Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 685

Chapter 685: Su Yin

What Chen Feng explained to Hongbin is also very clear. He will not rush to the danger zone and fight the mechas of other countries. In case of any accident, not only himself, but even the country may not be able to bear the loss. .

"Also, the college competition is about to begin, Chen Feng, will you watch it?" After talking about his own affairs, Hong Bin turned the topic to the college competition.

The new college competition is about to begin. The teachers and students of all participating schools are on their way to Langya Mecha Academy. Hong Bin is now in Azure City. The teachers and students of the Azure Mecha Academy are traveling together. The first time I learned.

Chen Feng looks like he would watch it of course. No matter what it is, he will watch the Academy Tournament and cheer for his alma mater: "I will definitely watch it, and Sister Magic Butterfly will also participate. I promised her to watch her. Every game."

"She, she will surely be remembered by many people. Do you still remember the friends I made at the Azure Mecha Academy that I told you?" Speaking of Nangong Phantom Butterfly, Hung Hsui Bin said to this quirky girl There was a deep reflection, and then he mentioned the friend he had told Chen Feng.

Chen Feng vaguely remembered that Hongshuibin did say it, but didn't know the name of this person: "Remember, it seems that the piano is very good, right?"

"Yes, he is now in the second grade, and he will also participate in the Academy Tournament." Hongshui Bin's expression is quite proud. The only friend he has made in Tianqing City can become a player in the Academy Tournament, so that his spirit can have Pinned.

Chen Feng was also happy for Hong Bin: "That's great! What is his synchronization rate? Maybe he can still play against Sister Huadie."

"That shouldn't be possible. His synchronization rate is only 89. Nangong Mengdie should be over 90 now. It stands to reason that the order of appearance will not meet together." Hong Bin shook his head, although friends can participate in the Academy for hegemony. Match, but with his strength, he can't play behind.

"It's a pity that the synchronization rate of Sister Huadie is 91, and it is breaking through to 92. There is another school with a synchronization rate of 92, that is, Tan Xuanyuan. It is estimated that he will be the trump card this time." The friends of the two cannot fight each other. Chen Feng feels that this is not necessarily a bad thing, and whoever supports it will be a big question if the winner must be divided.

"His name is Su Yin. In fact, his biggest hobby is not to be a pilot, but to be a pianist. This is a bit like Lin Xian. Everyone is training to drive mechas, so he always runs to even piano, otherwise With his talent, the synchronization rate and driving skills can be even higher." Hongshui Bin hates iron and steel, obviously this friend has a talent that most people envy, but he puts his energy on another. aspect.

Chen Feng felt that as long as Su Yin was still driving the mecha, it showed his determination: "But he is still a pilot, but Lin Xianna has changed his connection and became a researcher in mecha technology. Scientific researchers."

"Maybe you are right, but Su Yin said that when the college competition is over, he is going to organize a small piano concert and invite relatives and friends to listen to it. When is he thinking about this kind of thing." Chen Feng persuaded that what actually made him worry about this friend was that he was still thinking about organizing a concert instead of focusing on the distribution of military areas after graduation.

"Everyone has their own ambitions. Let me tell you that the emperor of Buddha Laye here is also a person who loves rhythm. The weapons and special machines used can create wonderful music. Maybe your friend will be like this in the future. Pilot." Chen Feng thought that Su Yin's hobby is very similar to Brahman Kaul, and that it may not be similar in the future.

Hongshuibin cracked his mouth and smiled with satisfaction. He called Chen Feng this time mainly to enlighten him, and the result was exactly what he thought. He can sleep well this night: "Haha, then accept You are auspicious, talking to you is happy, and the troubles are eliminated in a few clicks."

"It's okay if you can figure it out, is there something else? I still have something to deal with." After talking to Hongshui Bin for a long time, Chen Feng was a little tired mentally. After all, he was still unhealed and couldn't spend a long time.

Hearing the meaning of ending the call in Chen Feng’s words, Hong Bin waved goodbye: "It’s okay, I am going to the Royal Academy. Chen Feng is waiting to see my trial flight~"

"Yeah, definitely." Chen Feng hung up the phone, buried his head under the pillow in pain, and chatted with Hongshui Bin for too long. Now his head began to ache severely again, and bursts of pain emanated from his mind. Chen Feng's endurance is beyond ordinary people's yelling.

When Chen Feng tried his best to suppress the pain in his mind, his cell phone rang again, but his attention was focused on suppressing the pain. He didn’t realize that someone was calling him, and let the phone ring again and again. It was never received in time.

After a long time, Chen Feng turned over exhausted and lay down. Finally, there was no more pain in his brain. Instead, there was a sense of emptiness, as if his brain had been hollowed out, there was nothing in it, and he fell into a deep sleep with empty thoughts.

When Chen Feng woke up again, it was already night. Zheng Zhirong and the three of them finished their training and returned to the infirmary. Nangong Mengdie also intimately brought back dinner for Chen Feng and let him enjoy it directly in bed.

As a result, Chen Feng was grateful for the lunch box that Nangong Mengdie handed over. He swallowed all the food inside. The most needed recovery is physical strength. His stomach was groaning with hunger. This dinner came just in time. .

He Wenyong noticed that Chen Feng's mobile phone indicator was flashing, which means that an incoming call has not been answered, and he reminded: "Chen Feng, you seem to have a call but did not answer."

"No, I talked with Shui Bin for a long time in the afternoon. Could it be that there is still a phone call." Chen Feng couldn't think of anyone else who would call him. Everyone he knew in the past few days has contacted him. .josei

"Open it and take a look." Zheng Zhirong helped Chen Feng bring the phone over and let him see who was calling.

Chen Feng swallowed the last food in a few swallows, took the phone and saw that there were more than a dozen missed calls in it. The names of the calls were all the same person. Then he turned his face to Nangong Mengdie: "It's Sister Fandie, why did she go again? Call me alone?"

Nangong Mengdie doesn’t know her sister’s thoughts. She deliberately doesn’t want to talk to Chen Feng with You Jia, so she finds time to contact Chen Feng alone. I’m afraid the Academy Tournament is about to start, and she wants to ask Chen Feng to encourage herself. .

But how could she say such words so well, she could only pretend to be stupid and said: "I don't know, why don't you go back and ask?"

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