Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 590

Chapter 590

Chapter 590

“In that case, there shouldn’t be much of a gap in the amount lost by the construction company. How much do you need, Matthew? You can tell me, and I can transfer some funds to you just to fill the gap up for now,” Sasha said.

Matthew responded with a gentle smile. “It’s fine. Although the 300 million made a whole round and came right back to the construction company, the company still suffered a loss of 300 million in construction labor fees. Now, I have to find a way to earn this 300 million back with the use of this villa area that’s involved in the project.”

Sasha was stunned to hear this. “But the whole project is halted now. How are you going to earn anything from it? Young Master Lach’s in jail, and the Lach Family refuses to admit their faults. There’s nowhere else you can get this money.”

“It’s possible for the project to be continued if all procedures related to the villa area can be completed accordingly. Since Young Master Lach is in jail, we have the right to directly handle the villa’s development since we are the investors. Once we manage to sell these villas off, we’ll get the money back in our pockets, right?” Matthew suggested.

The woman’s eyes widened upon hearing this. “C-Can we do that? However, I heard that procedures for this housing area are pretty complicated. Young Master Lach struggled to deal with these procedures back when his old man was still around. Now that the entire city has their eyes on this area, it’s going to be even harder to get the procedures done, right?”

“That depends on how hard we try! I think we should give it a try regardless.” He grinned.

She gradually nodded as she uttered, “Okay. You go ahead then; just know that I will support you no matter what!” She felt a lot more relaxed after all the matters were cleared up. At the same time, she felt extremely glad—if Matthew really managed to handle the issues with the villa area, he’d definitely make a huge sum of money. Furthermore, they had already signed an agreement saying that James and Helen

weren’t allowed to meddle with the construction company’s businesses anymore. In other words, the huge sum of money would belong to Matthew himself and have nothing to do with Helen and James.

Meanwhile, the other four of them were gathered in the room downstairs.

“What is up with Sasha? Why does she care so much about a useless man who barely works and has to depend on her? She even considered selling her company shares just to help him—is she crazy?” Helen complained.

“Well, what’s the point of saying this now? I told you from the start; having this man under our roof is equivalent to having a hidden disorder. Regardless, he has already agreed to take responsibility for this whole issue, so I think we should seize this opportunity to throw him into jail. That way, we can find a better husband for Sasha too,” James said as he emphasized his point with hand gestures.

“Do you guys think that Sasha might secretly sell off some of her company shares just to fill in the missing money for Matthew?” Demi asked worriedly.

Both James and Helen’s faces changed the minute they heard this; this was what they were the most worried about. With his eyebrows furrowed, James said in a deep voice, “Don’t jinx it! However, based on the Sasha I know—it really is possible! No, we cannot let her sell the shares off, and we cannot let her give Matthew her money to cover things up. How about this? We can keep an eye on Sasha from tomorrow onward. Once she shows any intention of selling the company’s shares, we’ll stop her from doing so! Also, we’ll have to monitor the funds in the company to make sure that she doesn’t transfer any money to Matthew, alright?”

Demi nodded furiously. “I will do my best to keep an eye on them, Dad!” However, Liam piped up at that moment and said, “Dad, there’s no use for us to monitor them like that. If Sasha really wants to transfer her money or sell her shares, we wouldn’t be able to stop her. In my opinion, we should approach this from a different angle. We have to make it such that she would have no chance to even do any of these things.”

James froze for a second before he asked, “What sort of method are you thinking of?”

With a faint grin, Liam replied, “We can tell the company’s shareholders about the lost 300 million; they’ll definitely disturb and trouble Matthew. In that case, Sasha wouldn’t even be able to sell her shares to help Matthew even if she wanted to!”

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