Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 545

Chapter 545

Chapter 545

Dennis looked dumbfounded. Why was his brother here as well? Behaving himself much better this time, he ventured first by asking, “W-Why are you looking for Ed, Tucker?”

Tucker replied, “Well, Master Burch told us to come and deliver a car to Ed. We heard that Ed is getting married tomorrow and might need a wedding car, so we’re all here; even Master Burch is in the car at the back. Alright, let’s cut the crap. Do you know where Ed lives?”

Dennis nearly spat blood upon hearing Tucker’s reply. He knew that Master Burch was a big shot who was even more powerful than Mr. Mussolini. Why would such a powerful figure deliver a wedding car to Ed as well? What exactly was going on?

Unwilling to reconcile himself to the fact, he asked, “Does Master Burch know Ed in person, Tucker? Why would he come in person to deliver a wedding car to Ed?”

Tucker answered, “I heard that he was instructed to do so by Master Tiger of South Street, one of the big shots in the city. Not only that, Stanley personally made the arrangements himself. Just think about it—even Master Tiger commands great respect in Eastcliff, not to mention Stanley. As a result, half of Eastcliff’s gangsters sprang into action upon their instructions.”

Dennis was flabbergasted. Both Master Tiger and Stanley were powerful figures whom he would never come into contact with. Stanley wasn’t a big deal; he existed more in legend than in reality since he had been concentrating on his business these years and rarely appeared in public. On the contrary, Master Tiger of South Street was truly formidable, for he was the real bigwig right now.

Apparently, many things credited under Billy’s name were actually Master Tiger’s work. What exactly gave Ed the honor to have these bigwigs ordering people to deliver wedding cars to him? Dennis couldn’t help but ask, “Ed is my cousin. W-Why am I not aware that he’s actually acquainted with so many big shots?”

Tucker’s eyes widened. “Really? You are a man of substance who never shows off, you brat! Is Ed really your cousin?”

Dennis nodded. “That’s right. His mother is my third eldest aunt!”

Tucker immediately gave Dennis a punch. “F*ck—you are going to get rich, brat! I heard that the matter this time was arranged by someone named Mr. Larson, who is Ed’s best friend. Tiger is mainly doing things for Mr. Larson right now. Now that your cousin knows such a bigwig in person, you will surely have a meteoric rise in the future, brat! Don’t forget about me by then!” Tucker was so excited that his voice quavered as he spoke. He could never get in touch with these bigwigs even in his wildest dreams!

Dennis was on the verge of tears right now. Had he known earlier that Matthew possessed such a great ability, he would have sucked up to the latter just now! Now that he had offended Matthew, he couldn’t go back and apologize to Matthew even if he wanted to. He wished he could kill himself on the spot right now. If he could get himself acquainted with Matthew, his connection with Ed alone would make him fare much better than Tucker in the future!

Dennis felt like crying, but he couldn’t shed a tear. He had forcibly made a mess of the golden opportunity just now! Just then, Tucker urged, “What are you waiting for, you brat? Hurry up and take us to meet your cousin.”

Dennis forcibly suppressed his heartache while telling Tucker where Ed lived. “You guys go ahead, Tucker. M-My stomach is upset, so I have to take some medicine.”

Tucker looked puzzled. He muttered, “Is your stomach upset? Are you suffering from appendicitis? Hurry up and come over later, you brat. You must introduce Mr. Larson to me; at the very least, you must

introduce me to your cousin. I’ve helped you so many times in the past, so don’t forget about me now that there is an opportunity!”

Dennis nearly fled the scene as he didn’t dare to say a word. All he wanted right now was to find somewhere to hide—it’d be even better if he could leave this city. Tucker would probably kill him before doing anything else if he learned that he had offended Matthew!

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