Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 682

Chapter 682: Awards

"Oh? The deputy commander meant..." Guan Yuzhen raised his eyebrows. How could this Murong Nanbo, who had always been at odds with Chen Feng, suddenly changed his temper and spoke for his opponent uncharacteristically?

Murong Nanbo did not say any doubts or concerns, and took the initiative to help Chen Feng win the second-generation mecha: "I mean, Chen Feng and the four are already qualified to get the second-generation mecha. I believe they will get the second-generation mecha. It will definitely perform better."

"I have this intention." Since the most difficult deputy commander has no opinion, Guan Yuzhen decides to follow the boat. The early training has come to an end, and it is time for Chen Feng and the others to use the second-generation mecha.

Murong Nanbo said that he had no objection to Guan Yuzhen's decision, and he also took the initiative to apply to convey the decision on behalf of Guan Yuzhen: "Okay, then I'll continue to notify?"

"Yeah." Guan Yuzhen leaned back and sank deeply into the seat. This is his most comfortable sitting posture. Let's see what Murong Nanbo's tricks are.

Murong Nanbo had made arrangements before he came to the command room. The problem occurred when he ordered the second-generation mecha to the hangar. The hangar said that there was no spare second-generation mecha and could not be handed over to Chen Fengsi. people.

Murong Nanbo ended the communication and turned around to explain the situation to Guan Yuzhen: "Commander Guan, there is no ownerless second-generation mecha in the hangar. What do you think?"

Guan Yuzhen understood that this was a good play written and directed by Murong Nanbo, but he didn't try to uncover it but proceeded with it: "What about the batch at that time?"

"Oh, that batch of second-generation mechas. At that time, I stayed in the hangar and waited for the graduates to gain enough combat exploits and then gave them to them. As a result, there have been frequent battles recently, and the frontiers are in urgent need of combat power. I think they parked in the hangar There are also a lot of second-generation mechas in there, thinking that it is more important to transform them into combat power, so they are all allocated." Murong Nanbo said the pre-prepared rhetoric, and wanted to use it to get through.

At the same time, Murong Nanbo lowered his head and did not dare to look at Guan Yuzhen’s eyes. He knew that his statement was full of loopholes. As long as Guan Yuzhen studied deeply, he could find out the second-generation mechas hidden by him, but in order to prevent Chen Feng’s rise, he must Take the risk.

After Murong Nanbo finished speaking, he didn't dare to breathe. He waited nervously for what Guan Yuzhen would say, and kept praying in his heart: "Murong Xuan, I have done this, this time you must succeed!"

Guan Yuzhen did not express his approval or doubts, but instead leaned on the seat to stare at Murong Nanbo, as if thinking about things and seeming to be wandering away from the sky. The expressionless expression on his face made it impossible to guess what he was thinking.

Murong Nanbo is even more nervous. Although he has told Guan Yuzhen a lot of lies, today is the most unprepared one. As long as Guan Yuzhen sends someone to the hangar to check, he will lie that there is no extra second-generation mecha. Failure to attack and self-defeating will even become a reason for Guan Yuzhen to take back his position as deputy commander.

Guan Yuzhen didn't speak for a few minutes, and Murong Nanbo didn't dare to move for a few minutes, for fear that his bad performance would anger Guan Yuzhen.

As a result, Guan Yuzhen did not question Murong Nanbo's remarks, but asked the officer in charge of mecha deployment in the command room: "When will the next batch of mecha supplements arrive?"

The officer stood up abruptly. As a professional, he was so familiar with the information: "Report to the commander, the next batch of new second-generation mechas will arrive in 30 days, because we now have a greater loss of mechas, so add There will be more, and the number of mechas will reach 300 units."josei

"Okay, four units will be allocated to Chen Feng and the others at that time." According to this answer, Guan Yuzhen made a decision. When the newly added second-generation mecha arrives, each of Chen Feng and them will get one.

This decision of Guan Yuzhen made Murong Nanbo very satisfied. It is not realistic to prevent Chen Feng and the four from getting the second-generation mecha. What he needs most is to delay the time for them to get the second-generation mecha. Thirty days, it greatly exceeded his expectations.

Murong Nanbo had no objections at all, and directly obeyed Guan Yuzhen's decision, so the command room quickly discussed the unified reward for Chen Feng.

The four Chen Feng had outstanding performance during the ambush, and they had the credit of destroying the Mecha of the Creation Organization when they returned to the main base, so the reward this time was definitely not small.

After careful consideration, Guan Yuzhen made the final decision based on Murong Nanbo’s opinions and actual conditions: Chen Feng and four of them all get the second-generation mecha. This order will be implemented when the next batch of second-generation mechas arrive; in view of their The team leader Sun Youwei needs a new team leader and directly appointed Chen Feng as the new team leader. The team exists in number of four. As for the task, it will provide more challenging battles and will not let them waste anymore. On trivia about patrolling the base.

These three decisions are all beneficial to Chen Feng and the four. It can be said that Guan Yuzhen really fought for them this time. Of course, this is also because they never gave up and worked hard to show the rewards they deserve.

Murong Nanbo did not express any objection during the whole process, because he knew he could not stop him. If he said too much, he would be regarded as cautious. It would be better to support generously. Anyway, the second-generation mecha has not arrived, and Chen Feng also paid it. With injuries, it will take a while for these decisions to be effective.

"Murongxuan, it's up to you next." After leaving the command room, Murong Nanbo muttered to himself. He put all his sustenance on Murongxuan, hoping that the future star of this family is not talking big.

The commendation decision was quickly communicated to Chen Feng’s ward. At this time, the doctors had finished the examination. Zheng Zhirong, Nangong Mengdie and He Wenyong were all at Chen Feng’s bedside, recalling what happened after arriving in the Southwest Military Region. .

While talking, Chen Feng slightly raised his head and looked out the window where the medical staff were distributing medicines. Wars in the Southwest Military Region continued. They had to prepare all kinds of medicines as soon as they had time, so that there would be too many wounded people to provide them. occur.

"Thanks to them, I recovered very quickly, and now my head hurts a lot." Chen Feng is grateful for these medical staff. If they hadn't taken care of himself with all their heart, he might not be able to wake up, and even if he was awake It's impossible to get better so soon.

Zheng Zhirong didn't think so. He clearly remembered that at the beginning the doctor told him that Chen Feng's health was not serious and he was waiting: "Don't mention it, their judgment was wrong at the beginning, saying that your problem is not serious, as long as you wake up. "

"Zhi Rong, you have wronged them. The mental trauma cannot be detected by medical equipment. They can't accurately judge how serious Chen Feng's mental problem is." Nangong Mengdie said that this is not a medical staff problem.

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