Midnight Bride The CEO's Temptation

Chapter 663 - 663

Chapter 663 - 663: Don’t Come Over

Suddenly, a hurried footstep patterned along to the door of the warehouse, and a guard pushed the door in, looking flustered.

"The cops are coming!"

Nicolo's face changed. "How could that be? How did the police find their way here? Didn't you frisk that man carefully when he came in?"

"I've checked. I didn't find a tracker or phone on him. I didn't see anyone following him." The guard panted, and his face was full of fear.

Instead of trying to figure out why the police were coming, Brent immediately said to the boy, "I'll escort you out the back door."

The boy looked at Dylan on the floor and wanted to check if he was dead, but Brent didn't give him time.

Nicolo and several of his men were about to take Savannah as a hostage before leaving the warehouse when the front door of the warehouse was kicked open!

"Hands up and drop your gun!"

A group of policemen waded in.

Nicolo and his men had to put down their weapons and raise their hands, staying where they were.

Several police officers handcuffed those Mafiosi, while others searched the warehouse.

One police found Dylan lying unconscious on the ground with his blood, rushing to him in shock.

"What's wrong with Mr. Sterling?" he asked Savannah, who was still in a daze.

Another officer crouched down and examined Dylan carefully. His face turned white with fear.

"He's been shot in the head... He's not breathing!"

If Mr. Sterling, the master of the Sterling family, died in Milan, how would they explain to the US government?

"He's not dead? Is he?"

"How could he survive after being shot in the head? Do you think we're in an action movie?"

"Now what? It's too late to send him to the hospital, isn't it?"

"Oh, no, we're done for it this time."

In the murmurs of the policemen, Savannah's face turned paler, her ears buzzed, and black spots danced madly before her eyes. Suddenly she could hear nothing else.

It was impossible.

He was not going to die. He is the toughest man she has known. He was her man, who wouldn't give up his life easily.

After two days without food or drink, she was exhausted, and before she fell fainting on the floor, she cried, as loud as she could roar,

"Call an ambulance, call an ambulance!"

* * *

Savannah was in a melancholy dream.

The whole world seemed to be in boundless mist and fog.

She kept walking ahead, looking for Dylan, but he was nowhere to be found.

Finally, she saw a figure standing in front of her.

That dignified, tall, and distinguished-looking man could be no one else but Dylan.

"Dylan!" She rushed to him in surprise, trying to hold him, but only heard his distant voice.

"Don't come over." josei

"Why? Come back with me! Let's go back together... Please, let us build our family again. Kaiden is waiting for us back home," She felt aggrieved and puzzled.

"Sorry, I can't go back with you. Baby, go on with your life, live in peace and happiness Go back home, Kaiden is waiting for you," His voice was sad and lonely.

She was aware of something, her heart pounding with pain.

"No! I don't want to go home alone, and if you don't come with me, I'll stay here with you!" She cried as she ran to hug him.

His body was so cold, like ice, making her tremble.

He pulled her arm and released himself from her hold, his cold hand in her hair.

"Go back. Just keep walking. Don't look back. Your mother and Kaiden, who love you, are waiting for you. Don't make them sad." His tone was pitying and mournful.

She felt she was going to lose the most important thing in her life, and her heart was mercilessly cut by a knife.

"But you have the heart to make me sad? I can't go on with my life without you, honey," She whispered in a husky voice.

"Go back." He let go his hold of her. Then he turned slowly, walking resolutely towards the end of the mist.

She tried to catch up, but somehow, in her dream, her legs strained stiffly, and she could not move.

In despair, she watched his figure disappear.

Tears rolled down her face. She was crying so hard that she could hardly breathe. She finally lost her strength and fell to the ground.

"Savannah, Savannah, wake up!" A worried and anxious female voice came from her side.

Savannah opened her eyes wide and saw a figure of a woman watching her nervously.

It was Elisa.

Looking around with difficulty, she found she was in a hospital ward.

Elisa was relieved to see that she was awake.

"I'll call the doctor." Then she ran out of the ward.

Savannah raised herself upon her elbow and got out of bed groggily, stumbling out of the ward.

Her head was still dizzy, and her legs were limp, but it wasn't enough to stop her from looking for Dylan.

She made her way along the corridor, looking into the next ward.

He should have been sent to the same hospital with her, and he should be in a ward not far away from hers if he were here.

If he was alive...

She dared not think.

However, she found no sign of him after searching all the wards along the corridor.

Her heart sank. She was oppressed by sinister forebodings, and she could hardly breathe.

The bad dream, more like a bad omen, made her heartbeat violently.

When she finally moved to the nursing station, she found Andrew talking to a nurse with a solemn face.

"Don't talk to Miss Schultz about Mr. Sterling when she wakes up. Don't mention Mr. Sterling till she gets better."

The nurse nodded.

Savannah's last hope was ruined by Andrew's words. She broke up, leaning against the wall.

Was he dead?

What the chance was that a man could still be alive after being shot in the head?

Savannah's mind went blank.

So, he came to say goodbye to her in her dream just now?

She slipped down the wall and gasped, covering her mouth.

Andrew noticed Savannah out of the corner of his eyes, startled, running to her.

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