Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 734

Chapter 734

Chapter 734

Billy didn’t offer any further explanation. After finishing his tea, he sent Matthew off. Brittany then saw Matthew off at the door. Blushing, she asked, “Matthew, c-can I hang out with you when I am bored?”

The girl didn’t have a lot of friends. Knowing that Matthew saved her, she had been both grateful and a little clingy toward him. When Matthew recalled Billy’s request, he chuckled. “Sure. I have a sister. I think you two will be good friends when you meet her.”

Brittany was overjoyed. “That’s great! I will go to you once I can leave the house!”

After giving Brittany a nod, Matthew left Billy’s mansion with her gaze fixed on him. At the same time, Billy was watching him walk away from where he stood on the balcony. A few moments later, he muttered, “Yulia, I finally found someone who can protect Brittany. I can finally rest in the same place as you.” Nobody knew the secrets he harbored; not even Stanley and Brittany.

Meanwhile, Stanley was already waiting for Matthew when he arrived at Carlson Group. Owen and Gordon’s assets were taken over by Billy, and almost a third of it would subsequently be handed to Matthew.

Stanley made all the arrangements in person. The assets had to do with construction, so they were able to work perfectly in tandem with Matthew’s company. Julian and Tiger had arrived when Matthew got there. Their presence was necessary because they were both familiar with the workings of the company, whereas Matthew didn’t want to interfere with the management of these assets.

Soon, they completed all of the administrative processes, so the assets now officially belonged to Matthew. The way Stanley handled it was by restructuring all assets to form a new company where he dumped everything into. In essence, the company would be a subsidiary that was wholly owned by Matthew.

With everything settled, Matthew started giving his subordinates instructions. “Julian, put the matter at hand aside for now. Instead, come work on hiring as well as setting up the management structure of the new real estate company. In the meantime, Tiger will continue working in the construction company, but he will come to assist you as soon as the project on the villas is finished.”

Both Julian and Tiger nodded, looking excited. With the expansion of Matthew’s assets, they would also rise in status. Tiger was especially proud of having made a wise choice. If he had chosen to work against Matthew, he would have been long since dead, whereas working under Matthew earned him various assets and quick promotions.

When he showed up alongside Billy at the conference with the head of the Ten Families last night, it would count as having made an appearance before them. From then on, even members of the Ten Families would have to treat him with respect.

Meanwhile, Matthew started working on his plan to take over the Ten Families. In fact, he would sooner or later do that even if Billy didn’t suggest it, because he needed to gain enough power in order to seek revenge.

Before that, he was still hesitating to go after the reigning position in Eastcliff. After all, the city belonged to Billy, so he didn’t want to snatch it away. However, now that Billy explicitly told him to do just that since he would be leaving, Matthew immediately began planning.

Although taking over the Ten Families might sound easy, it was anything but that. Not only must Matthew handle everything on his own, but Billy isn’t allowed to assist him, or else the Ten Families would definitely throw a coup as soon as Billy was gone.

With Matthew’s current power and influence, it would be hard for him to take over the Ten Families within a year. Nonetheless, he had to at least try. It wasn’t only because it was Billy’s final request, but also

because he was seeking blood vengeance.


Ever since the incident with the Whites, Sasha’s family finally stopped wreaking havoc. Both James and Helen now treated Matthew with respect, no longer ordering him around in a condescending manner.

Liam and Demi became totally docile after that. Matthew’s presence alone was enough to silence the both of them. After all, they felt guilty for nearly killing him. Other than that, Liam also had both ears reattached, but the surgery left a permanent scar on his face.

One afternoon, Matthew went to fetch Sasha after work. Natalie had almost recovered after a few days, so he was planning to bring Sasha along to Lakeside Garden. Just when the two of them got into the car, Sasha received a call from her mother. “Sasha, have you gotten off work? We’re at The Court Parlour. Chloe and her family came to visit, and we decided to have dinner together.”

Sasha was surprised. “Aunt Chloe? Didn’t she go abroad with her family?”

Upon hearing that, Helen chuckled. “Yeah. They literally just arrived from abroad. Jonah’s company assigned him the role as a general manager at the local branch company, so he came back with his family. You need to come home as soon as possible. It has been a while since we saw them, so we should have a gathering.”

Sasha was glad to hear that, for she hadn’t seen Chloe and her family for years. When they left for abroad, Sasha was still a teenager. It had been almost ten years since then. Thus, Matthew and her drove to The Court Parlour, which was a luxurious restaurant.

Other than the Cunninghams, there were three other people seated in the private room when they entered the room. The proud woman who was adorned with jewelry was none other than Sasha’s aunt, Chloe Freeman. Sitting beside her were two youths, who were Sasha’s cousins.

Upon noticing Sasha, Chloe cried, “You… You must be Sasha! Oh, you have grown into such a beautiful girl after all these years! Come over here! Let me take a good look at you!”

Sasha obeyed with a smile, and then greeted her aunt sweetly. Meanwhile, Chloe was holding her hand while chuckling. “Oh, you only reached my shoulder when I left. You’re now a lot taller than me after all these years! Girls sure do transform with age. You’re growing ever more beautiful with each day! Come, Sasha. Allow me to introduce you to your cousins. He is Tate Campbell, and she is Minerva Campbell.”

Without even sparing her a glance, her male cousin continued to scroll on his phone when he made a casual introduction. “You can call me Tate.”

On the other hand, Minerva was taken aback when she first laid eyes on Sasha, but she was then quickly filled with envy. Upon glancing at her, Minerva started making sarcastic remarks. “I see, so she is my cousin. Tsk, you don’t know anything about fashion. Women won’t wear the clothes you wear. Don’t you think they’re outdated? Not a single woman living abroad would dress like they come from the countryside. Only people like you who stayed here would dress in such a lame fashion. Oh, but I suppose there’s nothing you can do about it. After all, you live in a poor country, so of course you won’t be up to date with the latest fashion.”

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