Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 247 - 247

Chapter 247 - 247: Am I A Prisoner Now?

After two days in the hospital, Savannah finished the health examination and went through the discharge procedures. josei

Garwood drove Savannah and Judy back to Beverly Hills.

On the way home, Savannah kept looking out the window silently.

Garwood looked at her sullen face, knowing that she was still angry with Mr. Sterling.

Judy sighed and felt helpless too. After Mr. Sterling came to the hospital that day, Savannah began to have meals, but she was depressed and did not talk much.

When they arrived at Beverly Hills, Savannah unbuckled her seat belt and went out of the car, only to see six or more bodyguards patrolling at the entrance of the villa.

There were the Sterling's bodyguards standing outside the villa before, but only one or two.

Extra hands were set here.

Savannah frowned.

Judy got off and followed Savannah. Seeing Savannah's expression, she explained, "Mr. Sterling sent more people here for your safety."

Savannah rolled her eyes. For her safety? Come on, he must make this arrangement to stop her from going out for abortion.

Just as Savannah was entering the house, she saw a strange woman waiting in the living room.

The woman was about thirty, dressed in a dark blue business suit. She bowed to Savannah, "Miss Schultz."

"And who is this"? Savannah asked, her face tense.

Before Judy could come forward to say anything, the woman introduced herself, "Miss Schultz, my name is Sarah Perry. I was the director of obstetrics and gynecology in the city hospital. I'm also a well-known domestic nutritionist and nurse practitioner, proficient in taking care of pregnant women. I'd been hired as a full-time health care professional by many big families, very experienced. It was Mr. Sterling who specifically engaged me to look after you twenty-four hours a day. I will take care of you during your pregnancy."

Wasn't the arrangement overdone? Savannah's face looked even gloomier.

Sarah, obviously very experienced, had already gotten into gear. She gave Judy several pieces of paper. "I've analyzed Miss Schultz's health condition and made a meal plan for her and the baby. Starting today, you can prepare meals for her according to this menu."

Judy took it from Sarah's hand and began to flip through them. Looking up, she blurted out, "Savannah does not like these... Can I cook some of her favorite dishes for her? The pregnant woman will be happier when she has what she likes, and her appetite will be better."

Sarah seemed unpleased with a servant's question. "I'm an experienced nutritionist. The menu is planned by me personally. Do you doubt a professional now?"

Judy shook her head and accepted the menu.

"What's more, fetal education is very important during its development, especially in the first three months, which is an important formative period of the baby's character. Please speak to Miss Schultz as little as possible." Sarah looked at Judy with contempt.

She implied that Judy was just a servant, which was not good for fetal education.

Savannah didn't like Sarah's attitude towards Judy, frowning, "I'm used to Judy's care, and I like to eat what she makes. We don't need the menu from you, and I don't need anything from you. Ms. Perry, I mean, you don't have to live here."

Sarah froze. She never expected to be treated like this. As a senior nurse, she was popular with those housewives in the upper class, especially expectant mothers!

Some rich women even hired her one year in advance! It was flattering for some families to hire her.

Now, this girl asked her to leave and would rather have an old maid serving her?

Who did she think she was? Mr. Sterling didn't get married, and the girl was just a mistress. Did she think she had a higher status now when pregnant?

Though angry, Sarah dared not to fight with Savannah.

"Miss Schultz, I'm one of the top maternity nurses. Mr. Sterling asked me to take good care of you during your prenatal period, and I suggest you follow my daily arrangement. If you have any objection, please go straight to Mr. Sterling."

Judy swallowed at the thought of an argument between Savannah and Sarah, and she was also afraid that Mr. Sterling would be annoyed by Savannah again. She pulled Savannah gently, "that's fine, Savannah, I'll do as she said."

Savannah frowned, turned, and went upstairs.


At noon, Sarah came upstairs, following a maid with a loaded tray.

"Miss Schultz, this is your well-balanced lunch. Please help yourself." Sarah said as she asked the maid to place the tray on the coffee table in front of Savannah.

Savannah vomited twice after she returned to her room, and she still felt uncomfortable now. Lying on the couch, she scowled, "I don't want to eat now. Take it away."

Sarah blanched, "how can you eat nothing? Miss Schultz, you're pregnant, and you need to be nourished; otherwise, the baby's development will be affected."

"I feel sick in my stomach, and I can't eat. Okay?" Savannah tried to hold back her displeasure.

"Pregnant women must have regular meals, or the baby might have a bad development. You will feel like fetching up during the first few months of pregnancy. That's normal. I will let the maid pour you a glass of fresh lemonade, which can relieve nausea symptoms. If it doesn't work, you can take vitamins." Sarah motioned to the maid to prepare lemonade.

Savannah controlled her anger and sat up. She didn't want to fight, nor did she had the strength to fight. If she refused to eat, Sarah would keep getting in her hair. Under Sarah's hard eyes, Savannah had to pick up the plate and eat the food mouthful by mouthful while suffering from her stomach's discomfort.

Sarah, standing by all the time as if she was the hardest officer in a college, watched Savannah eating, afraid that she might miss a bite.

Finally, Savannah finished her lunch. She put the plate and fork down, stood up, and went out of the room.

"Miss Schultz, where do you want to go?" Sarah stopped her immediately.

"I want to go downstairs and have a walk outside."

Sarah frowned slightly, "it's not a very nice day," she said. "it's windy, and it's not very sunny for a pregnant woman."

"Am I a prisoner now? Can't I even go out?" Savannah felt her temper come again.

"Sorry, Miss Schultz." Then she picked up the tray, left the room, and closed the door.

Savannah sat on the edge of the bed, her teeth clenched.

Now Dylan had added bodyguards to the villa, and a strict Sarah was waiting on her almost 24 hours a day.

In that case, when would she get the chance to have an abortion?


Since everyone asking for an update, I decided to give another weekend extra chapter bonus, enjoy it! Have a safe weekend guys!

Love lots!

Anna Shannel Lin

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