Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 1343 - 631

Chapter 1343 - 631: Don’t Get Your Hopes Up

"Mr. King," Joshua spoke quietly, indifferent and distant.

Ted just felt very restless. He suppressed his anger and said, "Joshua, let's meet."

"No need." Joshua calmly refused. He had roughly guessed what Ted would talk with him about.

"Can't you have a good talk with me?" There was both anger and frustration in Ted's voice. "You don't want to recognize me as your dad, but I'm still your father. Do you want to never see me again?"

Looking at Hazel next to him, Joshua raised his eyebrow slightly. "Mr. King, do you really want to talk to me?"

"Of course," Ted said in a serious tone.

"Alright then, let's give each other one last chance," Joshua opened his mouth quietly.

Since Ted helped him out last night and accepted Ted's kindness, he would try to communicate with Ted one last time. If they could communicate successfully, he would try to change Ted slowly. But if Ted were willful in doing things, Joshua wouldn't be polite.

Hanging up, Joshua sighed. "Hazel, I'm going to meet Ted."

"Go ahead," Hazel nodded, making clear her attitude. "When you go there, have a good talk with him. Don't let him find you are reluctant. Whatever his attitude is, we just need to do what we should do and don't have to give in to him too much."

"Huh?" He looked at her in surprise. He stroked her hair with a smile. "Why do you change your mind?"

"I've been standing firm on your side!" she said seriously. Ted gave her a hard time, but she didn't care about it even if she was a little wounded. After all, she did all that for Joshua. But she wouldn't put Joshua in a dilemma in order to please Ted.

Joshua's heart was warmed. Of course, he knew what Hazel was thinking. It was just...

"Hazel," he sighed slightly, "Don't get your hopes up. People like Ted are used to being overweening. He won't listen to others. Even if I go to meet him today, our conversation wouldn't be able to end up with anything good."

"I understand." She nodded. "Bring a few guards with you."

"No, let them stay and protect you." He frowned.

"I'm sure Ted wouldn't hate me enough to attack me, who is a pregnant woman," she said earnestly, shaking her head. "I'm just a little worried about you. I'm afraid he may directly detain you and take you away."

She had really considered the possibility that Ted would do that. Ted wouldn't do anything to her, but he could really do things like taking Joshua away. In addition, she knew that even no matter how good Joshua's attitude was today, Ted wouldn't be satisfied.

If Cynthia were smart, she would directly send the videos to Ted after getting them. How could Ted possibly think his attitude toward their relationship was wrong after watching all the videos? He would only think that Joshua was puzzled by her.

"Don't worry," said Joshua with a smile, stroking her hair. "He can't stop me if I want to come home."

Hazel didn't say anything else; she stood on tiptoe and kissed him on the lips. "Go ahead, come home as early as possible. I'll wait for you."

"Good," Joshua replied.

After that, he went to the appointed meeting place to meet Ted.

Ted had intended to meet with Joshua at the manor, but of course, Joshua wouldn't agree.

As Hazel said, if he went to the manor and Ted directly locked him up, then it would be hard for him to escape.

So they agreed to meet at one of Ted's casinos. When he arrived, a waiter led him to the VIP room.

When Joshua entered the room, he found Ted waiting there. All the other people went out and closed the door for them.

"Would you like to play dice?" Ted shook the dice in his hands.

"No. I'm not interested in it," Joshua said lightly. "I don't believe in luck. I believe in strength."

"Luck is also part of strength," Ted spoke quietly.

"But when you have strength, it would be very stupid if you pray for luck," said Joshua coldly. "I won't gamble, and I won't bet on anything you want."

Ted sighed with regret.

If Joshua agreed to gamble with him, Ted would really like to use gamble to force Joshua to break up with Hazel. But it seemed Joshua would never give him such a chance.

"I asked you to come here today to show you something." Ted's face darkened. He gave up trying this kind of method like a gamble and was ready to go straight to the point.

Then he picked up the remote and turned on the TV hanging on the wall.

The three videos that Joshua had already seen began to play on the television screen.

Cynthia received the email and sent it directly to Ted. When Ted saw the content of these videos, he was so angry that he almost asked his men to kill Hazel.

But he knew clearly that if he did that, Joshua would definitely fall out with him, so he asked Joshua out and wanted to talk to him in private.

Ted looked at Joshua with a gloomy face. He believed that Joshua would have an emotional reaction after seeing this!

But the next moment, what Ted saw let him down.

Joshua looked at the screen calmly, his face unruffled.

"You asked me to come here just to show me these pictures?" Joshua spoke lightly.

Ted looked stunned, and he was even a little overwhelmed. Was Joshua actually… not pissed off at all?

Ted even looked back at the TV screen in astonishment to make sure the face of the woman was Hazel indeed. Could it be possible… that Joshua was too furious to react?

Ted persuaded in a deep tone. "Joshua, I know you're bad…."

"Why should I feel bad?" Joshua interrupted him coldly.

Ted almost didn't know what to say. He had considered many kinds of reactions that Joshua would have, but Joshua did not respond at all, which was beyond his expectation.

After thinking for quite a while, Ted didn't know exactly what Joshua was thinking, so he said something as a feeler. "Joshua, the woman named Hazel Crowe betrayed you…."

"Hazel didn't betray me." Joshua interrupted him again.

Ted felt a surge of anger. He had thought he'd misunderstood, but he didn't expect that even in the face of a video like this, Joshua still defended Hazel, as if he had been bewitched.

"Joshua, what's the matter with you?" Ted was irritated. "The video makes it clear that this woman is Hazel Crowe. How could she possibly not betray you? Do you want to say you're the man in the video? Do you have a doppelganger?" josei

"The men on it aren't me indeed," Joshua said lightly. "But is the woman really Hazel?"

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