Mechanical God Emperor

Chapter 880 – Declaration of War on the World

Chapter 880 – Declaration of War on the World

Chapter 880 – Declaration of War on the World

More than a dozen energy machine guns extended from the Gunner Robot and rumbled, and light beams poured down.

Swept by the light beams, the neat square formation formed by the 20,000 soldiers of the state of Foney suddenly erupted with splatters of blood.


The officers of Foney yelled wildly.

The 20,000 soldiers raised their rifles and fired into the sky.

When the dense barrage of bullets hit the energy shield of the Gunner Robot, they ricocheted, not harming the unit in the least.

As one of the weakest kinds of battle robots of the xizu, Gunner Robots are mainly responsible for suppressing some weak races and maintaining law and order in the surface world.

Although Gunner Robots are fairly weak, but due to their simple structure, they are easy to manufacture. Furthermore, they are cheap to build.

With Yang Feng’s current productivity, he can make 10 million Gunner Robots in a day. Moreover, the enhanced Gunner Robots are comparable to the weakest Starry Sky Warlocks in terms of fighting strength. However, this kind of unit cannot even be regarded as cannon fodder in a top-tier battle.

Yet this Gunner Robot, which cannot even be regarded as a cannon fodder, is an invincible existence in front of the soldiers of Foney.

Watching the Gunner Robot in the sky, Janison trembled, and his eyes flashed with despair: “What is this? How can we resist such a monster?!”

With a flash of a light beam, Janison’s head burst, and he fell on the ground, dead.

As if a fan closing, the machine gun light beams swept from the outside to the inside. There is no living person in the area swept by the light beams. josei

After the Gunner Robot annihilated the 20,000 soldiers, 20 Gunner Robots descended to the ground with flashes of light.

On the back of a Gunner Robot, an official from the Duke Ankh Family appeared and looked down at the barracks on the ground with a chill in his heart: “How scary. The 20,000 elites of Foney were wiped out.”

Under the guidance of the official, the unit formed by the 20 Gunner Robots began to take over the power of Foney.

The frightening legion quickly moved to all parts of the Anjleimaun Federation, and the Gunner Robots, who serve to preserve law and order, easily crushed the military forces of the Anjleimaun Federation.

Brigitte used Duke Ankh and President Bonney’s connections to dispatch numerous officials and quickly take over the power of the states that declared independence, killing their respective governors.

In less than three days, all overt resistance in the Anjleimaun Federation was suppressed without any suspense.

Numerous Gunner Robots appeared in various places of the Anjleimaun Federation to maintain the law and order in the federation. At the same time, many robots in human form entered various territories as Yang Feng’s tentacle and took control of the entire federation.

There are many spies in the Anjleimaun Federation, who quickly reported the things that happened in the Anjleimaun Federation to the rest of the world via telegram.

All of a sudden, the whole world was shocked, and countries panicked fell into a state of chaos.

A telegram was soon sent from the Anjleimaun Federation to make an announcement to the world.

“The Anjleimaun Federation has merged into the Holy Moon Empire and become the Seventh District under the rule of the Holy Moon Empire.”

“The Holy Moon Empire declares war on the Reganha Empire and orders the Reganha Empire to surrender unconditionally!”

“The Holy Moon Empire declares war on the Povistan Empire and orders the Povistan Empire to surrender unconditionally!”


In the telegram, the Holy Moon Empire declared war on all countries in the world and ordered them to surrender unconditionally.

Due to the telegram, all countries in this world entered a state chaos, and countless people spent a sleepless night.

As one of the three great empires in this world, the Reganha Empire’s comprehensive national strength is only slightly lower than that of the Anjleimaun Federation.

Reganha Empire, the capital Rizo, in the imperial palace, a white-haired emperor is sitting on the throne, with ministers of the empire standing on both sides of the hall.

There is a strange atmosphere in the hall.

The white-haired emperor, Root III, asked slowly: “The Holy Moon Empire declared war on our country. Ministers, what do you think of this?”

The ministers stayed silent.

Prior to the Holy Moon Empire, if anyone dared to declare war on the whole world, they would be seen as a fool and a madman. However, Yang Feng quelled the Anjleimaun Federation, which was slightly stronger than the Reganha Empire, within three days. Everyone shuddered at the thought of this terrifying fact.

The Reganha Empire also has spies in the Anjleimaun Federation, and the information they obtained from those spies was unbelievable.

A few invulnerable robots destroyed the elite army of a state in the Anjleimaun Federation and filled its streets.

After several exchanges with the intelligence centers of other countries, the Reganha Empire confirmed that the information its spies sent back is factual.

After confirming the veracity of the information, the ministers of the Reganha Empire fell into despair.

The Reganha Empire is comparable to the Anjleimaun Federation in terms of military strength. Since the Anjleimaun Federation’s elite troops couldn’t even kill a few robots, the same must hold true for the Reganha Empire. The most terrifying thing is that the robots number hundreds and thousands.

When he saw the ministers stay silent, Root III frowned slightly and sighed helplessly.

Anyone would despair when faced with an enemy whose hair they can’t touch despite going all out.

“Your Majesty, are you still worried about how to deal with the Holy Moon Empire? As long as you agree to a condition, I will help you deal with the Holy Moon Empire.”

Suddenly, a light laugh sounded in the hall, wind blew by, and a handsome young man with blond hair and a brand of a god’s darling on the forehead appeared in the center of the hall.

Looking at the young man who suddenly appeared in the imperial palace, the countenance of the ministers flickered.

The imperial palace is heavily guarded by elite soldiers of the Reganha Empire. For the young man to be able to appear without any sign, that’s simply astonishing.

Seiler, the Prime Minister of the Reganha Empire, frowned slightly and asked slowly: “Who are you, young man?”

The young man replied with a smile: “I’m Polent, a divine descendant of the Transcendent Church’s Vajra Transcendent.

“The Transcendent Church!”

Upon hearing this term, the ministers felt shocked inside.

In the past, the Transcendent Church has dominated the entire world. Later, the gods decayed and miracles disappeared, and the Transcendent Church collapsed and disappeared into history.

These years, however, the Transcendent Church rose again and showed a variety of extraordinary powers, attracting countless people to join it. It formed a force that cannot be underestimated.

Even in the imperial palace, many ministers have colluded with the Transcendent Church for various reasons and some are outright people from the Transcendent Church.

Root III asked flatly: “Where does your confidence stem from?”

Polent smiled and took a step forward.


Along with a loud rumble, the ground burst open, revealing a huge hole, as if bombed by a heavy artillery.

Upon seeing this scene, everyone’s countenance changed greatly.

From both sides of the hall, dozens of bodyguards armed with rifles aimed at Polent.

With a wave of Root III’s hand, the dozens of bodyguards put away their rifles and stood aside.

Root III asked: “What is your condition?”

Polent answered with a smile: “Have the Transcendent Church become the Reganha Empire’s national religion and introduce a series of policies to support its growth.”

If a church has the support of the nation, it will expand rapidly in said nation.

Root III hesitated for a moment, and then responded decisively: “Fine, I agree. As long as the Transcendent Church can help our nation defeat the Holy Moon Empire, I will establish the Transcendent Church as our national religion and support it.”

Once the Transcendent Church develops and grows, religious power will definitely erode imperial power. Root III understands that the Transcendent Church is not something good. But now, even though he has to drink poison to quench his thirst, he must use the Transcendent Church to fight the Holy Moon Empire.

“Interesting. You want to compete with me by yourself?”

With a light laughter, the space in the palace twisted, a dark gate opened, and Yang Feng slowly stepped out from the gate and smiled at Polent.

Seeing this scene, the complexion of the emperor and the ministers of the Reganha Empire changed dramatically, yet no one dared to act rashly.

The way Yang Feng appeared in the hall exceeds the imagination of the Reganha Empire’s people.

Polent’s face flickered, his eyes filled with fear, and he asked respectfully: “I am Polent, a god’s descendent of the Transcendent Church’s Vajra Transcendent, may I ask who you are, sir?”

Using the power of space to freely cross the void and span a great distance is something that only true Transcendents can accomplish. Although Polent is a god’s descendant, but he is far from being comparable to a true god.

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