Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 298

Chapter 298: 298 Unification of the Empire

      Several days had passed since that Old Cat from the White Tiger tribe, Tao Sun Guixian, came to the capital to seek assistance to help his clan from starving with the Empire.

An old cat, Tao Sun Guixian, visited and relaxed in the capital Zhao Lingxin's little cat Xiaobai was there to help Tao Sun Guixian.

On the side of the demon realm, This matter has entrusted the government with this mission from Zhao Lingxin, who cooperates with the military commission to draft an action plan to interrupt the impending situation in the Demon's Realm.

And today was another important day of the Great Da Zhou Empire because Zhao Lingxin had a momentous decree proclaimed.

Zhao Lingxin signed a decree to disband all protectorate states in the Empire. Return to the central government with immediate effect at this time.

After going through various crises, The protectorate and local people had long been united with the Empire. Whether it was a general public or a former nobleman of the ruling class, They saw the advantages of the unification of the Empire. Both mighty military power and great economic power, All of this made all sectors and citizens agree that the time has come for the Empire to be officially unified.

Da Tang and Da Jin had already merged with the Empire during the Demon Realm Crisis to be the front lines against the Demon Army.

The south state protectorate of Daliao and Dayi sent a request to the government and the Imperial Secretariat.

In order to join the central government, Daliao and Dayi want to be under the control of Zhao Lingxin.

"This matter, I allow it." Zhao Lingxin signed the decree dissolving all protectorate states. Unite all territories into imperial sovereignty.

General Guo Ling, who represents the central government, received a royal decree from Zhao Lingxin.

"Now, I declare that the decree has come into full force. We will annex all the Protectorate States under the single banner of the Great Da Zhou Empire."

Previously, the protectorate had abode by imperial law. As a result, most of the civilian officials were already central officials. Make this transition go smoothly.

Especially after the crisis of demonic invasion where the Empire showed its mighty power, The ruling classes of the protectorate wanted to obtain full imperial citizenship.

At the Palace of Dayi, emperors, nobles, and royal families had given the Commander's Jade Seal to Rear Admiral Meng Bai.

Admiral Meng Bai took the Jade Seal in his hand, the symbol of Dayi Province.

"From now on, we are citizens of the same nation." The Dayi emperor took down his own crown. Their symbols of power were no longer helpful anymore.

In the Daliao region itself, The emperor then gave the jade seal to General Li Fengyang. It is now officially over. There is no longer a custodian state.

They would unite only in one to the Great Da Zhou Empire.

They raise the imperial black eagle flag to the top of the pillar. The imperial national anthem and the emperor's anthem resounded throughout the eastern realm all over the place.

      The map of the Eastern Lands of the Yanhuang Continent had changed. Become one without borders because all the land was under the same black eagle flag.

The dynasties of both provinces followed the Ying dynasty of Da Jin. Both dynasties carried their wealth to the capital city of Shenzhou. So prepare to live in luxury and comfort. Invest in the stock market, have money to spend for the rest of their life.

All of which had approached Zhao Ling Xin. the supreme ruler of the country.

Zhao Lingxin allowed everyone to live in the capital freely.

Right now, the Yanhuang Great Continent has only one dynasty left.

That was the royal family of the Empire. The Zhao family had become the world's number one most powerful family by now.

At the same time, the administrative devolution transfer ceremony was broadcast live across the country—the primitive people who lived in the DaZhou District.

They shed tears with joy.

"The emperor is very great. Only four years. He has brought us to this point." The Great Zhou people thought they were dreaming. Just a few years ago, Da Zhou was an ordinary former country. Will become tremendous and powerful and unite the kingdom of all human beings.

The Great Da Zhou faced a war for the throne that has wholly changed its remodeling of the past. Everyone knew that behind all this was their emperor named Zhao Lingxin.

Even the stubborn scholar in Qinghua City, The Kong family, and the Intellectual party who used to oppose Zhao Ling Xin also supported Zhao Lingxin this time. Together it was recorded in the history textbook that Zhao Lingxin was the greatest emperor of all time. It was comparable to the First Emperor in the five thousand years ago.

Zhao Lingxin was now known as the Great King for thousands of years. In Qinghua City of the sage family, They fully support Zhao Lingxin.

Zhao Lingxin had become the only Great Emperor in the world. On the Yanhuang Great Continent, there was no second emperor of another realm anymore.

As the live broadcast continues, They cut the video to the government's ad hoc program. Then, with General Guo Ling, the Prime Minister issued an important announcement.

"Now, the Empire's territory has become one. for a unified understanding and to improve the state administration regulations, we will establish a new administrative region."

"Define the Da Zhou Empire to have six territories. The Central Administrative Region is the original location of Da Zhou Province."

"Datang County, Dayi County, Dajin County, Daliao County, and a special economic-administrative region with a total of six territories." The government announced the boundaries of the six territories for the public to be informed.

Civilian officials are preparing for this change. The central government will delegate some administrative powers to the territories. To manage in their jurisdiction by establishing the governor of the county to be the highest level government official in that county.

Zhao Lingxin watched the live broadcast with satisfaction. Now there will be no more wars within the human realm. for all the eastern lands were under his rule. Right now, the six territories had problems in their own territories, such as economic inequality, education, and infrastructure development.

But Zhao Lingxin believed that from now on, everything would be fine. Under his regime where all the officials urged to develop every part of the country to be a central administrative region of the Empire.

      At that moment, Zhao Lingxin's smartphone rang an alarm.

"Again?" Zhao Lingxin murmured slightly after seeing the message on his phone, which Yue Ningxiao sent along with a photograph attached.

Yue Ningxiao was able to use smartphones proficiently. So she began to send greetings messages to Zhao Lingxin all night until he could barely sleep.

This goddess has become irresistible in love with smartphones.

Zhao Lingxin sent a reply. After that, the two exchanged messages through this channel.

A message will sound every ten minutes. So Zhao Lingxin had to spare all the time to answer Yue Ningxiao's messages.

Zhao Lingxin saw that it would soon be time to launch the smartphone to the general public. Because now the readiness of everything is almost complete.

Because Yue Ningxiao uses a particular type of smartphone with a long-distance internet connection, this caused the investigative bureau to eavesdrop on communications to detect this anomaly.

When they did an in-depth investigation, they found that they were spying on their emperor. Immediately cease operations.

"Everyone, we must keep this matter top-secret." However, an investigation sect official knew that the emperor was having a conversation with the Divine Lady. Therefore, Zhao Lingxin had to hurry to increase his privacy.

From then on, Zhao Lingxin's messages had to be super encrypted. There is absolutely no one who can decode it.

Zhao Lingxin, who started using a smartphone, began to feel that life on this planet began to develop every time. Soon, he would indeed surpass the same world he lived in his past life.

Now the research institute has developed some games. However, Zhao Lingxin, who was sitting at the moment, found that these games were still missing something. Not as fun as it should be.josei

"It might be time for a private company to develop this." Zhao Lingxin did not expect the research institute to make a fun game. Because these matters for the private sector to do would be more appropriate.

At this moment, Qin Bo walked inside. Qin Bo was almost seventy years old. Therefore, Qin Bo will now be taking a leave of absence from government jobs in the next few months.

With his health starting to deteriorate every now and then.

Zhao Lingxin looked at this close friend even though the other person was a eunuch but has been loyal to him since his reign.

To Zhao Lingxin, Qin Bo was like his own father.

"Your Highness, an important person has arrived." Qin Bo's tone was slightly tired.

"Qin Bo, you go and take some rest. I will let the Foreign Ministry take care of it myself," Zhao Lingxin said.

"If you want to rest, You can do it comfortably. However, regarding government affairs, I will give eunuch Zhang Gong the responsibility first," Zhao Lingxin said.

"As your majesty wants." With his deteriorating health, Qin Bo slowly started Zhang Gong, To work in the office of the Royal Secretariat.

When Qin Bo left, Zhao Lingxin then sent a message to the Foreign Ministry to certify the visiting dignitaries.



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