Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 847

Chapter 847

Chapter 847

Chapter 847 Accomplice

The security guards acted on the given order and they instantly surrounded the hooligans before mercilessly raining punches on those gangsters.

One of the women sitting at a nearby table could no longer bear to watch the ridiculous turn of events. She snapped in fury, “Hey, what the hell are you doing? This is a matter between husband and wife, so why are you all butting your noses in?”

The other patrons immediately voiced their protests as well and one of them shouted at the manager, “Yeah, this is someone else’s family affair and it’s none of your business!”

“What, are you going to defend the old man over there just because he has money?”

“This whole thing is ridiculous!”

“I am never coming back to this garbage joint ever again!”

The manager grew furious at the chorus of ignorant accusations and turned to slap the first woman across the face. Then, he retorted, “Shut up, you wh*re!”

The woman was initially stunned before she quickly became outraged as she stood up to the manager. “How dare you hit me!” she shrieked. “That’s it, you’re not making it out of here tonight!” As soon as she said those words, the rest of her friends came forward in her defense as they were ready to pick a fight with the manager.

At this moment, another group of security guards rushed in and pinned the woman and her friends on the ground.

The woman was incensed. “Oh, so you think you have won because you have the numbers? Don’t forget that there’s something called divine justice! Can someone quickly ask the police to come now?”

The crowd hurried to fish out their phones, taking photos and videos of this incident while claiming that they were going to spread it around social media.

The manager, on the other hand, looked like he was about to explode with anger as he barked, “Get the police?” He scoffed. “Fine, go ahead and ask them to come! It’ll save me plenty of time! I take it you have no idea who Miss Harrison is. She happens to be the granddaughter of Mr. Harrison over there and they are both regulars in our establishment, regular enough to be good friends of our boss. In fact, Miss Harrison is on a first name basis with our boss! Do you honestly believe the word of this bunch of hooligans who stormed in here and accused Miss Harrison of being a cheating wife? And you’re actually speaking up for them too! You know what, I think you’re their accomplice—you’re all part of a human trafficking syndicate that goes around abducting women for wicked purposes!”

A hush descended upon the room when everyone heard his explanation. Needless to say, they were entirely stumped. None of them had expected for things to turn out this way; one minute, they were watching a scene from a soap opera and they were witnessing an attempt at human trafficking a minute later!

Presently, the woman’s eyes widened in shock as she stammered pathetically, “N-No, you’re just trying to scare me into submission. This can’t be true!”

The manager smirked. “Scare you? Why don’t you wait until the police arrive? Then, you’d know for sure whether I was only making things up to scare you!”

At that moment, a couple of figures came running into the restaurant and the one leading them happened to be the mall manager.

He had a frightened look on his face as he stumbled over to Joseph’s side and asked, “Mr. Harrison, are you alright? Miss Harrison, a-are you hurt?” He was out of breath as he went on to say, “I am so sorry for what has happened! This is completely my fault. I should have kept an eye out. I promise I’ll look into this and make it up to the both of you!”

The mall manager was considered an important member of upper-crus society and upon hearing his words of apology, the guests were entirely certain that Crystal was indeed Joseph’s granddaughter.

The man’s words hung heavy in the air, which led to the crowd that burst into uproar to immediately fall silent. They had berated the restaurant manager earlier for poking his nose into the personal affairs of others and it was only now that they realized how they nearly delivered an innocent girl into the hands of a wicked syndicate.

While they felt guilty over the blatant misunderstanding, they were more concerned about fleeing the scene. After all, the hooligans from earlier would be soon handed over for a police investigation and the guests did not want to be involved in such troublesome matters.

As for the woman, she began to panic and regret filled her as she chastised herself for speaking up for those hooligans. If I get tangled up in this mess, there’s no guarantee that I can get away unscathed!

She struggled to get up on her knees and looked at the restaurant manager as she stammered fearfully, “S-Sir, I had no idea that you were speaking the truth. I didn’t even know what was going on and I definitely didn’t know that she’s the old man’s granddaughter. I-I have nothing to do with any of this!”

The manager merely shot her a dark look. “If you had nothing to do with this, then why did you speak up in the first place? Why did you try to stop us from taking just action?”

The woman’s voice quivered as she explained desperately, “I… I thought that they were here to catch a cheating woman red-handed. I didn’t know the truth would be like this!”

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