Medical Genius's Unspeakable Marriage

Chapter 986

Chapter 986

Chapter 986

Chapter 986 Harsh Rejection

An irritated look began to etch upon Sasha’s features as anger seized her. She hated men who spoke to her flippantly like this, as if they couldn’t be bothered by anything remotely serious. With a voice like ice, she snapped, “Could you please move?”

The young man’s expression shifted slightly, but he dismissed her with a bark of laughter and said, “Where do you want me to go, gorgeous? I don’t have a home because any place without you isn’t home at all!”

His less-than-witty repartée was met with yet another round of wolf-whistling from his friends, and the two girls from earlier were practically shrieking with excitement.

Annoyed, Sasha took a step back and called out loudly, “Security! Security!”

The young man faltered instantly. “Hey, what the hell are you doing? I was only joking. You don’t have to take it so seriously! I just figured that since we met by chance, I could have your number or something, gorgeous.”

“Get out of my sight!” Sasha barked.

A dark shadow passed over the man’s face as he shed his charming demeanor. He grimaced menacingly and spat, “You b*tch, don’t you know how lucky you are? I only wanted your number because I thought you might be good enough for me, so what are you getting all high and mighty for? You actually called for security, too! I ought to call up a hundred or so of my men and have them tear up this hospital!”

Just then, a few security guards hurried over, shouting, “Hey, what do you think you’re doing? This is a hospital—”

The guard didn’t manage to finish his warning, for the young man landed a hard kick on his chest and sent him tumbling backward. “Go screw yourself. Who the hell do you think you are? You’d better get out of my sight if you know what’s good for you!”

Having done so, the man turned and pointed threateningly at Sasha. “You think you’re too good for me, huh, you b*tch? Fine! I’ll teach you a lesson.” He barked over his shoulder, “Come on, drag her into the car!”

As soon as he said this, he reached out and grabbed Sasha’s car key out of her hand. The rest of the ruffians did as they were told and approached her, ready to drag her into the car.

However, the arrival of several other security guards stopped them from carrying out the plan. “What are you doing? This is a hospital! What makes you think you can cause a scene here?”

It was only then that the men backed off, but their leader was obviously peeved as he glared at the captain of the security team. “Damn it. This has nothing to do with you, so leave!”

Emboldened, one of the other thugs snapped at the captain of the security team, “Don’t you know who Luke Bach is? You’d better show some respect and back off if you want to live! It’s not as if your jobs are worth the risk of messing with him!”

The rest of the ruffians clenched their jaws, looking as if they were ready to take on the guards at any moment.

The captain of the security team frowned and retorted, “Shut up! This is a hospital, so I don’t care who you are, but you are strictly prohibited from causing a scene here! Don’t make me call the police!”

This provoked Luke, who glared at the captain murderously as he hissed, “You’ve got some damn nerve talking to me like that! I remember your face, so you’d better watch your back!”

With that, he hurled Sasha’s car keys into the trash can by the side and led his ruffian underlings away, all of them looking like pompous geese.

Meanwhile, Sasha’s face turned red with anger. She had never encountered such scum in her entire life!

The security guards were enraged as well, but at the end of the day, they dared not speak up for themselves. After all, they really were just doing their jobs, and they didn’t want any additional risks.

However, the group of ruffians had only just left the scene when they were greeted by an approaching figure. It was Matthew, who had seen everything from the upstairs window of the hospital building and came running down as fast as he could.

Suddenly, he reached out and grabbed a fistful of Luke’s hair, then slapped the latter hard across the face.

Luke let out a yelp of pain and made to strike back, but Matthew quickly landed a punch on his chest, knocking him into a fetal position.

“Damn it, how dare you hit him!” one of the ruffians roared, then lifted his foot to kick out at Matthew.

Possessed of lightning reflexes, Matthew kicked out first, and the sole of his foot collided against the ruffian’s chest, sending him flying backward. The ruffian fell in a heap on the ground, and the impact hurt him so much he struggled to get on his feet; as it turned out, a few of his ribs had broken.

All the other ruffians were stumped by this turn of events. While a heavy silence fell upon them, Luke bellowed through gritted teeth, “Kill him!”

The ruffians exchanged a hesitant look, but one of them abruptly whipped out a Swiss army knife and roared as he charged toward Matthew.

A grim look colored Matthew’s features, and with a decisive hurl of his fist, he punched the man right in the face.


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