Military Lord of the White Coats

Chapter 27

Chapter 27

Chapter 27: The Influential Figure Left?

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The entire hotel seemed to have become enveloped by a spine-chilling cold the moment Bruce White uttered those words. Several people could not stop themselves from trembling.

Thomas Zane and Peggy Vade, the people being addressed, felt as though they had fallen into an abyss. They suddenly felt extremely uneasy.

The hotel’s security guards who were standing in front of Thomas Zane and Peggy Vade wanted to chase Bruce White away. However, Kirin’s figure suddenly popped up in front of them.

“Scram!” Kirin shouted as he flicked his arm, instantly sending two of the guards flying backward. The guards slammed onto the wall and they became unconscious.


Everyone who witnessed this scene could not help but gasp. There was a thick hint of wariness in their eyes.

At this moment, Thomas Zane and Peggy Vade knitted their brows as they observed Bruce White. ‘It has been five years. When did Bruce White develop such a harrowing aura?’ they wondered.

Both of them were extremely startled. They frowned as they sensed immense pressure that exuded from Bruce White’s body.

Thud, thud, thud.

Bruce White walked up the stage while the two were still lost in thought. The stage trembled with every step he took. josei

When Bruce White finally got onto the stage, the decorative board that had been set up at the back of the stage suddenly shuddered and fell.

A moment later, Bruce White stepped on the banner with the words ‘IPO Celebration’ under his foot. He looked playfully at Thomas Zane and Peggy Vade and said, “Don’t worry, if I wanted to kill you guys, you wouldn’t be able to escape.”

Bruce White continued with a cold expression, “I came here today to notify you of something. Five years ago, the two of you worked together and produced false evidence to frame me. You guys put me in prison and even arranged for an assassin to kill me while I was incarcerated. My adoptive father tried to repeal the case for me but died because of the two of you. You should know these things better than me, isn’t that right?! I’m giving you a month. A month from now, I want to see everyone related to the case back then kneel in front of me and express regret. Also, I want those who killed my adoptive father to kill themselves in front of my adoptive father’s grave to atone for their sins! Remember. E-ve-ry-one. I’ll annihilate the whole family of the one who is missing!”

Bruce White’s expression was dark as he gave this speech. His expression was so cold that he looked like an unfeeling executioner.

However, everyone in the hall burst out in laughter after Bruce White finished saying his piece. The older workers of Zane Corporation roared with laughter as if they had just heard a lame joke.

“Bruce White, do you think that you’re still in prison? F*cking everyone should kneel in front of your adoptive father to express regret? Have you become a retard after going to prison?” one wheezed.

“Bruce White, who do you think you are? And who do you think Mr. Zane and Ms. Vade are? Do you not know the difference in status? In my opinion, you are the one who should kneel in front of them,” another one chimed in.

“Bruce White, you are truly the most impressive person when it comes to boasting. Hahaha- Do you really think that you are still a director of Zane Corporation? Has your brain turned to mush while you were in prison?” someone else added.


The mocking voices of those present reverberated around the hall. However, on the stage, Bruce White’s expression was still grim and dark. He said, “Oh yes, I’ll personally deal with the two of you. Don’t forget. You guys have one month left. Enjoy this last month you have on this earth. Of course, I do hope that you’ll try your best to deal with me. Hire as many people as you like. Spend as much money as you like. I’ll take on anything you throw at me. Also, let me remind you, don’t even think about committing suicide when the time comes—because your lives are mine now. Only I can decide whether you live or die.”

Bruce White smiled coldly at Thomas Zane and Peggy Vade, then walked down the stage towards the hotel’s exit under the mocking gazes of the countless people in the hall.

“Bruce White! You’re coming and going as you wish. Isn’t that disrespecting me a little too much?” Thomas Zane shouted from the stage. He was furious. He continued, his tone fierce, “Stop him! I’ll bear all the responsibility if you kill him!”

All the hotel’s security guards rushed out when they heard Thomas Zane speak. Thomas Zane’s personal bodyguards were also amongst them. They all had fierce auras but Bruce White seemed not to have seen them. He continued doing things at his own pace, completely unafraid.

At this moment, one of Thomas Zane’s bodyguards struck Bruce White with a police baton. However, the guard did not manage to touch Bruce White at all before he was sent flying with a kick from Kirin.

Currently, Kirin was like an emotionless robot, manically sending those who dared to block Bruce White’s path flying. More than 30 security guards had fallen to the ground in a matter of minutes.

Now, Bruce White reached the hotel’s exit uninhibited. He slowly turned his head. He laughed coldly once again as he said, “Not bad, you don’t seem too useless like this. Try and keep this up. I do want to see just how much you’ve grown over the years.”

Bruce White left and completely disappeared from the crowd’s field of vision after leaving those words behind.

At this moment, Thomas Zane was trembling in fury. He screamed, “Relay my orders! Kill Bruce White no matter the price. It doesn’t matter how much money it costs. I only want results!”


The subordinates by Thomas Zane’s side started to take action. At this moment, Thomas Zane received a message on his phone. He nearly erupted in fury when he read it.

The influential figure had left. The influential figure that the Headquarters of Eastern Defense sent over had just left and they had not even caught a glimpse of that person before he was gone.


Thomas Zane threw his phone onto the ground. He roared with his eyes wide open, “Bruce White! That influential figure must have left after he saw the commotion you made just now. Ahh! Bruce White! You foiled my plans!!! I’ll make sure you die a horrible death!!! I’ll make sure you f*cking die a horrible death!!!”


After leaving Grand Hotel Porta, Bruce White instructed Kirin to help Howard Wagner find a few helpers in Porta. Bruce White knew how capable Howard Wagner was and that all Howard Wagner lacked was an opportunity.

Bruce White was going to look for Brianne Taylor and explain what happened after he gave orders to Kirin and Howard Wagner. However, the two had just left when he received a call from his adoptive mother, Tiffany Wooten.

“Mum, what did you just say? Brianne accepted the Taylors’ conditions and is going to marry the son of the Richards? And the wedding is set for 9 pm tonight?” Bruce White clarified.


Bruce White could not stop trembling when he heard this news. He could not help but think of Brianne’s beautiful face. Brianne was the girl he had pined after for the last five years. Bruce White had once promised to spend the rest of his life with her, but he ultimately could not fulfill his promise because of a plot against him. He could still remember Brianne Taylor’s incredibly pained smile during his engagement ceremony with Peggy Vade.

It had been five years since. Bruce White had finally returned. He finally had the chance to atone for all of his regrets from five years ago. However, what awaited him was this piece of unacceptable news.

Tiffany Wooten told Bruce White the entire story. As it turned out, the Taylors had been having a massive financial crisis over the past six months. Thus, they sold Brianne Taylor to the Richards for a million dollars like she was some kind of product. Brianne Taylor had secretly accepted the Taylors’ conditions to fulfill Keith Taylor’s dying wish of being admitted back into the family.

Back then, Bruce White’s adoptive father, Keith Taylor, had sold the Taylors’ enterprise to help Bruce White start his business. That had caused a big commotion amongst the Taylors. However, back then, Keith Taylor had a high enough status in the family, and Bruce White’s company had reported decent profits. Thus, the voices of dissent were suppressed. However, everything changed ever since Bruce White was framed and sent to prison. Not only did the Taylors stop receiving profits, but they were also implicated by Bruce White and their businesses declined drastically. At that moment, everyone stepped out to criticize Keith Taylor’s decision. Just like that, Keith Taylor became the cause of the Taylors’ misfortune overnight and was ousted from the family.

Keith Taylor was extremely remorseful when he was kicked out of the Taylor family. He even thought—dreamt—about how to make it up to the Taylors and get himself recognized as a member of the family once again.

Brianne Taylor accepted the Taylors’ condition of marriage because she knew about it. At the same time, she also asked the Taylors for a hundred thousand dollars. That hundred thousand dollars was the money she gave to Bruce White for him to start a new life after being released from jail.

However, Brianne Taylor had hidden this from Tiffany Wooten. If not for Brianne Taylor’s aunt receiving the news and secretly informing her, Tiffany Wooten would have still been kept in the dark even after her daughter got married.

“Save Brianne! Bruce, I’m begging you. You must save Brianne. If your father knows about this, he would not be able to rest in peace in the afterlife. You have to save her. Don’t let her do anything stupid,” Tiffany Wooten pleaded over the phone.


Raging fury poured out of Bruce White’s body after he heard the full story. His eyes were the color of blood, filled with unbridled rage.

“You dare to force Brianne to marry? You’re asking for death! All of you are asking for death! All of you are f*cking asking for death!!! Ahhh!!! Faster, faster, faster!!! Faster!!!” Bruce White screamed as he pressed the accelerator all the way down to the floor.. A moment later, the car he was driving shot like an arrow toward the hotel Tiffany Wooten had told him about.

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