Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 932

Chapter 932

Chapter 932

Chapter 932 This Amount of Money Is Nothing to You

Although annoyed, Helen still asked in concern, “How much are the compensation fees?”

“F-Five million.”

Widening her eyes in shock, Helen exclaimed, “What?! 5 million? Y-You want me to fork out 5 million for you?”

“I-It’s 5 million each person…” Chloe added in a whisper with her head hanging low.

Dumbstruck, Helen said, “5 million for each casualty? That means it’s 20 million for four casualties! What nonsense are you speaking about? How the hell am I supposed to get this amount of money for you?”

With her head still hanging low, Chloe muttered after a long moment of silence, “Um, Helen… maybe we’ll need 23 million because… we have to compensate another person who was injured.”

Is she serious?! Helen thought, so angry that she almost suffered a stroke. At that moment, she had to look at her sister in a brand new light. The innocent and friendly sister she once knew was gone, and in her place was a vain and selfish woman. People change indeed, she thought with a sigh and waved her hand. “I’m sorry, but I don’t have money.”

Panic-stricken, Chloe stammered, “But Helen, your apartment alone is worth tens of millions, the market value of your company is worth more than a billion, and you have Wellness Herbary and the pharmacy in your name. In addition, the South Suburb that belongs to Matthew’s construction company is said to be worth tens of billions now. So, how is it possible that you don’t have the money? All I need is just 23 million! Please help me save Tate, Helen. He’s still young and can’t go to jail at the prime of his youth. His life is done for if he does!”

“Aunt Helen, this little bit of money is nothing to your family. In fact, it’s just the tip of an iceberg, but to us, it’s enough to save our family. In the past, Mom was willing to give you half of her income, and as the saying goes, kindness begets kindness. We’re not asking for half of your family fortune, just this small amount of money. Th-There’s no reason for you to turn us down!” Minerva added.

Glaring at them, Helen replied, “I’m grateful for Chloe’s help back then, but that doesn’t mean that I should give my all to help her out. You should have some conscience as a person too. I’ll definitely help you guys out even if it costs me everything I have if you guys are in the right. But, ask yourselves honestly whether you are in the right this time, and ask yourselves how you’ve been treating us from the moment you returned until now. We paid for the compensation the last time Tate hit someone with a car. After that, you guys were the ones who caused the trouble with Mr. Harrison, the Lachs and that 10 million incident. I’ve always regarded both of you as my own children, but ask yourselves how you’ve treated me instead. While thinking of me as a dumb fool whom you can easily manipulate, you are jealous and keep trying to cheat money out of us. All this shows that you’ve never regarded me as your relative and you only come to me when you’re in trouble. So, why do I have to help you guys out again this time and even fork out 23 million for you?”

Her words sent Chloe and Minerva into a moment of silence, and after a while, Minerva muttered softly, “I’ve really realized all my mistakes, Aunt Helen. I’ll definitely change from now on and won’t ever do something like this again. I’m begging you, please save Tate. Just this time, okay?”

When she was speaking, Helen saw a sparkle of joy in her eyes that was also contemptuous, and she knew that she wasn’t sincere about her apology at all. Again, Minerva was lying to her just to get the compensation fees, and she had never reflected on her own actions!


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