Military Lord of the White Coats

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: All the Traffic Lights In The City Turned Green For Him

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio


Everyone immediately turned to look at Matthew Falls.

Matthew Falls’s legs became soft. He staggered and knelt on the ground. “I’m finished,” he thought.

“Matthew Falls, you are fired—effective immediately!” Shelton Chase said without mercy.

“William, help me. Help me! I am your nephew, William!” Matthew Falls knelt on the ground and hugged William Curtis’s thigh. He drenched William Curtis’s trousers with his tears and snot.

“Mister Curtis, I don’t recommend keeping this person in the airport either,” Javon International Airport’s first-in-command, Quentin Stark, said.

William Curtis had a grim expression on his face. He was decisive. He kicked Matthew Falls away and shouted, “Scram! From today onwards, I don’t have a nephew like you!”

Bruce White stepped on the accelerator after he got into the car and headed for the coordinates of the unknown number. josei

He did not have the energy to bother arguing with those people at this moment. Saving his adoptive mother was the only thing on his mind!


He slammed down on the accelerator. The Brave Warrior instantly vanished from the crowd’s field of vision with astonishing speed.

Almost immediately after, two cars from the Executive Bureau charged past the barriers and arrived at the scene.

“Where’s he? Where’s the influential man?”

Life was a b*tch sometimes. He could not free himself from work at such an important time.

The regret of missing such an opportunity to broaden his horizons might follow him for the rest of his life.

“No! I must do something!”

Hanson Holt started muttering to himself. A glimmer of inspiration flashed in his eyes.

“Chase, what’s the plate number of your car?”

Shelton Chase was confused.

“Hey, stop hesitating. We won’t have time if you continue to hesitate. Tell me quickly. What’s the plate number of your car?”

Hanson Holt rushed. Shelton Chase was completely lost. He did not know what Hanson Holt wanted to do. The only person who could guess what Hanson Holt wanted to do might be Javon International Airport’s first-in-command, Quentin Stark.

Quentin Stark rolled his eyes at his partner in disdain. They had worked together as partners for many years. How could he not know what Hanson Holt wanted to do?

Hanson Holt immediately made a call after he got the plate number of Shelton Chase’s car.

“Hello, is this traffic control? I’m Hanson Holt. I’m ordering you to track a green Brave Warrior humvee. The plate number of the car is...”

Sometime later, an officer on the other end of the line responded, “Commander, we have managed to locate the car. Do we intercept it?”

“No! From now on, turn the traffic lights green wherever the car goes- Forget it, whenever the car arrives at an area, turn all the traffic lights in that area green!”

“Send out all of your men to direct the traffic. You must make sure that this car is unobstructed. Understood?”

Hanson Holt gave a decisive order. He did not do so to curry the favor of Bruce White. Instead, it was because he knew that a person for whom the Aerial Battle Division had sent over a hundred fighter jets to escort was worthy of him making an exception!


A shocked voice came from the other side of the line. The officer was clearly startled and did not know how to react. It was understandable. Anybody else would have been regarded as a madman if they said those words.

“Did you not hear me?” Hanson Holt’s voice rang out once again. The officer trembled, then immediately responded, “Understood. We’ll definitely complete this mission!”


The Brave Warrior overtook a Lamborghini. However, the young man driving the Lamborghini was not pissed off at all. Instead, he was a little envious. He suddenly thought that the steering wheel felt a little uncomfortable in his hand.

“Tsh, isn’t that just a locally produced car? I think that your Lamborghini is more comfortable. Though the space inside is a little small and it’s a little inconvenient, I like it.”

A woman in heavy make-up was riding shotgun in the Lamborghini. Her collar almost reached her belly button, revealing the flesh of her fair skin.

Most importantly, she was in a subtly sexy pose. Along with the words she was saying, it was hard not to imagine things.

“Scram! Get off the car, f*ck! Do you think a person like you is worthy of criticizing a Brave Warrior? You’re dragging down my standards, scram!”

The woman was utterly confused.

She did not expect to be chased out of a rich man’s Lamborghini for teasing a locally produced car.

Who could have expected that? Who?

The woman was kicked out of the car. She stood there completely lost.

“He’s mad! He must be mad! Who could have expected this?!!!” she thought.

“F*ck! She doesn’t have any taste at all. She’ll make me blind sooner or later if she stays at my side!”

The rich man in the Lamborghini continued to harp on the matter.

Sometime later, the rich man’s phone rang. The person on the other end of the line said, “Mr. Samson, what happened? Queenie said that you chased her out of the car. That silly lass is still crying by the side of the road. Did she provoke you in any way?”

“Ms. Rica, you don’t have to introduce these brainless girls to me in the future. They’ll do me in sooner or later!

“She couldn’t even recognize a Brave Warrior. How shortsighted! Fortunately, she was in my car. She might cause a huge conflict if someone in the know had overheard her.”

The person on the other end of the line was a little confused. “Brave Warrior?”

“It can’t be, Ms. Rica, that even you do not know? Forget it, you don’t have to introduce many girls to me in the future. I’m hanging up. There’s a green light, a green-”


The rich man was startled. He saw the traffic light that had just turned red instantly become green again. He could not believe his eyes.

He was very familiar with this street. Red lights always lasted 50 seconds. Yet, the traffic light had been red for 10 seconds before it turned green again?

Beep, beep, beep...

The horns behind him jolted him back to his senses. He looked in shock at the Brave Warrior that was already close to 200 feet away from him. An insane thought was brewing in his mind.


The rich man stepped on the gas and quickly followed the Brave Warrior.

The second traffic light soon approached. It was a red light and it had 30 seconds left. However, that 30 seconds passed in an instant!

A green light appeared immediately!


The rich man suddenly exclaimed in shock. He observed the traffic lights very closely this time. The red light immediately became green the moment the Brave Warrior arrived.

He did not have the time to think too deeply about the situation. He stepped on the gas once again and followed closely behind the Brave Warrior.

They reached another traffic light in less than five minutes.

The rich man knew that this was a bustling city district. There were so many traffic lights here that some girl drivers often had breakdowns.

No one could drive smoothly past this stretch of road. They would usually have to stop at three to four traffic lights.

The opportunity for him to ascertain his guess had come!


Vroom, vroom, vroom...

The rich man thought that he was rather fortunate. If he had been as blind as that woman just now or as brainless as the other rich young lads who only boasted to show off, then...

The rich man did not dare to continue the train of thought. He could not afford to offend a person with such power!

The rich man stopped his car by the side of the road and stared at the speeding Brave Warrior. That was all he did.

The Brave Warrior’s horsepower, endurance, and mechanical qualities were not something that a car designed for showing off could rival.

Because of that, an ordinary person would not be able to properly drive a Brave Warrior. Only a trained soldier could tame the unruly Brave Warrior!

Only they were worthy of driving a Brave Warrior!

The rich man was in awe. He was deeply in awe. At the same time, he felt as though he had missed something.

While the rich man was still in awe, Bruce White had driven the Brave Warrior out of the city area and onto the narrow road in the outskirts. There were no traffic lights there. There was a muddy path, but it did not seem to affect Bruce White’s speed.

“Sir, the Brave Warrior has entered the outskirts. We can’t follow it with our cars!”

“Outskirts? What’s he going to the outskirts for? Investigate. Has something happened in that area recently?!”

The outskirts were made up of either farms or villas. Why would an influential man like Bruce White go there?

Hanson Holt hung up and felt a little uneasy. He felt as though a dark cloud was settling down above his head and he could not scatter them away no matter what he did....

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