Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 915

Chapter 915

Chapter 915

Chapter 915 It’s Your Family’s Responsibility

The group of people immediately rushed over to surround Helen, who looked at them dazedly. “Wh-What are you guys trying to do? I wasn’t the one who bought the bike!”

“You were the one who paid for it. How could you say that you weren’t the one who bought it? Hmph! You rich people are so shameless. You guys probably have billions worth of savings, yet you’re trying to shun responsibilities now that you’ve encountered an issue! Why can’t you put yourself into someone else’s shoes? They just lost their daughter. Don’t you have any empathy?”

The group of people widened their eyes the moment they heard Minerva’s speech. They didn’t care who the bike belonged to or who the bike rider was—all that mattered then was Helen’s billions worth of savings!

There was only one reason the group of people was creating such a huge scene—they wanted compensation from the other family. During such situations, it would only make sense for them to target the richest person in the room. The deceased’s family members surrounded Helen once more while they shouted and called for her to compensate for their losses.

Helen repeatedly attempted to explain how she wasn’t related to the incident, but no one heard a word she said. The group of people kept her surrounded and insisted that she paid them. Helen was on the verge of losing her mind, and she finally decided to give Liam a call because she didn’t know who else to call. She had to ask him to come over and help her deal with this matter.

Just 15 minutes later, Liam showed up with Demi. Demi was the first to exclaim indignantly after hearing the whole story. “F*ck you, Minerva! Have you no shame at all? You lied to my mother about the 10 million, and you bought a bike. On top of that, you’re even trying to put all of the blame on my mother now that something has happened! I’ve never seen someone as shameless as you. Do you even have morals?”

Minerva placed her arms on her hip as she glared at Demi. “Stop with your nonsense, Demi! I only have one question for you—was it or was it not your mother who paid for Tate’s bike? He doesn’t even have a license, yet your mother gave him the money to buy a bike. Don’t you think she should be held accountable for this matter?”

“My mom only agreed to lend you guys some money. Who knows what you guys used the money for? Furthermore, whether or not someone without a license can buy a bike depends on the bike store. Why does that have anything to do with my mom? The bike wasn’t even registered in my mom’s name. Are you trying to put us in the wrong? You can keep dreaming!” Demi cried.

Liam was just as furious as he pointed at Trina’s family members. “I’m warning you guys right now—this matter has got nothing to do with my family!” he roared. “You guys should hold the actual culprit responsible, and I’m not interested in hearing your illogical accusations anymore! I’ll get someone to kill all of you if you continue to keep us here!”

The family members were triggered once they heard what Liam said. The leader of the family shouted back at Liam, “You guys were the ones who killed my sister. Now, not only are you refusing to pay us, you’re even threatening to kill all of us! Well, I dare you to kill me right now! I trust in the law of the land! Come here and kill me if you think you can get away with it…” The rest of Trina’s family members were starting to shout and scream as well. A few of the women even ran forward to hit Liam.

Liam was blinded by rage as he flung his arm outward with the intention of shoving all the women away from him. However, he accidentally struck an old lady instead, and she immediately collapsed onto the ground. “Ouch! I’m going to die…” the old lady wailed. “My bones are broken, and I think I’m about to get a heart attack. I can’t live any longer… Call the cops! Hurry! He just hit an elderly…”

The rest of the people joined in to criticize Liam. “Are you even human? How could you hit an 80-year- old?” one cried.

“There are surveillance cameras in the hospital—I’m sure we’ve got this on tape. I’m going to sue you if anything bad happens to my grandmother!” another shouted.

“Hurry up and call the cops! Did you just try to murder an old lady? None of you guys are going to get away today!” someone howled. novelbin

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