Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 798

Chapter 798

Chapter 798

Sasha argued in agitation, “Since you already know that, you shouldn’t have allowed him to drive around —after all, he just returned and isn’t familiar with things! This incident only happened because you failed to discipline your son! Am I wrong?”

Chloe was suddenly at a loss for words.

Minerva pouted by the side as she said, “Whatever it is, it’s already happened. What are you trying to say by bringing this up now? You’re right—Tate was involved in a small accident, but how is it right for that worthless husband of yours to be taking the opportunity to scam money off of us? Hmph, he’s taking advantage of a disaster—that’s what it is! People like him are the worst!”

Sasha was overwhelmed with frustration, and she snapped through gritted teeth, “That’s enough! Go ahead and settle this yourself if you don’t believe Mr. Manning. Like I said, I’ll only contribute a total of 1.6 million! Anything more than that is on yourselves!”

With that, Sasha stomped upstairs in a huff as well.

Chloe’s face was scrunched up in displeasure as she left. “Seriously, what’s with her?”

Helen waved a hand at Chloe repeatedly to calm her down. “Come on, don’t take it too personally. I can’t even deal with her these days. It’s all Matthew’s fault—she’s been deceived by him! All right, Helen. We should settle this for Tate as soon as possible.”

Chloe immediately replied, “It’s no problem. I’ll give my husband a call right away and have his company’s lawyer take care of this. Hmph, let’s see what they have to say if it costs less than 1.6 million!”

Minerva wasn’t holding back as well. She said, “Oh, that’s right—Sasha said earlier that she’d only contribute 1.6 million. Since that’s the case, she’ll have to give us 1.6 million no matter how much it costs!”

This woman had already taken everything into account and planned to keep the extra money to herself.

Thus, Chloe made a call to Jonah and he started making arrangements immediately.

When she heard that, Chloe leaned back against the sofa triumphantly. “You see, Helen? My husband is most dependable when it comes to settling problems. The local law firm that their company works with is none other than the leading one in Eastcliff. Once their attorney takes the case, there’ll be nothing to worry about! Just sit back and wait for the good news!”

Meanwhile, Helen nodded in agreement with a look of anticipation on her face.

About an hour later, Chloe’s phone rang with Jonah’s incoming call. She broke into a huge grin and said, “I think it’s settled, Helen.”

She picked up the call. As soon as the line went through, Jonah’s enraged voice rang through her speaker. “W-What have you done, Chloe? Why are none of the lawyers in Eastcliff willing to take our case?”

Chloe tensed up as she replied, “W-What do you mean?”

Jonah said in a panic, “I’ve just talked to some of the lawyers from the firm, but they’re all unwilling to take this case. After that, I contacted many other law firms as well. Eventually, I heard from a friend that the lawyers in Eastcliff have all come to an agreement to boycott our family’s case!”

Chloe was still stunned with shock. “H-How can that be possible?”

Jonah frowned deeply on the other end. “I even heard that you’ve offended a well-known and influential attorney in Eastcliff; that’s why he’s messing with us behind the scenes. Is that true?”

Just then, Chloe’s expression darkened. “It can’t be… A-All I did was kick Mr. Manning out—you know, the lawyer from yesterday night!”

Then, Chloe recounted the happenings of earlier.

Jonah was livid after hearing her story. “My goodness… Why are you so foolish? We’re not even the ones who are paying, so why are you so fussy about it? Even if the price is one billion, it’s on the Cunninghams—why did you have to offend him?”

Chloe said, “That’s nonsense—however you put it, this money is still from my sister’s family. Mr. Manning was obviously colluding with Matthew in the dark to scam her. How can I sit by idly and watch my sister suffer losses?”

Jonah was beyond speechless. He sighed and said, “Forget it, I’ll just keep trying. Goodness, you’re such a busybody!”

After hanging up the call, Chloe became restless.

After all, it’d truly be troublesome if none of the lawyers in Eastcliff were willing to take their case.

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