Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 538

Chapter 538

Chapter 538

Wendy was trembling with rage, and she was now completely let down by her father.

She never expected that her father would do such a thing.

To think he would say such heartless words and do such a brutal thing for his own benefit!

Matthew looked calm. “Don’t worry, I won’t do anything to you.”

“But your daughter will marry Ed, and there won’t be a betrothal gift, not even a single penny!”

“Cut the crap!” Brandon growled. “If I don’t receive ten million, even if I die, I won’t marry her to this trash!”

Matthew just smiled coldly and didn’t say anything.

At this moment, a man in a suit and leather shoes arrived at the door.

After he entered the house, the man greeted Matthew and Julian respectfully.

“Mr. Larson, President Davis, I have the information you wanted. Would the two of you like to take a look?” the man asked.

Matthew shook his head. “No, just show it to him.”

The man nodded and his gaze swept across the crowd. “Which one of you is Mr. Brandon Atkinson?”

Everyone in the Atkinson Family was surprised, and Brandon frowned. “That would be me. What do you want?”

The man glanced at him and then nodded. “Allow me to introduce myself. I am from the Carlson Law Firm, and we found that you had taken kickbacks on three equipment purchases, Mr. Atkinson. These data are the evidence. Would you care to have a look, Mr. Atkinson?”

Brandon was shocked. As the workshop director, sometimes he was indeed responsible for purchasing equipment.

Moreover, he really did receive kickbacks on the purchase of equipment.

In fact, it was common for people like him to take kickbacks. However, no one would look into these matters in general.

However, if someone really did look into it, it would not be a trivial matter, especially if they had evidence proving his guilt. In addition, Brandon had also gotten into an unpleasant fight with Director Zook just now. Once he was investigated, it would be enough for him to go to jail.

Brandon felt numb. He really couldn’t understand how Julian got the evidence with just a single call.

He originally thought the man was just shooting in the dark, but when he took the file and read it, he almost fell to the ground.

The information recorded here was all true. Moreover, the evidence that was provided by the supplier was solid.

In other words, all of this was enough to put him in jail.

Director Zook, who was standing at the side, looked really angry. “You sure have guts, Atkinson. I asked you to purchase equipment for the factory but you took kickbacks? No wonder all of the expensive equipment we bought for the factory broke so quickly! Just you wait, Atkinson! I’m not through with you with this matter!”

Brandon’s face reddened and he gritted his teeth as he said, “Director Zook, I-I only took less than 50,000. It’s not a big deal. I-I will pay back the factory. That should do, right?”

“Do you think this is just a simple case of losing money? Let me tell you, this incident has a huge impact on our factory. I will definitely see you sent to jail!” Director Zook growled.

Brandon grew anxious. “Director Zook, it was just a few ten thousand. It isn’t enough to have me sent to jail, is it? Moreover, this is common practice. I don’t believe that I’ll have to stay in jail for a long time for such a small amount of money!”

He then turned to Brandon and Julian once more. You ba*tards, you think you can scare me with something like this? It’s useless! Even if I go to jail, I will never let my daughter marry you! At most, I will go to jail for a few months and then come out. When the time comes, even if I have to give up everything, I will fight you to the end!”

Just then, the lawyer smiled. “Mr. Atkinson, I’m afraid the matter is not so simple. In this matter, if it was someone ordinary who sued you, you would indeed only need to go to jail for a few months. However, if our firm takes over the case, I guarantee with my reputation that you will have to go to jail for at least ten years!”

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