Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: 137

The situation on the human side has calmed down. But in the world of Martial Artists, the situation was getting more and more intense. The seven major sects mobilized the sect disciples all over the land, whether the outsiders were all summoned to rally for the upcoming battle.

At the Taishan Mountains, the land of the holy sect. Above the high valley, with a hundred meters of stone plaque, carved deity characters. The pilgrimage of millions of sectarian disciples who flowed from all directions wanted to worship the God Tablet once in a lifetime.

Not only that, but the elders of the Sacred Sect had also injected their profound energy. It was causing the God Tablet to shine a golden light all the time.

The disciples all looked at the God Tablet with joy. Tears flowed down on both cheeks. Keep praising the deity, ready to sacrifice life for the god of light. Everyone knows that the Lord has commanded, and wants to purify the lands as pure as before. Everyone was looking forward to the upcoming war in the Martial Artists world.

In front of the God Tablet was seated with a Martial Artists, the current Master of the Sacred Sect. Yao Huang Sect Master.

The sect master spent months meditating into interpreting the divine characters relentlessly to understand the incredible power.

At that moment, the sect master opened his eyes, staring at the God Tablet with determination. He began to feel the divine character in front of him was filled with the laws of nature. Suddenly, the sect master tried mathematical principles to interpret the decoding of this divine character.

Numbers 0-9 spread around the sect master, emitting golden light, spinning out in all ten directions, filled with unrivaled numbers.

The sect master felt that he could use this set of numbers to understand nature fully. Originally, they rely on the power of the gods to train themselves.

But with this set of numbers, the Sect Master began his journey towards the Taoist Way. Unlock his capabilities and gather the powers of the two lines together.

The natural force mixed with divine power charged into the body of the sect master. It was as if a black hole appeared, absorbing the surrounding energy into the sect master. Above the sky, a huge storm formed. The black clouds quickly gathered. Many elders immediately knew that this was a Legendary Power Break event.

"Sect Master is about to cross a threshold, level up. Everyone hurries back off." The Elder hurriedly instructed everyone to move away from the Taishan Mountain. Ordered everyone to set up a  security seal at the highest level. Prevent anyone from interfering with the Sect Master.

Hundreds of lightning strike nonstop on the Taishan Mountains. Creating a tremor like an earthquake.

At that moment, the sect master suddenly opened his eyes. His power had risen to another level, reaching the peak of the tenth level of Divine Profound Spirit. Half a step away from the Immortal Qi, The Divine Qi had sent out waves of energy throughout the Great Yan Huang Continent. The Martial Artist headmaster suddenly opened his eyes.

"Has someone already taken that step?"

"Old Yao Huang even surpassed me."

Only the sect masters could feel waves of great power in the corner of the great continent. Which is the location of the holy land.

There is only one big sect, who didn't care about it. That is the Temple of the Gods, the highest status on this planet. Even the Sacred Sect did not dare to fight. Because the identity of the God Temple leader does not interfere with the world. But undertook to protect the world from the invasion of monsters from the dark dimensions.

"Master of the Yao Huang Sect Able to reach this level. Great Continent, Yan Huang was very cheerful." The Divine Temple guardian looked in the Sacred Sect's direction before closing his eyes for further meditation.

"Hahaha, in the end, I reached the top of the Divine Profound Spirit." The Sect Master laughed madly. It took him a long time to interpret the divine characters. Gods saw his efforts, giving him great power.

"I have been blessed by the God of Light. The Chosen One to lead the stray animals The great gods' names will spread across four directions. Yao Huang Sect Lord, hereby declare a holy war under the name of the God of Light."

The sect master had reached the highest level of divine energy. He is no longer afraid of anyone. Because now he had the highest power equal to a Guardian, able to sweep across four directions.josei

The disciples of the Sacred Sect looked deeply revered at the sect master. They know that the time of war is near.

The sect master created six shining golden orders sent to the location of the Seven Great Sects.

"The verses of the commandment have commanded. The Holy Sect will declare a great battle. The Martial Artists are making a great war on the land. All sects, please obey the order of the gods."

The golden command of the deity directed through the clouds to the location of various sects. An announcement was made at the order of the Sect Master, causing the Seven Sectaries shocked by this announcement.

"The Holy Sect has declared war."

"We are preparing to fight with the Holy Sect."

The situation of the Great Continent immediately reached a heat point. The holy sect declares war. They did not allow the other party to disgrace, declare war back. The great battle of the Martial Artists began. Only the Divine Temple that was responsible for protecting the world withdrew from this war.

Back to the east of the Great Yan Huang Continent.

It's been a month since the signing of the Empire Inequality Treaty with the Four Regions.

Many people almost thought that all the events that had happened were dreaming. The empire reached the center of the region, forcing the emperor to sign a contract. For a few days, many people still felt that the whole thing was not true.

But the ruling class of each region knew that all were not dreaming. There were many deaths as evidence. The aristocratic power base began to fall into a state of trembling from the empire's sudden attack this time.

Especially the power base of the army. Everyone knows that if let this goes on, its integration into the future empire is only a matter of time.

The ruling class began to enter high-level meetings to discuss issues that allowed them to reform the land to be on par with the empire.

"No, this matter, I can't accept it. There must be no reforms whatsoever." The Datang Regional General has opposed the military reform. Because this meant that he would inevitably be reduced to power.

"General You, too, see with your own eyes that our army cannot stand the slightest bit against the imperial army. If you refuse to change, I think the existence of the army is no longer necessary." One noble arose and argued in the palace.

The nobles all had terrible memories of their own army that could not resist the enemy for even a second. In the blink of an eye, thousands of troops fell to the blood. The royal court feeds the army with a large budget. If they are worthless like this, there is no need for an army.

The general was silent, unable to argue back. Because what the nobles had said were all true, the Great Datang Army was immediately useless in the face of the Empire.

The royal courts of each region thought about modern reforms, in which the nobles agreed to this approach. Besides, the Shenzhou Declaration, which was signed, resulted in the emergence of an international organization such as the League of Nations, so many people thought of using it to reap the Empire's benefits.

"Then I will send an ambassador to the Empire. To learn the technology to develop Datang." Emperor Li Lianzhong agreed with the nobles to develop Datang to match the Empire, not allowing the other to take advantage of this kind again.

They still remember the feeling of pain; they never forgot when the guns were pointing towards them.

They thirst for the mighty power of an empire that is the same as Martial Artists. The reform trend was triggered by the ruling class.

The four regions have a surprisingly consistent idea. Even Dalian, with tribal culture, was ready to fully embrace the knowledge of the Empire.

The ambassadors of the four provinces were sent to the Empire to negotiate initially. Now, the effects of the unequal treaty have begun to take effect. In the capital city of Dayi

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