looks small from the outside. The inside is indeed well decorated and the space is large. The students of the fighter class A still feel spacious when they enter it.

Xu Xin no longer has an excuse to lead the war. If he continues to entangle himself, then the character who is bored and hindered the takeoff of the plane will become him, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Xu Xin watched Chen Feng's every move with resentment, every time it was because of Chen Feng, because of this person's existence, his plan was always unsuccessful. This was the case when Hongshuibin was here, but now it is still In this way, it made him crazy.

"Thank you." After calming down, Zheng Zhirong figured out Xu Xin's conspiracy. He was scared into a cold sweat. Fortunately, Chen Feng and Nangong Mengdie were able to clear the siege in time. Otherwise, he might be an enemy of the whole class.

Chen Feng waved his hand and said that he didn't care. He was even more worried about what Xu Xin would do in the future: "As soon as Pan Yuguo left, Xu Xin couldn't wait to start performing. It seems that we will have trouble in the Southwest Military Region in the future."

"Especially Chen Feng, Xu Xin's eyes are always on you. You have solved his troubles time and time again, and he will definitely find a way to target you in the future." Nangong Mengdie is more sensitive than the two of them, she perceives Xu Xin's bitter gaze reminded Chen Feng to be more careful.

Chen Feng stretched out his hand helplessly, and had no other way of being careful: "He must make a trick, and I can't do anything else, let's see if he does."

A roar came from outside, and Chen Feng turned to look. It was the helicopter Pan Yuguo had taken off. It flew quickly to the southeast, and soon disappeared from Chen Feng's vision.

Pan Yuguo was the only one who needed to take the flight. The speed was naturally much faster than that of Chen Feng's plane, so it made sense that he would leave first.

"Take care!" Chen Feng silently wished Pan Yuguo all the best. Although they didn't have a deep friendship, they were sympathetic to each other. He didn't want any accident in Pan Yuguo.

Pan Yuguo's plane flew away, Zhao Wenxing also confirmed the number of students boarding, and ordered the pilot to start flying.

A slight shaking came from under him, and the plane to the Southwest Military Region finally took off, and the fate of all the students on the plane changed.

The journey to the Southwest Military Region was long and boring. Unlike the last time the students had to fly the mech by themselves, they had to spend energy to control the mech. They couldn’t do anything in the plane. Most students chose to sleep. Take over the unknown future and recharge your energy.

After sleeping for a long time, Chen Fengyouyou woke up and leaned out of the window to find that the plane had reached the top of the main base of the Southwest Military Region. The trauma of the ground platform of the main base still existed, and there were sporadic mechas patrolling around.

He patted his face to cheer up. Chen Feng looked at Zheng Zhirong and Nangong Mengdie beside him, and found that they were not awake yet, so he gently pushed and reminded them: "Wake up, we are almost there."

"So fast?" Zheng Zhirong rubbed his sleepy eyes, and he felt that he had only been asleep for a while, so why did he arrive all at once.josei

"It's here, wake up." Nangong Mengdie looked out the window and made sure what Chen Feng said was true.

After Zhao Wenxing contacted the personnel under the Southwest Military Region, he dutifully reminded: "Classmates, we are about to land soon, and it is time to get off the plane."

As soon as Zhao Wenxing spoke, the plane began to glide and land, and finally stopped near the main passage.

"Come with me." Zhao Wenxing led the students to get off the plane empty-handed. The baggage in the plane will be taken to the room for the students by a special person, so they don't need to worry.

They got on the elevator that was prepared in advance, and everyone began to go to the underground area. As they continued to go underground, Chen Feng really felt that he was finally back.

Walking out of the elevator with an inexplicable mood, Chen Feng was surprised to see Deputy Commander Murong Nanbo with his hands on his back, leading a team of people standing in front of the elevator door waiting for them.

"How could Murong Nanbo come to pick us up? Shouldn't this come from Commander Guan?" Zheng Zhirong didn't dare to make a noise on such occasions, approaching Chen Feng and asked softly.

Chen Feng himself still doesn't know the reason, how can he answer Zheng Zhirong's question: "I don't know, let's take a look."

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