Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 680 – Defeating Grand Duke Tolle

Chapter 680 – Defeating Grand Duke Tolle

Chapter 680 – Defeating Grand Duke Tolle

Translator: Xaiomoge

Grand Duke Tolle creased his eyebrows, a look of worry in his eyes: “Pig-headed!”

Since many of God Blood Plane’s kindred grand dukes aren’t willing to stake it all on fighting the first-rate Infinity Warlock Yu Yan, they take turns attacking her. This is how Yu Yan and Yu Tianling managed to escape again and again.

“True Blood Blood Flames Transformation!”

Grand Duke Tolle took a deep look at Yu Yan, and countless scarlet runes suddenly emerged from his body.

An area 1,000 metres in radius was covered by scarlet.

The bodies of all life forms within this area fluttered, and blood essence inside them shot out, turned into specks of scarlet light, and entered grad Duke Tolle. josei

“Damn it! He’s going all out!”

Surprised, a dignified look overcame Yu Yan’s beautiful eyes.

True Blood Blood Flames Transformation is a kindred secret method that ignites the true blood inside them and forms a domain similar to a divine domain with them as the center.

Inside the domain, all existences below the Moonlight Warlock rank will have their blood essence extracted and turned into the source of power of the true blood kindred, and the strength of the true blood kindred will be increased by one rank.

“Black Fenghuang Absolute Thrust!”

Yu Yan clenched her pearl-white teeth and unleashed a secret method to squeeze out the power inside her. Her body suddenly expanded, black flames enveloped her Black Fenghuang Spear, and the spear issued buzzing sounds.

Yu Yan took a step forward, the space swayed slightly, and a black ray emerged in front of Grand Duke Tolle and thrust at him like a bolt of lighting.

Grand Duke Tolle joined his hands together, and berserk blood energy poured out and formed a scarlet whirlpool.

Yu Yan thrust her spear into the scarlet whirlpool and pierced through three-fourths of it in an instant.

Just before Yu Yan’s Black Fenghuang Spear was about to run through the scarlet whirlpool, her body fluttered, and she dropped down like a shooting star, slammed into the earth, and blasted open a large hole 100 meters in diameter in the ground.

Inside the large hole, Yu Yan is trembling and loosing a copious amount of blood from all over, dying her red. She can hardly move.

“Sister!” Yu Tianling uttered a mournful cry, countless flames ignited around her, and she turned into a flame Fenghuang and stabbed her spear at Grand Duke Tolle.

“You’re too weak!”

Grand Duke Tolle glanced at Yu Tianling, smiled coldly, and spread the fingers of a hand, and numerous scarlet rays formed a world containing endless scarlet that swept towards her.

Swept by the world containing endless scarlet, the flames around Yu Tianling extinguished, and blood poured into her facial orifices and formed scarlet runes.

Yu Tianling’s beautiful eyes turned white, her delicate body trembled, and her face twisted, and strange runes spread on her body.

Yu Yan struggled to turn her head, looked into the void, and shouted; “Lei Ming, save my sister! I beg you! I agree to anything you want!”

“Lei Ming!”

Startled, Grand Duke Tolle turned to look in the direction Yu Yan is looking.

“No, behind me!”

Faint alarm bells went of in his mind, and Grand Duke Tolle turned around and saw a black ray flicker far away, and then appear before him in the wink of an eye. A sword ray enveloped with Fallen Angel Flames slashed towards him.

“Blood Realm Shield!”

Runes rose around Grand Duke Tolle and formed a huge blood shield blocking before him.

The sword ray containing Fallen Angel Flames crashed into the blood shield and sliced it open, and than cut open a huge wound on Grand Duke Tolle’s body.

“Fallen Angel! Pinnacle Infinity Warlock rank Fallen Angel! No, she’s stronger than that! Is that a secret treasure developed by a human Warlock for Fallen Angels? Damn human Alchemist!”

Grand Duke Tolle blurred into motion and retreated by tens of kilometres at once. At the same time, he swept out with his powerful soul force and found out that the person who attacked him is Alexia equipped with Ruler Armor, and his face fell.

Once she consumed the Infinity Warlock rank Fallen Angel heart, Alexia evolved into an intermediate Infinity Warlock rank Fallen Angel in one fell swoop. After equipping Ruler Armor, her combat power reached the quasi-Monarch Warlock rank. At a glance, Grand Duke Tolle can tell that something is amiss.


Grand Duke Tolle just wanted to speak, when black afterimages appeared before him, and seven sword rays pierced towards him from different directions.

A look of fury on his face, countless runes appeared around Grand Duke Tolle and formed a blood shield.

The sword rays pierced through the blood shield and stabbed Grand Duke Tolle, and Fallen Angel Flames enveloped him.

“Damn it! I’ll remember you! Wretched Fallen Angel, you are dead!”

Grand Duke Tolle issued an angry howl, then blurred and turned into nine blood rays shotting in different directions.

“Unfortunately these Infinity Warlocks are all crafty fellows. Unless you deal them a heavy blow from the get go, it is really difficult to kill them!” Along with a voice of lament, the space twisted and Yang Feng’s true body walked out and looked in the direction that Grand Duke Tolle escaped, regretful.

Yang Feng and Alexia have arrived in the vicinity earlier, but they just quietly watched the fight between Yu Yan and Grand Duke Tolle.

Yang Feng originally planned that if Yu Yan could achieve a draw with Grad Duke Tolle, he would take advantage of this opportunity to sneak-attack and kill another grand duke.

Only Yu Yan suffered too heavy injuries. Even though she tried her best, she could only make Gran Duke Tolle expend some power. The Fallen Angel Alexia possesses amazing fighting power, but doesn’t have strong enough spells to make a grand duke-titled kindred stay here.

Yang Feng glanced at Yu Yan and said with a smile: “Marshal Yu, I’m here to save you. According to the agreement, open your soul and let me set up a soul brand!”

Yu Yan took a deep look at Yang Feng, and then asked suddenly: “Do you have a planar passageway to freely come to God Blood Plane?”

Yang Feng smiled and answered: “I do! Once you leave God Blood Plane, you will be safe!”

The reason why Yu Yan and Yu Tianling are in such a sorry state is because they were hit by a tracking mark unleashed by a kindred grand duke who burned a drop of true blood.

Even though they are stuck with a tracking mark, but with their strength, it would take Yu Yan and Yu Tianling only two or three months to completely purify it.

But after being forced into God Blood Plane, Yu Yan and her sister were being chased by true blood kindred grand dukes and even kindred grand princes. After going through numerous fierce fights, they finally ended in their current state.

Yu Yan uttered decisively: “Okay, I will sign a soul contract with you. And I will tell you the secret of an archgod treasure-trove! However, I want you to let my sister leave safely!”

Yu Tianling’s pretty face changed dramatically and she shouted: “Sister! Don’t do it! Lei Ming, I will sign a soul contract with you! Please let my sister go!”

Yu Yan stared at Yu Tianling and shouted sternly: “Shut up!”

The age difference between Yu Tianling and Yu Yan is more than 100 years. Since Yu Tianling was brought up by Yu Yan, they both resemble a pair of sisters and a mother-daughter pair. Not daring to go against Yu Yan, Yu Tianling fell silent immediately.

Yang Feng uttered: “What level is the archgod treasure-trove? If it’s below the Infinity Warlock rank, then keep it to yourself!”

Yu Yan wiped off the blood from the corners of her mouth and said lightly: “It’s a treasure-trove of the Black Emperor. Is the level high enough?”

Yang Feng eyes radiated scorching light, and he said in a deep voice: “A treasure-trove of the Black Emperor! If it’s true, then the level is indeed high enough!”

The Black Emperor was a Warlock Emperor rank existence of the archgod era. Much like the human Seven Warlock Emperors, he also once dominated Cangzhi Plane and suppressed countless experts.

Archgods are far stronger than humans. According to legend, archgods are the descendants of an Eternal. Humans give birth to only one Warlock Emperor rank powerhouse in each era at most. But in the archgod age, several Warlock Emperor rank archgods would appear at the same time.

In the era of the Black Emperor, a total of 13 Warlock Emperor rank archgods were born in Cangzhi Plane. After his sudden emergence, the Black Emperor successively slayed 5 Warlock Emperor rank archgods, subdued the remaining 8 Warlock Emperor rank archgods, and created the Black Emperor Court. The Black Emperor was a terrifying existence on the same level as the human Seven Warlock Emperors.

Yu Yan asked suddenly: “Can the Black Emperor’s treasure-trove be exchanged for the safety of the two of us?”

Yang Feng restrained the scorching light in his eyes and replied flatly: “Even if the Black Emperor’s treasure-trove really exists, it is replete with danger. I may not be able to get my hands on the treasures inside. Compared to the Black Emperor’s treasure-trove, I think that an Infinity Warlock is more valuable.”

Yang Feng’s true body only has Glorious Sun Warlock rank cultivation base. The Black Emperor was a peerless hegemon who dominated an era. According to reason, it won’t be easy to get a hold of his treasure-trove. As a result, compared with the dangerous and mysterious Black Emperor’s treasure-trove, he prefers Yu Yan who is one of Great Cloud Dynasty’s Eight Marshals.

If Yu Yan surrenders, then Yang Feng will have three Infinity Warlock rank powerhouses at his beck and call. With this fighting power, his side will be even stronger than the Ten Great Sects.

Yu Yan sighed slightly. With a thought, runes lit up, and her sole core that resembles a star emerged and shed all protection.

Yang Feng silently recited an incantation and touched Yu Yan’s soul with a finger. Countless soul runes wound around her soul core, slowly sank into her soul core, and finally carved a brand that belongs to him.

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