Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 341 - 341

Chapter 341 - 341: Come To Chicago At Once

She had done well at school, he knew. Had Dalton and his wife not been so selfish and spent all their money on their own daughter, Savannah would have been an undergraduate too. It was her biggest regret that she had never gone to college.

Savannah's heart was thumping with excitement. She still couldn't believe it, murmuring, "UCLA is the best university in LA. Do they really want me?" She did not attend the entrance examination or selection process like other students. UCLA could not be so easy for common people to enter. What's more, could she choose any major she liked?! That was incredible.

Quite satisfied with her reaction, Dylan didn't explain much. Old Sterling had a great relationship with the president of UCLA. They invited each other to their house for a cup of tea occasionally, and they were both connoisseurs who appreciated genuine antiques. What's more, the Sterling family had invested in the expansion of library buildings at UCLA. Now old Sterling also had status in the school board, and it was not hard for him to enroll a student directly.

Dylan smiled and added, "of course, you're required to conform to the rules."

"Rules?" Holding her breath, she knew it wasn't going so well.

"First, you're not allowed to live on campus." Dylan raised a forefinger.

Students should remain in residence during the term. If she lived in the dorms, he could only see his wife at the weekend. How could he bear that?

She breathed a sigh of relief and nodded, "yes, I know."

"Second," Dylan continued, and his voice was low and stern, "don't get too close to any young man in school."

There were too many love stories on campus. His little woman had always held a fascination for men. He sent her to continue her study, and he didn't want more rivals. Well, Kevin and Lionel were enough.

Savannah almost burst out laughing. Seeing the serious expression on his face, she could only contain herself from laughing and nodded, "okay. Well, I've decided the major."

"So soon?" Dylan looked a little surprised, "Which major?"

"Fashion design." Savannah took a deep breath and said decisively.

UCLA offered this new major, which had been in hot demand in recent years, and it attracted many students. Valerie also majored in this major.

However, the reason that she picked fashion design was not that the major was very hot. She didn't mean to follow the trend. Actually, she had been drawing and interested in art since a child. After she was sent to the orphanage, she met Kevin, who was good at drawing, and he taught her a lot.

After graduating from high school, she became a plane model. When she wore the clothes from other designers in the advertisement shooting, she hoped that one day she could wear the clothes designed by herself. Sometimes, she would design clothes on paper and spend hours sketching fashionable garments.

However, the principal reason for her choice was that the main industry of Schultz's factory was garment-making. If she could learn the major well, it would also be helpful for her father's factory.

Dylan didn't ask much, his eyes soft. "I'll speak to the president about this after the wedding. Is there anything else you want to say to me?"

Savannah did not know what to say. It seemed strange to say thank-you... Being too polite might make him unhappy. After all, she was going to marry him soon.

Finally, she stammered in a low voice, "Dylan... Come and pick me up earlier that day, will you?"

So she could see him earlier.

Dylan knew that she would be sent back to the house in Green Bay tomorrow evening. She wanted him to pick her up early on the wedding day.

With a gleam in his eyes, he smiled and said, "I won't let you wait too long."

Savannah's face became flushed.

Just then, there was a knock on the door. "Miss Schultz, are you awake? It's time to go downstairs for dinner." Sophie's voice was heard.

"Oh -" Savannah replied, glancing at the door.

"Before you hang up," Dylan smiled meaningfully, "give me a kiss, baby."

A sudden feeling of loss came to Savannah, and she felt as if she would not see him for a long time. Looking at the charming man in the video, she tried to dismiss from her mind the strange thought. Without further hesitation, she leaned forward and blew him a kiss. Then she hung up.

Dylan still held the phone. Although it was only a kiss through the phone, it seemed to be alive and printed on his heart.

His lips curled into a smile, and then he called to Garwood, who was standing outside the door, "Garwood, get the car."

He really needed to go back to Beverly Hills early today to get a good rest and conserve his strength. He should pick up her beautiful bride in great form thirty hours later.

The door opened, and Garwood came in, smiling, "all right, Mr. Sterling."

Suddenly, the phone in Dylan's hand rang.

Dylan took a look at the caller's name on his cell phone, and his eyebrows knitted slightly.

Erik was calling from Chicago.

That was strange. Erik rarely called him, and this was not the time to report.

"Hello?" Dylan answered the phone, a little impatient.

Through the phone came Erik's slightly excited voice, "Mr. Sterling, the girl you asked me to keep looking for, has been found! Something's happened to her, please come to Chicago at once!"

* * * *

The spoon slipped out of Savannah's hand and broke into two on the marble floor.

Sophie quickly stepped forward to clean the pieces away, so they would not hurt her. Emma handed her a new spoon.

"Savannah, is everything alright? How do you look a little absent-minded?" asked old Sterling thoughtfully across the table.

Savannah shook her head. She didn't know why but felt a little restless tonight.

Was it because of the video chat? Maybe she was too excited to know she had a chance to go to college soon? Or she was just a little nervous when the wedding day was coming?

Thinking of this, she smiled reassuringly at old Sterling, "nothing. I'm thinking about the wedding.


Dearest Lovies,

A few hours from now we will welcome 2021, a new year, a new beginning, and a new journey. I wish you all a prosperous and abundant life this coming 21st century. Another thing, I just want to say thank you God for giving us strength through out this struggling year, that we are able to survive against the pandemic. josei

Tomorrow is mass release day, don't forget to vote!

Zhù dàjiā xīnnián kuàilè! ( Happy New Year, everyone! )

Anna Shannel Lin

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