Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 909

Chapter 909

Chapter 909

Chapter 909 Unsatiable Greed

“Mom, you’re not making sense at all!” Sasha wore a dazed expression as she spoke. “Matthew’s just trying to check the accounts. How is this related to the Cunningham Family’s pride and reputation? Furthermore, who even cares about what’s going on in our family?”

“Of course it makes sense!” James growled. “If Matthew checks the accounts now, it shows that he doesn’t trust me! I can tell you for sure that your grandfather and uncle are waiting for me to make a fool out of myself! They keep saying that our family is obeying the words of a live-in son-in-law nowadays. If Matthew actually checks the accounts, won’t it prove them right?”

Helen gave a dismissive wave as she spoke. “Anyway, I’ll go over to keep a lookout from now onward. Also, I want you to transfer Julian to some other department, Matthew! I don’t want to see him at the construction site!”

“Yeah! Transfer Julian somewhere else!” James nodded. “If he appears at the site again, then… I’ll drop dead right in front of your eyes!” novelbin

At this point, Sasha was fuming. She was about to fight back when Matthew reached an arm out to stop her. “Let’s go along with your wishes since you guys insist on doing this, Mom, Dad!” he replied. Sasha shot him a glare, but he held a hand up to stop her. Both James and Helen were elated—they were finally able to relax a little since Matthew compromised and went along with their requests.

Meanwhile, Liam was just as happy once the conversation ended. He had gotten the exact outcome that he hoped for. Once Matthew was gone, he would be able to freely take all of the construction company’s money for himself. Did they say that the green initiatives outside would use up to 200 million? Hmph! I’m going to make it a total of 20 billion!

Once they got to the room, Sasha immediately confronted Matthew. “How… How could you agree to go with their wishes, Matthew? There has to be something wrong here. I’m sure there must be some issue with the construction company’s accounts! I think we should check it.”

Matthew responded with a faint smile. “Of course we’ll do that, but there’s no rush. We’ll only continue to fight with Mom and Dad if we insist on doing it now. There’s no point in keeping the argument going. I’ll find a way for someone to sneakily check through the accounts tomorrow!”

Sasha frowned for a moment, but she eventually nodded in agreement. She agreed with what Matthew said—it wasn’t a wise decision to continue with their argument with Helen and James.

The very next day, Matthew arranged for Julian to be temporarily transferred. Liam’s spending only got more out of control after Julian left—he spent 100 million just within that day. At the same time, he gave Matthew a call and asked Matthew to prepare more money for the construction company. Liam threatened to use the residential area as a pledged asset in order for him to borrow money from the bank otherwise.

Matthew assured Liam that he was gathering the funds and that Liam didn’t have to worry about it. A complacent grin spread across his face as Liam lay down on the couch and chuckled. “Demi, I just realized how being a general manager is so much better than being a CEO! Look, if we become CEOs, we’d have to worry about funds, and we’d have to worry about how much we can profit from the residential areas. Furthermore, we wouldn’t get much money even if the company was earning. However, as the general manager, all we have to do is wait for the board of directors to gather capital for us. We don’t have to worry about anything else! Based on my estimations, we’ll be able to earn up to a billion this time. We’ll certainly earn more than the CEO! What do you think?”

Demi giggled. “I don’t care. I want you to buy me a Ferrari once you get the money. It has to be better than Sasha’s car! Also, I want a villa by Lakeside Garden so that Sasha will stop saying that we’re living in her house.”

Liam beamed. “Don’t worry! I’ll buy it all for you. A Ferrari and a villa are nothing. I’ll get you a yacht once this is over. We can go for a trip on the ocean, and we can travel for a few months once this project is over! How does that sound?”

Demi couldn’t conceal her joy at all. “That’s amazing! Hahaha! Do you think Matthew will lose his temper when he sees this?”

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