Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 1033

Chapter 1033

Chapter 1033

Chapter 1033 Franklin’s Orders

Matthew scoffed. “Do you really think everyone else is an idiot? Do you think you’re the smartest person here? I was suspicious at the start—I was wondering why you would intentionally allow us to catch you. I finally understood the reason when I went to the inn. You were doing it so that you could show us that Mom was on the move in an RV. You were misleading us so that we would search for the RV instead. But the truth is, Mom wasn’t in the RV at all!”

Minerva widened her eyes and stared at Matthew in disbelief. “H-How did you know that?”

“I didn’t. All I needed to know was the identity of the person who captured Helen!” Matthew uttered.

“W-What do you mean?” Minerva was puzzled. Even Tiger was confused by the situation—he didn’t understand what Matthew meant. “Wasn’t Aaron the one who took Helen away, Matthew?” Tiger eyed the other man curiously.

Matthew shook his head. “That’s what I thought at first. However, I found out that it wasn’t Aaron after all!”

“Aaron wasn’t the one who did it? Who was it, then?” Tiger was shocked.

“It was Franklin!” Matthew replied.

Tiger’s eyes were bulging. “Franklin?! That can’t be possible! Franklin didn’t do anything tonight. The only ones who came were Donovan’s trusted aides…”

Matthew shifted his gaze to look at Minerva, whose face had turned ghastly pale. “Am I right, Minerva?” he sneered.

She gritted her teeth. “I-I don’t know what you’re talking about at all!”

“We’ve already come to this point, and we’ve already saved Helen, so you don’t need to continue with your little tricks anymore, alright? Aaron never contacted you at all. Franklin was the one who paid you to do this!” Matthew hissed.

After glaring at Matthew and gritting her teeth for a while, Minerva finally let out a sigh. “H-How did you find out about this?”

“It’s because of the time,” Matthew muttered.

“Time?” she asked.

“W-What does that mean?” Tiger didn’t understand either.

“I went to the inn and got the surveillance tapes to view the videos where Helen was captured. The tapes showed that it was 12.50AM when it happened,” Matthew uttered.

“S-So?” Tiger scratched the back of his head. Matthew eyed him speechlessly. Tiger doesn’t use his brains often, huh? “According to your sources, Aaron only made a move at 1.00AM, Tiger. Before that, they were in the Lewis Residence, having a meeting about how they would deal with me. In other words, it would’ve been impossible for Aaron to do anything before 1.00AM. He couldn’t have gone over to bribe Minerva, and he couldn’t have told Minerva to lure Helen out. He couldn’t have captured Helen.”

Tiger’s eyes widened as he finally understood that situation. “Ah! What you just said makes so much sense! It’s impossible for Aaron’s men to have done anything before 1.00AM.”

“That’s why Aaron couldn’t have been the one behind this matter. The person who did this chose to go for Helen, who was alone in the hospital, instead of going for my wife and the rest of them. This shows that the whole event was extremely well-planned. This person knows a lot about our family, and he

knows where all of our family members were located. Furthermore, he knows our weakness—he knows the best person to target! Based on all of these clues, we can tell that the person had gone through extensive planning before making a move.”

Matthew glanced at Tiger as he continued with his words. “Let me tell you something. The person who has been silently attacking us is Franklin all along. I bet Aaron didn’t even know what happened in our family until tonight. How could he have come up with such a well-rounded plan?” Matthew uttered. “This shows that Aaron wasn’t the one who captured Helen. Instead, it was Franklin, who had long been planning this!”

Tiger clapped his hands when he finally understood the situation. “Woah, Matthew! Your deductions are so accurate! I can’t believe I had been so clueless this entire time. I nearly sent someone over to capture Aaron and force him to hand Helen over to us!”


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