Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 719

Chapter 719: Undercurrent

In the command room of the Southwest Military Region, Guan Yuzhen said to Murong Nanbo: "You go to the scene to investigate."

"Go to the scene? Didn't we have confirmed that this incident was an accident? What are we going to investigate?" Murong Nanbo didn't understand Guan Yuzhen's meaning. He knew that Su Yin's death could not completely depend on Chen Feng's head, so he I never thought of going to the scene to investigate the traces of the battle again, and justified the matter as an accident based on the inquiry of the parties.

"Your investigation is inadequate, do you need me to say more?" Guan Yuzhen squinted at Murong Nanbo. Although he didn't know what was going on here, Murong Nanbo confirmed the identity of the deceased in such a short time. , And quickly identified it as an accident. As the person in charge of the investigation, it was too hasty.

Guan Yuzhen's gaze was like a torch, Murong Nanbo shivered with fright, lowered his head and dared not look directly at Guan Yuzhen's eyes, and replied respectfully: "It was my negligence. I only referred to the person's confession. I will go to the scene again to find out. The truth of the matter."

"It needs to be checked. Since Principal An is coming over, we have to check all the details for him so that he has no reason to attack Chen Feng. Do you understand?" Guan Yuzhen then retracted his gaze and explained why he wanted to Let Murong Nanbo run this trip exclusively.

"Yes, I will set off right away and promise to restore all the battles." At this point, Murong Nanbo naturally can't stay in the command room anymore, running all the way out to execute Guan Yuzhen's orders.

However, in Murong Nanbo’s heart, he disapproved of Guan Yuzhen’s precautions: "Chee, I still want to find a way for Chen Feng and others. Although Chen Feng is indeed not his fault for killing Su Yin, it is a pity that our target person is not Principal An. Commander Guan, you have miscalculated this time."

I didn’t agree with him, but he still had to do superficial work. Murong Nanbo went to the hangar and boarded his modified plane. He brought a few guards and trace analysis experts and quickly rushed to the place where Chen Feng killed Su Yin by mistake. Come down and prepare for Chen Feng's defense.

Hongshuibin waited in the Royal Academy for a few days, and never received any contact from Su Yin. Although they were on a secret mission this time, Su Yin’s mission will not take a few days, and it should be almost time to return. .

Having never heard from Su Yin, Hongshui Bin couldn't sit still a little bit. He happened to take a test flight today for routine maintenance. He took a taxi to the Azure Mecha Academy and wanted to personally confirm the information of this wave of students going to perform the task.

In the school, Hong Bin passed by each student, but they did not say hello to each other. Although he lived in Tianqing City for nearly a year, he was still a stranger to the people here because of the two mechas. The grievances of the college prevented him from integrating well into the circle of life here.

Only Su Yin generously accepted Hongshui Bin, and became a very good friend with him under the pressure of the people around him. He always wanted to get him if there was nothing to do, and he shared his talent on the piano with Hongshui Bin. Hongshuibin felt a touch of warmth in Tianqing City.

So after never getting the communication from Su Yin, Hong Bin immediately rushed over to the Azure Mecha Academy that he didn't like, and wanted to get useful information from the students here.

When he arrived at the teaching building of Fighter A Department, Hong Bin saw that all the students inside were taking classes seriously, but only five students who participated in the Academy Tournament were missing, which shows that Su Yin and the others have not returned.

So Hongbin waited outside the classroom. He has graduated and he doesn’t need to go to school anymore. Besides, he learns all the courses that are being taught in the classroom, so he doesn’t need to learn it again. Just wait outside. .

After waiting for a long time for the teacher inside to announce the end of get out of class, Hong Bin rushed in and found the roommate who lived with Su Yin and asked, "Is Su Yin back? Have you seen him these days? Yes. News from him?"

"No, he and several other classmates have been away from school for several days. Principal An said that they were out on a mission, and we have no news of him." The student raised his head, and he knew that Hsu Bin was Su A good friend of Yin would come to ask himself if he was out of concern, but he didn't give Hung Hung Bin a face on this matter.

"Oh...Thank you." Unable to ask the answer he wanted to know, Hongshui Bin regretfully left. The other students in the classroom looked at him, and if he stayed for a while, he might not be able to leave easily.

What is Su Yin? Even his roommate doesn't know that something happened, right? The more he thinks about it, the more he feels that this speculation is likely to happen, but he is still very confident: "If you really run into trouble, as long as Su Yin goes to Chen Feng, they will definitely solve it. By the way, I can fight Chen Feng. Call and ask him if Su Yin has called him."

Just do it. Hong Bin took out his mobile phone to call Chen Feng. At this moment, a voice came from his side: "Isn't this classmate Hong Bin? Why did you come back to school today? "

Someone took the initiative to say hello, and it was impossible to deal with it. Hongshui Bin put a smile on his face and said politely: "Hello vice principal, there has been no news from Su Yin these days, so I came to look for him, but I didn’t expect even his roommates I don’t know his situation, it’s so strange."josei

It turned out that the person who called for Hong Bin was the vice president of the Azure Mecha Academy, who was also responsible for contacting the military department and guiding the students to complete their tasks.

Principal An repeated Su Yin's name, and then made a very clear expression of himself: "Su Yin, something happened while he was performing his mission, but you don't know it yet..."

"Something happened to Su Yin? Didn't he perform secret missions in the Southwest Military Region in the past? What can happen in our own country? The vice principal, please tell me." Hong Bin couldn't believe his ears, and the vice principal said Su Yin had an accident. This was the news he didn't want to hear.

"Since you are considered to be a student of our school, I will tell you, but you can't tell others." As if unable to withstand the ups and downs of Hongbin, the vice principal said embarrassingly: "On the way to the mission, our school The five students from the Southwest Military Region clashed and fought with the pilots there. As a result, the five of them lacked combat experience and were defeated and separated. Su Yin and he..."

Speaking of the critical moment when the vice principal actually sold Guanzi, Hung Hung Bin remembered scratching his head, for fear that Su Yin would be implicated because of the mission failure: "What happened to Su Yin? Vice principal, you should speak quickly!"

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