Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 141

Chapter 141: 141

      Dawn, morning, a new day has arrived. Sunlight shone through the glass, hitting Li Xian on the mattress on the Wangzhi Jiutan Hotel's thick bed.

Li Xian stretched a slight stretch. All the tiredness was wholly gone, remaining refreshed and a full sleep from last night.

"This hotel is very excellent," Li Xian said, sincerely praising him. Just the adornment of the residence and the hallway is full of gold. It made Li Xian and the ambassadors who set foot in this place for the first time that they were helpless.

The aura of luxury caught everyone, hardly enough to breathe. And when they asked for accommodation prices, they could just wipe their sweat away. At this price, only the emperor could afford it; that won't hurt the emperor's pocket.

Fortunately, this stays. It is the preparation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It was causing the ambassadors of all four regions not to take out personal pockets to spend.

Li Xian got out of the bed and took a shower. He was utterly amazed. Just turn the tap a little; clean water will flow out. And you can also choose whether to carry warm or cold water.

After that, the ambassadors from Datang gathered. Enjoy a luxurious breakfast provided by the hotel.

Ambassadors from all four regions looked at each other's eyes. I can feel the same heartbeat That the empire has ravaged. They began to think that each party was their friend in difficult times.

They put their grudges on the past and turn to work together.

At this time, the battle of neighboring provinces is no longer. Only the fighting by the empire could threaten them to their death.

Ambassadors from all four regions sat to discuss various matters. Share the experience Allowing each area to know what happened within each region That the empire has acted against them.

"My Dayi region has been destroyed, and the port is not in good shape. The empire instantly destroyed our unbeaten fleet. The imperial fleet sends ships approaching the palace walls. The firings collapsed the palace until we had to agree to sign the treaty.

"At night in Dalian County, we were suddenly attacked. They took our emperor on bail. Forced to give consent as needed by the empire." Dalian District Ambassador poured out his heart.

"So are mine too," the Dajin district ambassador also said about the incident.

      Under the telling of all four regions' ambassadors, Causing them to begin to understand what happened, the empire's mighty army lasted a few days. Invaded the center of the area, acted aggressively, Making each region defeated.

It was now that each one began to feel the horror spread throughout his body, in fear of the imperial army. It was as if hearing the sound of gunfire in their ears.

"No, the four regions of us have to work together. Try to restore greatness. Don't let the empire take advantage of us," said Li Xian, convincing everyone to join the four regions. It was as if the Four Nations alliance had reunited. But this time, they will be together tightly. The goal is to survive under the threat of the empire.

At 12.00, it was time for the first international meeting in a century. The fifth country sent diplomats to gather. To open negotiations.

The meeting room of the Wangzhi Jiutan Hotel has been adapted to accompany this meeting. There is also a microphone installed to help amplify the sound.

In front of the entrance to the conference room, there were many reporters. They went to make news of the extraordinary meeting in history.

The ambassadors in all five countries tried to walk through the journalists tirelessly. Until finally, they came to sit in the meeting room.

The government has entrusted the foreign ministry to the fullest extent. With the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Empire, Major Li Wei represented in this meeting.

"Welcome everyone to the international conference this time. The empire welcomes delegations from all countries," Major Li Wei welcomed.

"It is an honor for the Datang region to be attended to today."

"We are the same," the ambassadors in each region began to speak in a long line of formal ceremonies praising and admiring the empire profoundly. Even though last month, they dared to send hundreds of thousands of troops to invade the empire.

Of course, no one said the past was heartbreaking. They said it lasted more than half an hour. Until finally, Major Li Wei felt that the time was right. He invited a group of ambassadors from all four regions out of the meeting room. For the convenience of negotiations to reduce the chaos, Only one representative remains from each country. Now there are only five people left in the conference room. These five people will be the centerpiece of today's meeting.

The meeting room became quiet. Li Xian took this opportunity to speak first.

"I have long admired the culture and traditions of the empire. I think it's time for Datang to switch to apply the principles of the Empire to Da Tang," Li Xian said. It implies the implication of wanting to change the country like an empire.

After yesterday, he saw the greatness of the capital Shenzhou.

This is causing Li Xian to have a clear idea that he must get something back to get this trip.

"We think the same too. The empire is the model and hope of humanity. We are happy to let the empire take the lead. Only the empire has mercy on all four of us." Each diplomatic representative spoke in the same direction. I hope that the empire will transfer technology to develop their country.

Some were expected to receive the powerful military aid of the empire. When thinking of the horrors of the modern army, Many people even drilled the need to give their country a current weapon for use.

All four countries sent their ambassadors this time. They would not want to go home empty-handed and promote friendship with the empire, and They also wanted to imitate the kingdom.

          "In conclusion, this is what you want, right?" Major Li Wei compiled the needs of the four countries. They understand that what they need is economical and military assistance.

This time, the foreign ministry gained full power from the government. We assigned Major Li Wei to take advantage of the empire as much as possible.

The empire, though viewed from the outside, is full of strength. But for the government to know how dangerous the internal situation of the empire was.

Both the inequality is very high in the capital and the distinct countryside. Bureaucratic problems because of the rapid expansion of the country. All of these problems take time to decompose. Even if the empire had a strong military force But if the backline has issues, it can lead to defeat as well.

The government realized that these ambassadors did not have a good purpose for the empire. I just wanted to reap the benefits of the empire. Of course, this matter, Zhao Lingxin would not allow the four countries to take advantage of them alone. But the empire also wanted something worthwhile back.josei

The empire had many projects that required huge budgets. Moreover, the rapid development of Zhao Lingxin's plan required several times more high budget. They did not consider this that Zhao Lingxin had to spend a portion of his budget purchasing spirit stones and adding them to his rogue system to be a trump card in times of need.

Both the Empire and the Four Nations knew well that this meeting was growing; friendship was just the forefront. The real purpose is to negotiate only benefits.

Major Li Wei knew the needs of the other party. He would do whatever it takes to exterminate until the four nations were emaciated to the bone.

"The Empire is willing to provide you with military assistance," said Major Li Wei with a strange smile.

"Hmm, is that true?" The ambassadors of the four countries thought they had heard the wrong words.

"It is absolutely true. The empire is willing to provide you with military support," Major Li Wei firmly reiterated the same sentence.

Envoys from the four countries were silent for a moment. Initially, they thought the military topic was sensitive. The empire would never agree so easily. Unexpectedly, the other party quickly agreed.

Major Li Wei's words attracted everyone to dream of the imperial army. That is coming to be theirs, But they noted that the deal had a hidden purpose, full of traps. The empire could not efficiently deliver this lean meat to them.

But this benefit was too enticing. Even Li Xian was ready to walk into the pit willingly.

"If the Empire is willing to offer military help, We wholeheartedly embraced it." Li Xian hurriedly said his agreement. Fear that if speaking a little slowly, the other party will change his mind.

"Dayi agreed."

"Dalian agrees."

"Da Jin agreed."

All the ambassadors hurriedly responded that the empire is ready to give them military assistance.

      Major Li Wei was delighted in his heart to see the fish grab the bait eating the hook. He was waiting for time to take them up.

"Then let's discuss the details," Major Li Wei finished, then handed some documents to the four delegates.

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