Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 938

Chapter 938

Chapter 938

Chapter 938 You Shouldn’t Forget Your Roots

As Matthew and Sasha sat next to them, they watched in silence as those people ate like beasts, looking as though they had arrived here on an empty stomach after starving themselves for weeks.

After a few rounds of food and drinks, their bellies were full, and they finally started with the main topic. Hector downed a glass of wine before he narrowed his eyes and said, “Helen, I heard that you recently had an argument with Chloe. Is that true? I remember when you were young, you and Chloe were the closest. In addition, she’s a really kind person who helped you out a lot back then. You shouldn’t forget your roots. You need to always help out your kin whenever you can.”

Almost immediately, everyone else chimed in to express their agreement, as though Helen would be the biggest sinner if she refused to help.

With a sigh, Helen then replied, “You don’t know the entire situation, Uncle Hector. I would like to help them out as well, but they really went overboard this time!” Then, she went on to tell them everything Chloe and her family did after their return from abroad.

When she finished, Heidi knitted her brows. “How could you do this, Chloe? Helen and her family have been really kind to you. How could you guys bite the hand that fed you?”

“You know nothing!” Chloe argued in anger. “You’ve only heard her side of the story, and you didn’t even ask me about the real situation.”

“So, tell us then. What’s the real situation?” Heidi asked in return.

“My mom is a klutz, so I’ll explain it for her instead.” Minerva stood up and interrupted the conversation. “First of all, I would like to ask Aunt Helen this. How much did my mother give you out of her monthly salary when you first got married to Uncle James?”

“Why are you bringing this up now?” Helen asked in annoyance.

“Of course I have to bring this up!” she shouted. “My mother’s salary was a mere few hundred per month, but she gave you guys half of it. A few hundred was all she had, and she had to share it with you all. You should repay her kindness back then with more than what she gave. I’m not even asking for half of your assets now, but you should at least treat us better after our return, shouldn’t you?”

“Are you saying that we treated you guys poorly?” Demi argued furiously. “Think back on the things you guys did. First, Tate hit someone with a car, and we were the ones who paid the compensation. After that, we signed the contract for your dad and settled the trouble Tate caused with the Harrisons, not forgetting the issue with the Lachs. Later, you cheated a hundred million from my mom because of your boy toy, and seven million was ripped off from you. With the three million that you secretly pocketed away, you bought the motorcycle and caused such a serious accident. Now, you’re shifting the blame on us shamelessly, saying that the accident only happened because my mom gave you the money. Can you be any more shameless than this, Minerva? Would any of this have happened if you had returned the three million to us?”

Heads turned to Minerva, and she answered nonchalantly without even flinching, “With all our elders seated here in this room, you shouldn’t twist the truth to your advantage! We’ll speak about all those issues one fine day, but I would like to ask you this now. When we just came back, who was the one who drove us out when we were living at your place? Also, who was the one who declared that we’re not allowed into your house anymore?”

“The nerve of you to bring this up, Minerva Campbell!” Demi snapped. “The reason I didn’t allow you guys into our house was that you brought your scoundrel friends home and messed up the house—”

“Listen carefully, Demi Cunningham!” Minerva shouted, cutting her off. “Those are my friends, and they’re educated university graduates, not some scoundrel as you said. They didn’t mess up the house either!”

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