Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 556

Chapter 556

Chapter 556

Brandon was only released after all of the people in the community left. He nearly had a mental breakdown as he witnessed the entire process of people getting into the wedding convoy and leaving for the wedding. Like Laura, he simply thought that Julian was just a rich man; he had never expected for Ed’s friend to make the entire wedding such a huge deal.

Even if they disregarded the wedding convoy that was sent over, just the fact that he had booked the entire Times Hotel made it clear that he wasn’t your average Joe. Anyone would be able to tell that Ed’s friend was a bigshot in the whole of Eastcliff. Yet, they had offended a man of such status—Brandon felt like crying everytime he thought about it. This could’ve been his ultimate chance to find success easily, yet he ruined it all for himself. Anyone in his position wouldn’t be able to accept it.

He no longer had the energy to start a fight once he got home; he simply slumped onto the sofa with a gloomy expression. Laura and her siblings sat around him, each of them sighing frustratedly. They had utterly ruined everything this time.

Andrew, who stood beside them, sighed and mumbled, “If only we had supported Wendy and Ed’s marriage! Dad, do you think they’d let us enter if we go to Times Hotel right now?”

Although Brandon didn’t say anything, he had the same thought in his mind. However, he eventually gave up on this idea. Everyone else in our community has already left for the wedding; how could we shamelessly head over to Times Hotel right now? If they kick us out of the wedding, we’d probably be too ashamed to even continue living in this area.

Right then, someone flung the door open. Mike ran into the room, his body covered in blood as he immediately pointed toward Laura. “Are you f*ckers sick in the head? W-Why would you tell us to start a fight with them; do you think my life is too easy? Are you trying to make me die earlier?”

With a rather embarrassed look on her face, Laura quietly uttered, “Mike, I… I didn’t know either.”

He continued cursing. “Don’t you think I know you well enough, you b*tch? You must’ve looked down on them; you thought that they were no big deals, right? A dumb woman like you will be poor for the rest of your life. Forget it. Every word I say to you right now is just a waste of my saliva. Bring our wedding certificate to me tomorrow; I want to get a divorce!”

Laura panicked upon hearing this. Her wishes to avoid any laborious chores and to live leisurely had indeed been granted once she got married to Mike. Being with him allowed her to stay home and enjoy her life while he went out to work for money.

She was extremely satisfied with her marriage, and she often bragged about her husband in front of her friends. If they actually got a divorce, she’d be left with nothing. The same applied to Brandon as well— he had lost his job, so what would he do if he lost the son-in-law that he was so proud of as well?

“Mike… do you have to do this? This is just a minor setback you guys have encountered; you guys can talk it out, and it’ll all be fine. Why do you want to get a divorce? This isn’t entirely Laura’s fault either. Why don’t you guys talk things out once you guys are home? There’s no need to get a divorce, is there?” Brandon quickly chimed in with a smile.

Mike furiously shouted, “What’s there to talk about here? Do you even know what sort of people they are? Let me tell you guys—any one of these people could’ve easily crushed me to death. Even people like them were respectful and polite to Ed’s friends, yet you guys dared to judge them? Aren’t you guys just morons? I’d get myself killed sooner or later if I continued spending time with idiots like you guys!” Once Mike finished talking, he stormed out angrily with his men following behind him.

Laura collapsed onto the ground and began to wail. She hadn’t expected to fail in both her plot to get revenge and her marriage. After they sat around in the house for a while, a colleague that Brandon had never been too friendly with gave him a call. In a peculiar tone, he said, “Brandon, why didn’t you attend

the wedding? Your daughter’s wedding ceremony was marvellous; I’d never seen anything as grand as this. Also, Julian, the CEO, just announced that your son-in-law, Ed, will be taking over his position as the CEO! Brandon, your son-in-law will be in charge of the entire Wellness Herbary in the future…”

Brandon felt his entire body trembling as his phone fell onto the ground. He was utterly dumbfounded.

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