Mecha Breaks the World

Chapter 758

Chapter 758: Chen Feng is not dead?

"As long as you get Chen Feng back, you don't have to regret it. If you want to apologize, just tell him." You Jia doesn't know what happened between Shuhuibin and Chen Feng, and simply thinks that Shuhuibin feels sorry for their friendship. , Fortunately, we persuade Hong Bin not to do this.

You Jia misunderstood what she meant, but Hongshui Bin was too embarrassed to explain more. He simply went wrong and went wrong: "Then I went to Chen Feng?"

"Go, you are under a lot of pressure. Pay more attention to your body." In just a few words, You Jia can't eliminate the estrangement with Hongshuibin, but she still hopes that Hongshuibin will not ignore the right while looking for Chen Feng. Take care of your own body.

"I will." Hong Hung Bin gave You Jia a deep look, patted his chest and promised. You Jia still cared about him already moved him very much, and didn't dare to ask for more.

When Hongshuibin and You Jia finished the dialogue, he immediately found Murong Fan and told him that he was eager to drive the mech to attack: "'War God', Chen Feng may not have an accident yet. I want to drive the mech to find him as soon as possible. !"

"Then we will speed up and go to the hangar." Murong Fan did not listen to the content of the phone call from Hongshui Bin, but from the expression of Hong Bin, we could see that things had changed, and brought them to the hangar.

When Murong Fan asked the person in charge of the hangar for a mecha, the person in charge was stunned. A prisoner who was in prison was taken out and wanted to borrow a mecha to leave the base. This sounds like It is as ridiculous as it is.

The person in charge couldn't make up his mind, so he hurriedly contacted Guan Yuzhen in the command room, and threw this problem away, and wanted Guan Yuzhen to help him make a decision.

Not long after Murong Fan took Hongshui Bin out of the prison, and now he is clamoring to let Hongshui Bin drive out of the mecha, Guan Yuzhen is also a little confused. This "War God" is really doing whatever he wants. He completely regards the main base of the Southwest Military Region as himself. Home court.

Guan Yuzhen thought for a while, and finally asked the person in charge of the hangar to provide Hongbin a mecha. Since Murongfan came from the military department, then the military department should be clear about what he did, and there won't be too many problems. , Still give him a face and try to cooperate, otherwise no one in the Southwest Military Region can hold him down if Murong Fan gets into trouble.

After receiving Guan Yuzhen’s instructions, the person in charge of the hangar found a second-generation mecha for Hongbin. Murong Fan asked for mecha. I can’t take out the eliminated mecha. It seems that the Southwest Military Region is too Chilling.

When Hung Hung Bin boarded this second-generation mecha, the person in charge of the hangar was very nervous to follow by, for fear that Hung Hung Bin drove the mecha directly to the road. The military department’s punishment decision has not been notified to the Southwest Military Region. Start and release criminal charges.

Murong Fan could see the worries of the person in charge of the hangar, but who Murong Fan was, one of the three world war gods, didn't bother to explain to him.

However, after fighting with Chen Feng, Hongshui Bin has grown a lot, and he took the initiative to talk to the person in charge of the hangar: "Don't worry, I will just go out to find Chen Feng and will not run away."

The person in charge of the hangar was still dubious and unfounded. He was not familiar with Hong Hung Bin, and this young man had just attacked Chen Feng, who belonged to their Southwest Military Region. It would be good if the people in the Southwest Military Region were not hostile to him.

Seeing that he couldn't fully convince the other party, Hong Bin had nothing to do, then use actual actions to prove himself, start the mecha a few steps forward and walk to the center of the passage to prepare for departure.

When Hongshuibin was about to walk out of the hangar, he suddenly stopped and asked Murong Fan, "Won't you go with'War God'?"

"You can go, I have other things." Murong Fan asked Hongshui Bin to act on his own, and he did not intervene in searching for Chen Feng.

But in fact, Murong Fan didn’t do anything. He just went to the command room of the main base to sit side by side with Guan Yuzhen and talk a few words. He just wanted to see if Hung Hung Bin was allowed to act alone, whether it was true or not. If he can get Chen Feng back, this will affect his final decision.

Although Guan Yuzhen didn’t know what medicine Murong Fan was selling in the gourd, he could perceive Murong Fan’s strangeness, so he didn’t send another person to follow Hongshui Bin, so Hongshui Bin drove the mecha alone and returned to the incident with Chen Feng. A place of fierce fighting.

When he came to the land where Chen Feng was last engaged that night, Hongshuibin looked at the huge hole hundreds of meters above the ground. The ground was messy and messy. The fragments of the body's wreckage were scattered everywhere, and the trees that were blown up lay all over the place. The surroundings were all caused by his previous self-destruction test flight, and the degree of danger can be seen.

Because of Yuzhen's special explanation, all the mechas that came to search did not move the debris of the mecha on the scene, so that once Hongbin came to look for it by himself, he could better integrate into the similar environment.

This really brought great convenience to Hongshui Bin. Looking at the mecha wreckage scattered on the ground, Hongshui Bin's heart gradually emerged from the various processes of Chen Feng's fight.

But unfortunately, after several waves of mecha teams, the old mecha’s action trajectory was almost destroyed. It was impossible to restore the scene of the battle at that time, so Hongshuibin could barely find what Chen Feng faced at the time according to his own memory. direction.

Since Chen Feng was driving an old-generation mecha, the cockpit was placed on the chest of the mecha. The explosion was generated in front of Chen Feng, so if he ejected, the cockpit would fly behind his chest, so Hong Bin only needs to focus Just look for the area where Chen Feng’s mecha is facing away.

Some people may ask, isn't the cockpit of the first generation mecha on the front chest, and the cockpit is boarded from the front of the mecha. Why does the cockpit fly behind the chest when it ejects.

This is because the mecha can be destroyed in many ways. It is very likely that you were destroyed by someone head-on. Then when you ejected the cockpit, you still bounced forward. Isn't this a dead end?

Therefore, when the first generation of mechas was designed, the cockpit was made into a structure that can be ejected from the front and rear. Whether you are defeated frontally or attacked by someone behind, you can find a suitable way to escape.

On the second-generation mecha, the ejection of the cockpit has been further improved. Because the head of the mecha is prominent, it can be ejected from a lot of angles, so it can be ejected from any direction you want. You Jia therefore gave The upgraded defense system has added an automatic identification system, which will intelligently help the pilot plan the safest ejection angle.

After a few days, Hongshuibin walked back to the center of the battle with Chen Feng. This is also the deepest place in the pit. The self-detonation power of the test plane he was driving spread outwards, artificially creating this huge pit.josei

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