Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 357

Chapter 357

Chapter 357

With just a sentence, Travis put all the blame on Matthew and even involved the Hughes.

Now, if Dr. Ellis still insisted him to apologize, he would be supporting Matthew in opposing the Hughes.

Undeniably, Travis was cunning and crafty as he was trying to force Dr. Ellis to change his mind using his family.

However, he underestimated Matthew’s ability.

Dr Ellis furrowed his eyebrows because he didn’t expect this to happen.

Despite that, he quickly made a choice.

“Mr. Larson, you’re representing Eastcliff in this competition, right? I’m so sorry. I didn’t know about that. Since you’re joining the competition, I’m definitely not qualified to join the competition anymore. Travis, please inform Mr. Harrison that I can no longer represent Eastshire in the competition.”

Travis was dumbfounded at once.

I was just intimidating you and pressuring you into making a decision. I didn’t say that you were not allowed to join the competition!

How am I supposed to explain to my family if you quit?

“Dr. Ellis, I-I was just joking. If you’re not taking part in the competition, what is Eastshire going to do? Besides, you promised my grandfather. How am I supposed to tell him about this? This matter concerns the future of Eastshire’s medical industry. Y-You can’t act on impulse!” Travis said anxiously.

Looking earnest, Dr. Ellis said loudly, “I didn’t act on impulse. However, since Mr. Larson is joining the competition, I shouldn’t shamelessly show off my mediocre skills in front of an expert like Mr. Larson!”

Matthew said softly, “Dr. Ellis, you don’t have to break your promise because of me.”

Dr. Ellis immediately explained, “Mr. Larson, you’ve misunderstood. I didn’t promise the Hughes anything. I only decided to come out of seclusion because I can’t bear to see Eastshire continue being at the bottom. This time, since everything is in your good hands, I won’t show off my meagre skills in front of you. Mr. Larson, please feel free to join the competition. If you need any help, please tell me and I’ll definitely do the best that I can!”

With a smile, Matthew nodded, and he started to have a good opinion of Dr. Ellis.

Although Dr. Ellis was rather haughty, he had a sincere attitude.

On the contrary, Travis was stunned because he knew that Dr. Ellis was true to his words.

Could it be that there was more to Matthew than met the eyes and he was an expert in medicine?

Travis found it hard to believe and couldn’t help but say, “Dr. Ellis, did you make a mistake? Matthew is just a janitor at the hospital. Besides, how can he be an expert in medicine at his age? Years of training are required before one can master medical skills. He’s just an immature brat. How can he be compared to you?

Dr. Ellis’s face grew grave while he scolded angrily, “What do you know? Your father is many years older than me and has trained in medical skills over ten years earlier than me. However, are his medical skills on par with me?”

Travis was embarrassed. “T-That’s because you’re a genius in medicine who only comes by every hundred years. Naturally, my grandfather isn’t your match…”

Dr. Ellis said seriously, “My meagre skills are nothing compared to Mr. Larson’s skills. If I’m a genius who only comes by every hundred years, Mr. Larson is one who only comes by every thousand years. I mean, he’s a prodigy in medicine!”

Travis widened his eyes in disbelief. In this world, who had ever received such a comment from Dr. Ellis?

Even experts like Leonard the Acupuncturist had never received such respect from Dr. Ellis.

But now, Dr. Ellis expressed such great admiration toward Matthew, who was only a young man. What was going on?

Could it be that he had indeed made a mistake and Matthew was truly a genius in medicine who had been hiding his light under the bushel?

If that was the case, had he just caused the Hughes Family to miss out on a genius in medicine due to his arrogance?


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