Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 700

Chapter 700

Chapter 700

In one of the best private rooms on the second floor of Shanghai Nights restaurant, Matthew and Sasha were sitting having their meal. Sasha’s eyes were red and swollen. It was obvious she had just finished crying, but the look in her eyes was firm.

Matthew and her were the ones who arranged for James to be arrested. This time, she wanted to teach James a lesson. She wanted him to know that there was a limit to causing trouble! As for Matthew, he didn’t speak up for James this time either. After all, James had crossed his bottom line with what happened.

Usually, the Cunningham family could treat him however they liked at home, but they absolutely couldn’t upset Sasha. That was his bottom line and also his principle! Of course, this matter wasn’t over yet. Matthew had decided to fight Sam White, as well as the White Family, to the end.

That night, Sasha didn’t go home and stayed over at the company. Although she felt bad, she needed to teach James a lesson this time round.

Meanwhile, Matthew went back to Lakeside Garden, where the servant had already prepared the various herbs. Matthew had the servant go rest while he took everything out and started refining the herbs.

He had tried refining the Thousand-Year Snow Lotus before, but the container he used at that time couldn’t handle high temperatures, so he failed in the end. But with this pill furnace, it would be different. This pill furnace was made of iron from a meteorite. The tempering method was also extremely special, so this sort of high temperature wouldn’t be a problem.

Matthew controlled the temperature and gradually added in the herbs. This time, he was extremely careful. The Thousand-Year Snow Lotus was extremely rare, so he couldn’t afford to make any mistakes. After three hours of hard work, the medicine was finally refined!

Matthew opened up the pill furnace to find one pill inside. He had done this on purpose as he wanted the essence of all the herbs condensed into that single pill. Not only could this pill cure Natalie, but it could also cause her to be reborn, where her physical fitness would be far better than ordinary people. The reason he did this was because Natalie had been sick for years and her body was really weak. Even if she really was cured, her physical fitness would still not be as good as anyone else. Matthew didn’t just want to cure Natalie; he wanted her body to be stronger than anyone else!

Taking a deep breath, he fed Natalie the pill. Then, he sat next to her and waited anxiously.

After a while, Natalie started sweating. Matthew knew that this was due to the pill being too strong. A normal body wouldn’t be able to handle it, and it would be fatal for a weak person to be given too much nourishment suddenly. But he was there, so there wouldn’t be a problem.

He took out his silver needles and used acupuncture to guide the medicine to nourish Natalie’s body slowly, not letting the medicine take effect all at once. He had used this method on Billy’s daughter before. The effects on Natalie’s body would be the same this time as well, but Matthew was even more cautious. After all, he only had two family members left in his life—one was his wife, Sasha, and the other one was his sister, Natalie. These two were the ones he would protect with his very life. He would never let anything bad happen to them!

It took three hours for Natalie to completely absorb all the medicine. At that moment, Natalie’s pale face regained some color. Before this, Natalie had been lying on the bed in a coma. She looked withered and didn’t have any life in her. But now, Natalie seemed full of vitality. She looked as if she was just a normal person who was asleep, and she didn’t appear sick at all.

Matthew saw all of this and let out a long sigh of relief. He had finally cured his sister!

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