Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 969

Chapter 969

Chapter 969

Chapter 969 The Board of Directors Audits the Accounts

The next day, Liam brought James and Helen to the bank and transferred the one billion into James’ account.

At that time, James was so excited to see the large sum of money in his bank account that he became incoherent. It was only a few months ago that he was still a poor man that lived in a shabby old house. Now, he lived in a villa, drove a luxury car, wore watches worth millions of dollars, and had more than one billion in his bank account. It was like a dream.

“Work hard, Liam. I’m counting on you! When this project’s over, I’m going to get us a new deal to make more money!” James bubbled excitedly.

In response, Liam nodded. “Don’t worry, Dad. By the way, do you need me to take you to the pharmacy?”

James waved his hand. “It’s alright. Let’s just go to the construction site. Nothing’s been happening at the pharmacy recently anyway. Your mom and I would like to take a look at the construction site. After all, it’s our family business.”

At that moment, a hopeful expression was pasted on Helen’s face, indicating that she wanted to check out the construction site too.

Seeing so, Liam brought them to the construction site at once.

As soon as they reached the construction site, they realized that the place was in chaos, and a group of people was arguing inside.

“What’s going on?” James furrowed his brows.

Liam drove toward that direction and snapped, “What are you guys doing?”

Immediately, the crowd dispersed. Then, a man ran over hurriedly. “Mr. Wayne, we’ve got trouble! It’s the people from the board of directors. They want to audit our accounts!”

In response, Liam’s face darkened instantaneously, whereas James widened his eyes in disbelief. Did Matthew really ask the board of directors to check the accounts?

“Go take a look at what’s going on,” James instructed in a deep voice. At the same time, he looked at Helen and signaled her to call Matthew.

After that, Matthew and James headed to the scene and saw Jefford and a few other people. They were shareholders of Cunningham Pharmaceuticals who joined the Six Southern States Medical Conference with Matthew and made a lot of money. All of them invested in and owned shares in the current villa project.

“What are you doing, Jefford?” James fumed.

A few of them ran over after seeing James. “You came at the right time, James! Quickly ask your son-in- law to bring us the accounts. We’re auditing them.”

This filled Jason with anxiety as they were the company’s shareholders, and there was no way for him to deal with them.

Just then, Helen came out and waved at him, telling him that Matthew did not know about this.

Confidently, he scolded, “Stop fooling around! How can you just simply say that you’d like to check the company’s accounts? You need the board of directors’ permission; it can’t be accomplished just because you have a few people making noise here! Have you gotten the board’s approval?”

Matthew’s the company’s director, so if they want the board of directors’ approval, they would need his as well. However, since he doesn’t know about this, it means that they do not have the board’s permission. Hence, I could just ignore their request to audit the accounts.

“What do you mean by getting the board of directors’ approval?” Jefford exploded. “Stop talking nonsense! These villas’ renovation has only been going on for a few days, and yet it has already cost around 8 billion! If this were to go on, the cost could go up to 30 billion when the renovations’ done! How could the renovation cost be several times higher than the cost of the villas? There’s obviously something wrong with the accounts. Don’t you think so?”

Upon hearing this, James replied, “These are only your assumptions, and they can’t prove anything. Besides, our villas are advertised as being located in a high-end residential area, and the renovation is costly, so it’s normal. It would do us no good if we lower our costs. Who would think of it as a high-end residential area if word gets out? You’re only causing harm to the company’s reputation by making a fool of yourself here. Are you going to take responsibility if this property doesn’t sell?”

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