Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 58 – Promotion to a Level-3 Apprentice Warlock

Chapter 58 – Promotion to a Level-3 Apprentice Warlock

Chapter 58 – Promotion to a Level-3 Apprentice Warlock

Translator: Xaiomoge

“What a vicious woman! Sooner or later you’ll pay for today!” Yang Feng gave Eunice’s Warlock Tower a deep look, and a chilly gleam flickered deep within his eyes, and then he turned around and left.

After entering the inner court, Yang Feng was busy studying various bodies of knowledge every day.

In the inner court, some official Warlocks gave free public basic courses every day. As for the precious knowledge, a lot of magic stones were required to be exchanged for.

In order to obtain knowledge, many inner court students would do missions, and then exchange the earned magic stones for knowledge and cultivation resources.

With the Steel City’s wealth to support, Yang Feng had no lack of magic stones. He eagerly study and digest a variety of knowledge every day. He was well aware that his aptitude was far behind that of the Turandot Subcontinent’s geniuses. And even though he had the help of the super intelligent robot 3796, he still had to strive hard to be able to catch up to those geniuses.

Time passed, and it was a year later in the blink of an eye.

Within a practice room, Yang Feng opened his eyes and said in a deep voice: “Scan my physical constitution!”

<Begin scanning!>

<Yang Feng, basic attributes: strength 8.1, agility 8.5, physique 8.7, spirit 9.2.>

<Bloodline: earthling waste.>

<Soul aptitude: superior level-3.>

<General evaluation, classified as a level-6 life form, evolution potential has been exhausted.>

<Warning! The host’s physical constitution has reached the limit. Continuing to ingest the high energy physical constitution strengthening elixir Dragon Blood Elixir will instead be detrimental to the body.>

Yang Feng frowned and forced a smile: “Sure enough, even the top Dragon Blood Elixir won’t be able to promote my physical constitution any longer.”

During the past year, Yang Feng has consumed the precious Dragon Blood Elixir and Mermaid Tears Elixir in order to promote continuously, and he even surpassed the geniuses Jessica with superior level-6 soul aptitude and promoted to a level-3 Apprentice Warlock. However, his evolution path was already severed, and common resources and elixirs were simply unable to let him promote to an official level-1 Warlock.

Yang Feng grabbed a piece of iron and used his force to knead it, and the piece of iron immediately deformed. The corners of his mouth curved into a smile: “Nevertheless, my current physical constitution is far beyond what it once was. Even without using magic, a casual punch from me can kill a Knight rank expert.”

When he has just transmigrated into the Turandot Subcontinent, Yang Feng couldn’t even defeat a peasant. Now, however, his physical constitution was more that 10 times stronger, and his battle prowess was upgraded by more than a 100 times.

With the improvement of his physique, Yang Feng’s learning ability has also increased. He could distinctly feel that his learning ability has increased by more than 10 times.

The comprehension ability of Warlocks increase along with their evolution. Each upgrade in rank was accompanied by large transformations in physical constitution, learning ability, and other aspects. Due to this, it was very difficult for lower rank Warlocks to prevail over higher rank Warlocks.

At this moment, a robot standing beside him spoke with a synthetic voice: <Master, Inna and Anya request to see you!>

Yang Feng responded flatly: “Take them to the living room to wait for me.”


Yang Feng went to a bathroom for a hot bath and a change clothes, and then went to the living room.

When Anya and Inna saw Yang Feng, they felt a strong life force fill his body that completely suppressed their life force, and they realized that he has promoted to a level-3 Apprentice Warlock.

Anya’s beautiful eyes flashed with mixed emotion, her voice was laced with jealousy: “Yang Feng, congratulations on promoting to a level-3 Apprentice Warlock!”

There was a flash of jealousy in Inna’s eyes, yet she said flatteringly: “Astounding! Yang Feng, your rate of improvement is really astounding. Your progress is the quickest from your batch of students.”

A year ago, Anya and Inna were already level-2 Apprentice Warlocks, a year later, they were still level-2 Apprentice Warlocks, and their progress was very faint.

Yang Feng smiled and responded modestly: “I was just lucky!”

When converted to magic stone, the various resource that Yang Feng has spent during the past year would be enough to let a level-1 Apprentice Warlock with a superior level-4 soul aptitude to promote to an official level-1 Warlock. As such, it was no wonder that he has promoted to a level-3 Apprentice Warlock.

Anya spoke gravely with a serious expression on her face: “Yang Feng, have you heard of golden blood?

Startled, Yang Feng’s eyes congealed, and he said in a deep voice: “Golden blood? Do you mean aurum blood essence that can purify your soul and upgrade you soul aptitude?”

Aurums were a race that the founder of the 2nd Warlock Dynasty the Taboo Lord discovered when colonizing other planes. Aurum blood essence possessed the mysterious power to purify a person’s soul and upgrade their soul aptitude.

After nearly slaughtering all of the aurum experts and extracting their blood essence, the Taboo Lord has significantly upgraded his soul aptitude. When he broke his curse of a low soul aptitude, he advanced by leaps and bounds on the Warlock path, and then finally founded the 2nd Warlock Dynasty and became one of the 10 strongest people of this plane since the beginning of time.

Due to its miraculous effect, aurum blood essence has naturally attracted the greed of countless Warlocks. After a long period of time, the aurums were practically exterminated, while the aurum remnants left their original plane, scattered and hid in the various planes, and became existences that could only be found through good fortune.

In the Turandot Subcontinent, within the last thousands of years, only one vial of golden blood has emerged in an auction.It was a treasure for which even Great Warlocks would go crazy.

“That’s right, it’s that legendary golden blood.” Anya nodded her head, and then continued: “When I traveled through the Obscure Mountain Range, I obtained information on a relic. This relic was the headquarters of a mid-level Warlock organization of the 3rd Warlock Dynasty called Gloom Cave. The golden blood that appeared last time in an auction came precisely from the Gloom Cave’s relic. There’s a very high possibility of finding golden blood in the Gloom Cave’s headquarters. After all, although golden blood was precious during the era of the 3rd Warlock Dynasty, but it wasn’t as rare as it is now.”

Yang Feng’s eyebrows wrinkled, and he said in a deep voice: “The ruins of the Gloom Cave’s headquarters? Such a place if full of dangers, it’s not a place that Apprentice Warlocks can investigate.” josei

Level-3 Warlocks were fearsome extraordinary life forms. As long as they didn’t restrain their life force, then even a bit of it leaking out coupled with rich energy particles could form various strange phenomena.

If ordinary people entered a dwelling of a level-3 Warlock, then they would die without the shadow of a doubt. As mid-level organization in the the 3rd Warlock Dynasty, theGloom Cave definitely had Great Warlock experts keeping watch. This relic was surely filled with dangers. It wasn’t a place that ordinary Apprentice Warlocks could explore, and even level-1 Warlocks would find it very dangerous.

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