Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 957

Chapter 957

Chapter 957

Chapter 957 President Hayes Will Be Here Soon

Everyone present was once again shocked, all while their eyes burned with excitement—who wouldn’t want to be granted such an opportunity in their lifetime?

When he saw everyone’s bewildered expressions, Vincent felt proud, especially when he looked at Sasha, whose eyes were wide open and was left speechless.

He smiled arrogantly and said, “Let me tell you—it’s basically a piece of cake for great men like President Hayes to make money! This villa project has always been a collaboration between me and President Hayes; I made almost 80 million in this project. And President Hayes? He made several hundred million from this project. According to this current situation, he’s bound to earn almost a billion after this project is completed! Haha! One billion, man. Sasha, can Cunningham Pharmaceuticals ever reach this market value in its lifetime?”

Sasha gritted her teeth and did not speak—she was obviously extremely annoyed.

Deep down, she knew that there must have been something wrong with Liam’s account, but she did not expect that Liam would be so bold.

Lincoln sighed emotionally. “President Hayes is indeed an impressive man, huh? So, Vincent, when will you introduce President Hayes to me?”

Hearing that, Vincent immediately smiled. “Oh, Lincoln. If you want to know President Hayes, it’s really easy! President Hayes likes to get acquainted with financial talents! Oh, by the way, he’s probably eating at The Court Parlour as well tonight cause I saw his car parked outside. Let me get in touch with him and see if we have a chance to have a drink or two together, okay?”

Lincoln nodded immediately in response. “Okay!”

Vincent proudly took out his mobile phone to make a phone call and explained Lincoln’s situation over the phone.

After ending the conversation, he hung up the phone and said with a face full of smiles, “Lincoln, you’re a reputable man indeed! President Hayes heard about you and said that he would come to visit you in person in a while. He happened to have some funds which he couldn’t find a use for, and he’s been meaning to find a good project to invest in. Come on. Let’s prepare because President Hayes will be here soon.”

Everyone present got excited immediately. It was really great to get to know such a big figure in this alumni reunion.

At this moment, the ladies at the reunion quietly took out their makeup mirrors to touch-up their makeup, and the men were also practicing in their heads what they should say when they meet him later.

If they could leave a good impression with such a big figure, he might give them the opportunity to work together in the future!

Holding the wine glass, Vincent glanced at Matthew. “Hey, young man. The other son-in-law of the Cunningham Family will be here in a while. Would you like me to introduce him to you? Hahaha!”

Everyone looked at Matthew mockingly. He was also a son-in-law of the Cunningham Family, but the other had such a high status while he, on the other hand, was a joke. It would have been embarrassing for anyone else.

However, Matthew’s expression was calm, and he said slowly, “Thank you in advance!”

Vincent immediately raised his head and smiled, assuming that Matthew was completely shocked by what he just said.

No matter how fierce he was, he was merely a young man who was wet behind the ears and had never seen the world!

This time, he would show him what a real big figure was.

At this point, everyone was just looking straight at the door and waiting anxiously.

Presently, Matthew and Sasha were the only ones who had their poker face on.

The two of them finally knew why Liam and Demi hadn’t been going back home for dinner —it turned out that they were out having ‘fun’ every night.

Not long after, the door opened, whereupon Liam and Demi walked in.

Vincent immediately greeted him, nodded, and said, “President Hayes, Miss Cunningham, welcome! Over here, let me introduce to you: This is the Wall Street investor I told you about, Mr. Lincoln Zink. And these are my wife’s classmates. By the way, there are two more over there. They are from the Cunningham Family as well, Miss Cunningham, but I’m not sure if you know each other well,” Vincent said with a mocking smile.

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