Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 495

Chapter 495

Chapter 495

Nicole shook her head. “I know what a bathtub is. I have a bathtub in my house. The one at Uncle Larson’s house is a real swimming pool. A really, really big swimming pool. He even has two of them. One in the front yard and one inside his house. It’s so much fun! Daddy says we can even go swimming in the indoor one during winter!”

Everyone was stunned. Not only did he have a swimming pool, but he even had two of them.

How could he live in such luxury?

Unable to resist, Grace looked at Matthew and asked, “Matthew, is that true? Y-You have two swimming pools in your house?”

Matthew simply smiled and did not answer.

They were all flabbergasted. Nicole did not seem to be lying.

Could it be that Matthew was really that rich?

But if that were true, then what was he doing as a janitor at the hospital?

After falling silent for a moment, Leo could not resist anymore.

He seized the opportunity and walked over to Julian with a wine glass in his hand.

“President Davis, a toast to you. It’s been a while since we last saw each other. Ever since we went to school together, I knew that you were going to be someone great. Indeed, you’ve become the top of our class. You’re making us feel so ashamed of ourselves. We can’t catch up to you!” Leo gave out a hearty laugh.

Julian felt a bit disgusted, but he still drank with him out of courtesy.

After they had a glass together, Leo continued to sit there and engage in small talk with him.

Julian was getting annoyed now. “Leo, can you get to the point?”

Leo smiled awkwardly then said in a low voice, “Well, our companies have had some business together lately, President Davis. But when we issued an invitation to tender, the department manager at your company seemed a bit biased against our company. As old classmates, we have a trustworthy relationship. So, I was thinking, President Davis, if you can help…”

Julian chuckled and shot Leo a glance. “So you wanted to talk about business. I was wondering why you were so friendly when we haven’t seen each other in years. Sorry, but the head office has procedures to follow in work-related matters. If you were disqualified, then that’s that, unless the head office changes their rules.”

There was a change in Leo’s expression. He quickly added, “President Davis, rules are not alive, but people are. We go way back. Think of our friendship. As long as I get the raw materials for you, the rules are not important. Don’t you think so?”

Julian burst into laughter. “Oh, Leo. You sure are opportunistic. But, if you tell me to break the rules in front of the leader at my head office, what do you expect me to do?”

Leo stammered, “W-What leader at your head office?”

Everyone else was also astonished. Grace murmured, “You don’t have to worry, President Davis. We’re all old classmates here. You can trust us. Apart from us, no one will know about this. There’s no way the people at the head office will find out!”

Julian smirked. “The leader of our head office is sitting right here, and you say he won’t find out?”

They were all in shock. “Who? Who is the leader of your head office?”

Julian pointed to Matthew. “Don’t any of you know? Matthew is the leader of our head office. His wife is our president!”

The room went silent.

They all stared blankly at Matthew.

Who could have imagined that was who he really was?

Grace immediately asked, “President Davis, are you mistaken? Isn’t he a janitor at a hospital?”

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