Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 1254 - 542

Chapter 1254 - 542: They Were Dragged Into A Dangerous Situation

Under Joshua's command, their unsatisfactory situation quickly reversed.

Then, according to the terrain he had known very well, Joshua directed them to chase.

The men who attacked them did not panic but retreated systematically towards the southwest of the island.

A huge parking apron Ted had repaired in the southwest, with just a few planes parking. They retreated in its direction, apparently intending to escape.

"Chase them!" Joshua said in a deep tone. But if they just chased the other party, they could unnecessarily stop them. Joshua thought for a while and said the names of several excellent men Katherine had given him.

"You set up a special squad to get ahead of them and disable the planes from taking off! I'm sure it won't be difficult for you!" Joshua ordered.

"We can have a try!" Several men were interested in Joshua's proposal.

Upon receiving a positive reply, Joshua was ready to follow them with his bodyguards and catch up with those who had given them a sneak attack.

All of a sudden, a very loud bang sounded from behind!

Joshua turned his head around instantly, and then his pupils shrank!

Before his very eyes, the beautiful seaside house Ted had built collapsed in an explosion.

Joshua's fingers tightened slightly. Ted was still in the villa.

With such an explosion, even if he were lucky, he would be buried under the rubble.

At that moment, Joshua did not know how to describe the feelings in his heart. josei

He had no feelings for Ted. The Denmark family had given him enough fatherly love and maternal love, so he didn't need to look for parents' care and comfort from others.

But knowing that Stacy had suffered so much, it was the first time he had ever hated Ted for his unfeeling and hated why he had such a father.

But now… the man he was ready to take away for torture just died like that...

Joshua felt vaguely empty. If Ted died like this, it seemed a little too comfortable for Ted. Perhaps it was because of this that he felt a little… sad?

The emotion was only momentary, and Joshua soon came to his senses and headed southwest for the airfield again.

Apart from the ruins of the villa, Ted and Madeline fell in a mess on the nearby lawn, while the bodyguard arranged by Joshua had completely fainted in the blast to protect Madeline.

"Cough, cough..." Madeline pushed aside the bodyguard on her unhappily and even looked at the bloodstains on her body in disgust. She was so angry that she kicked the unconscious bodyguard. "Asshole! You actually dared to grope me!"

Ted stood up. His eyes were very cold as he coolly reminded her, "If it weren't for his help, you have been dead."

Madeline's movement paused slightly. The next moment, she immediately fawned on Ted, "Uncle King, I didn't see what happened clearly, so I got him wrong... I thought he was trying to grope me…"

Ted turned his head around and looked elsewhere. He really felt disgusted to look at Madeline.

Back then, he didn't want Madeline to marry Simon. Madeline's grandfather saved Ted's life on a mission. However, the old Carter was badly injured and passed away soon after.

Ted asked the old Carter if he had any wishes. The old Carter said he had a lovely granddaughter, and he hoped she could marry one of Ted's sons.

Ted didn't want to say yes, but Madeline was only four years old at that time, and she was very lovely and sensible, and Madeline's mother was a gentle, polite lady, so Ted agreed.

He originally thought that with the Carter family's upbringing, their children wouldn't be too terrible. If the two children liked each other, it would not be a big deal for him to give them a wedding when they grew up. It could also be considered a joke if they didn't like each other.

But god knew Madeline, this wench actually grew more and more dishonest and acted ostentatiously with this marriage.

Ted saw it all. Although he was very angry, he did not punish the Carter family. It had been his intention to leave the marriage to Simon. If Simon couldn't handle a single woman, Simon wasn't eligible to control the whole organization.

So Ted didn't like Madeline at all.

"Don't be angry, Uncle King. I'm so worried about your safety that I don't pay much attention to other things…" Madeline wore a pitiful look. "I was locked up and tortured by Simon for so long before I was rescued by… Ian Flores's men, but luckily they were not wary of me, so they brought me to this island.

I don't know until now that Simon's uncle Ian Flores is a bad guy! He secretly lay dynamites under the villa to kill you and Brother Joshua! I'm terrified of dynamites, but I'm more afraid that some accident would happen to both of you! I risked my life to save you, Uncle King..."

Madeline looked as if she was about to cry.

Ted was more annoyed. Did Madeline really know her identity? He was kind of her elder, but she actually dealt with him the way she dealt with men?

What was more, even if Madeline hadn't come, he wouldn't have gotten hurt?

How could those handcuffs trouble him? He had removed the handcuffs and subdued the bodyguard before Madeline could reach his study to alert him.

He had planned to leave with the bodyguard, but Madeline suddenly appeared and told him that explosives had been buried in the villa.

Initially, they had enough time to leave, but Madeline was so frightened by the explosion that her legs went limp, which slowed them down.

Joshua's bodyguard tried to carry her away, but she unreasonably felt disgusted as she thought that he was so dirty that he shouldn't touch her. In conclusion, they were dragged into a dangerous situation by Madeline step by step.

In the end, they rushed out the moment when the explosion began. Joshua's bodyguard protected her, but she actually treated her savior so unkindly.

Obviously, this woman had hurt Ted, but she insisted that she had saved him.

Ted took out his phone and dialed a number, "All come here!"

Soon, a few agile people came to him from different corners.

Madeline's eyes lit up. She had heard that Ted was surrounded by a group of subordinates who mysteriously appeared and disappeared, and each of them had extremely powerful strength.

She said excitedly. "Uncle King, we've got men. We can kill the attackers and avenge yourself on them..."

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