Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 984

Chapter 984

Chapter 984

Chapter 984 James’ Generosity

Heidi sighed once more, unable to put her heartache into words.

Seeing Heidi like this, Helen softened and changed the subject. “Fine, we’ll let the matter drop for now. Matthew, is Heidi alright? How has she been doing?”

Matthew shook his head solemnly and answered, “She’s not doing too well. There are some internal injuries that require her to be put on bed rest, but she insists on leaving the hospital right away and refuses to stay for proper treatment. At this rate, she won’t make a full recovery.”

Upon hearing this, Helen grew anxious. “Heidi, why would you insist on leaving the hospital? Can’t you see how you need proper treatment right now? Look at your injuries!”

Heidi let out a tired sigh. “Helen, I—I still have stuff to do at the company, and if I don’t go back, they’ll have me fired for not showing up at work!”

“I didn’t think your company would be so inhumane, Heidi!” Helen protested with wide eyes. “How are you expected to go back to work in this state? Don’t lie to me, Heidi. Are you trying to leave because Leia took all your money, and now you can’t afford the hospital bill? I’m your sister, for heaven’s sake. You could have come to me for help when you run into trouble, and we’d figure things out together, but the fact that you didn’t is insulting!” She paused mid-rant and turned to Matthew, then asked, “Matthew, I’ll foot the medical bill, no matter the cost!”

Matthew chuckled. “Mom, the medical bill has been sponsored by Miss Harrison’s charity. I’ve already made arrangements for the rest of Heidi’s stay and follow-up treatment.”

Helen nodded in approval, and she was growing fonder of Matthew after learning of his kind gestures toward Heidi.

However, Heidi visibly panicked. “H-Helen, I can’t have you fork out the money like this. I know you’re only doing this because you’re my sister, but you’re married now. What will your in-laws say about this? If you paid for me, surely your in-laws would only demean you. And I don’t want you to get into a fight with James because of this; you mustn’t pay the bill if it means your in-laws would be upset about it.”

Tears pricked Helen’s eyes. She had long known that Heidi was the considerate type, always selfless and compassionate.

Just then, a male voice sounded from the doorway. “So what if I find out about Helen paying the bill? I ought to have words with her if she doesn’t!”

Everyone in the room looked up to see that James had, at some point, materialized at the doorway.

At the sight of him, Heidi faltered and said hastily, “J-James, you’re here! Everything is fine. Helen didn’t pay a single cent. I still have some money saved up at home; I’ll have someone bring it over tomorrow—”

She was cut off when James waved his hand and interrupted, “Don’t speak! I’m here to nag some sense into your sister.” He turned to Helen and berated, “How could you not know that something like this has happened to your own sister, Helen? She’s been in Eastcliff for days, and you didn’t even hear about it? If Matthew hadn’t found out about this incident, we would have been oblivious to it forever! You should show more concern for this sister of yours, seeing as she’s different from Norman and Chloe! Now, if you were to help those two, I’d definitely blow my top off! However, if you don’t help Heidi with this incident, then you’ll feel my absolute wrath!”

Heidi froze when she heard this. The last time they had a gathering, she was under the impression that James had a bone to pick with the whole Freeman Family. That was why she hadn’t wanted Helen to find out about this mess in the first place, fearing that it would only aggravate James further.

Meanwhile, Sasha gave James a bemused look as she teased, “I must say, your words really took me by surprise, Dad. It’s like you’re a whole different person.”

Matthew, too, glanced at James in astonishment. He could hardly believe that the man would be so generous. As it turned out, the recent events had shifted James’ worldview entirely!

James shot Sasha a hard look. “You don’t have to put it that way, kid. You make it sound like I’m some cold-hearted ogre, which I’m not! I just hate dealing with those who are greedy and constantly pushing my boundaries, but Heidi isn’t like that!”

Sasha nodded in firm agreement. After all, it was the exact reason why she was so concerned about Heidi in the first place.

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