Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

Chapter 725

When President White heard this, he fell into stunned silence. My own son has been sleeping with my mistress! Furious, he turned to glare at Sam as he demanded, “Sam, is this true?”

Sam lowered his head, unable to bring himself to meet his father’s gaze.

President White was at his wits’ end, and he marched forward to give his son a harsh kick in the ribs, then yelled incredulously, “You ingrate! How could you do something like this?”

However, before he could continue in his admonishment, Mrs. White came running over to him and gave him two hard slaps across the face. “You old fart! How dare you have a mistress on the side? How could you be so shameless at your age?”

He swallowed convulsively at this confrontation. In his moment of rage, he had forgotten that his wife was clueless about his having a mistress.

In a matter of seconds, the house was filled with the clamor of their voices, and it was quickly becoming chaotic.

Presently, Gordon and his men felt extremely awkward as they watched the conflict between the Whites unfurl before their eyes. Under normal circumstances, they would have found this exchange hilarious, but as things were, they could not so much as summon a chuckle. They were directly involved in this series of events, after all, and there was no way for them to escape the wrath that lay ahead waiting for them.

Meanwhile, James was thunderous as he shouted, “I didn’t peg you for the despicable type, Sam! I must have been blind to let you propose to Sasha! Let me make one thing clear now: there’s no way I’m letting you marry my daughter!”

Tiger sucked his teeth as he pointed out irritably, “Wow, look at this abrupt change of heart! You were the one who agreed to it in the first place, you old fossil. Remember how supportive you were of this whole

marriage endeavor?”

James winced at the accusation. “T-That was before I found out what kind of person he is! Now that I know he’s a womanizer and that he’s done such a shameless thing, I would never allow my daughter to marry him!”

Tiger let out a cold bark of laughter at this. “Well, isn’t that nice to hear? But if you truly loved your child as you say you do, why didn’t you ever look into Sam’s past? You don’t even know what kind of person he is, so why would you push your daughter into marrying him in the first place? If the whole proposal were to go as planned tonight, then you would have doomed your own daughter!”

“I-I really had no idea,” James argued, flushing a terrific shade of crimson. “If I had, I wouldn’t have pushed Sasha into the marriage!”

Tiger bristled at this and snapped, “It’s one thing to say you have no idea of what he’s like, but it’s entirely another to let your ignorance keep you from looking into his past! Do you really think I can’t see through your thoughts? You were only ever concerned with the White Family’s wealth and the fact that they’re staying at Lakeside Garden. You didn’t bother with anything else, not even the kind of person Sam really is! You were so painfully oblivious and ignorant that you decided to use your daughter as your stepping stone to curry favor with the other elitists! You never cared about how she felt, and you didn’t care if she wouldn’t be happy. People like you don’t deserve to be fathers!”

The blood rushed to James’ face when he heard this. He stared at his feet in shame as words escaped him. He could not retort against the other man’s accusations because he had always been after the Whites’ wealth and resources. Indeed, he had never once considered looking into Sam’s past.

Helen was going mad with devastation as she pleaded, “M-Master Tiger, you’re right. We’re the ones who are at fault here. Could you please help us save our daughter? Demi and her husband have been kidnapped. Please, please save them for us.”

James gave him a desperate look as well, while his wife begged for the favor.

However, Tiger was indifferent as he sneered, “Save them? Why should I? I ought to kill those two idiots myself! Save them? Are you out of your goddamn minds?”

Embarrassed, Helen winced, but she dared not argue against him. Instead, she turned to look at Matthew and pleaded in a low voice, “Matthew, please, you have to save Demi. She is family, after all. More importantly, she’s Sasha’s sister! You can’t just let her die like this. If you do, Sasha will only blame herself for the rest of her life—you wouldn’t let her be forever riddled with grief and guilt because of this incident, would you?”


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