Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 303

Chapter 303: 303 An ambush on Empire

      Unknown forces quickly attacked a few seconds after Zhao Lingxin and Grandmaster had completed the Eternal Covenant, the Imperial Army's secret base.

What was even more incredible was that the place was under attack. It is a top-secret military base that is also kept as a top-secret.

At the Empire's Desert Base. This base is not shown in official documents or on the map listed. There is only the Ministry of Defense and the army departments. Who knew that this place had an underground military base.

The gate of the secret underground base camp has now been penetrated. The underground base commander quickly mobilized his troops to fend off the enemy along with sending messages to the capital with urgency.

"Alert, all units, we are under attack. Therefore, the maximum use of military force is permitted." Several soldiers were stationed at secret Imperial bases. They have picked up a weapon to fight decisively and sacrifice their lives to protect this base.

The sound of gunfire rang out all over the underground base. Intercept a military base that is infiltrated by unknown forces. That is invading the privacy of the barracks.

The barracks along the base corridors were now filled with mysterious smog. Many soldiers fell to the ground and died from the attack. Gunshots sounded intermittent.

" Commander, The enemy has passed the first defense.," the soldier said hurriedly.

The commander's expression didn't look very good. This military base has a five-layer defense system. But in less than five minutes, The enemy quickly broke through the first defensive line.

"You still don't know who the enemy is?" asked the commander. This is a severe deficit in duty. Until now, they still don't know who the intruders were.

"The other party is hiding the trace very well. Our surveillance cameras have not been able to capture images, sir," the soldier said.

It was then that the enemy had broken the second defensive line into pieces. At that moment, the Imperial Secret Base had seen the proper form of the enemy.

The other party was wearing a cloak to hide their actual body and face.

They made it hard to clearly tell who the other party is with the imperial face detection system. However, they could immediately know who their enemies were and where they came from.

Even if the other party is hiding very well, they cannot wholly conceal the weapon in use. CCTV footage shows all the intruders using their swords as their weapons.

"A sword?!!!" The secret base commander looked shocked. On the Yanhuang Great Continent, the group of people that use such a weapon like this. There is only one possibility.

"The enemy is the Martial Artists." The commander's expression instantly became confused.

"How do they know the location of this place?" The commander still didn't get in on the case. Because the base was secret, only high-ranking officers were able to foresee such information. The fact that Martial Artists could attack this place was full of mysteries.

"Lock this base immediately" when the commander knows who the enemy is.

He quickly made up his mind.

"ROGER THAT!" after the order went down. So they immediately shut down this military base.

Every entrance and exit was blocked by a giant iron bar. In addition, along the walkway, there was a concrete wall blocking the walkway. As a result, the Martial Artists were halted and unable to progress further.

"Order all soldiers to fight with all their might." But he was still a little worried because this secret base was not designed to withstand such an enemy intrusion.

"Send a request for reinforcements immediately," the commander quickly said.

On the side of the intruders, Martial Artists came to the second defense line. After the commander realized the identity of the enemy, he ordered the base to be closed. Now, the entire path inside the base was filled with giant walls blocking every way.

      "They already know. What should we do, senior brother?" said one of the Martial Artists.

A group of over a hundred Martial Artists invaded. They were staring at one of the Martial Artists, who appeared to be the group leader.

"Don't forget our purpose. Splitting into two groups to attract their attention. The other group is following our original plan." The Martial Artists Leader immediately spread the mission.

"Yes, my lord." Hundreds of Martial Artists took the order.

"First, destroy all these walls." Ending the order, more than ten Martial Artists dispersed and chanted a technique.

"The endless rivulet of swords."

"Wind cutter"

"Winter of Hell"

"Fire of the abyss"

Numerous techniques and countless swords. It gathered all elemental techniques to destroy the wall that was blocking them.

"Boom Boom BOOM MMM," the destructive power of those dozens of Martial Artists. Able to break down walls quickly and effortlessly.

"Everyone dispersed to do your own quest." Then, over a hundred Martial Artists quickly split their forces into two groups. They dispersed in different directions. Each group traveled entirely skillfully as if they had a map in their hands.

On the side of the secret base headquarters, The commander's expression was agitated.

"Commander, The enemy simply destroyed our defenses. In less than ten minutes, the other party will arrive at the third line of defense," one soldier reported.

The image on the screen shows the location of the intruder. That was advancing at a speed as if all obstacles could not intercept the other party.

"Dammit!!!!." The base commander slammed the table angrily. This was an insult to his dignity. But how can this base, even though it has an excellent defense system, be unable to withstand the enormous power of the other party?

"Order to our soldiers!. The first to fifth battalions were stationed at the second line of defense. We will make a decisive battle there." The commander decided to fight to the death. This secret base is full of imperial artifacts and secrets. So he decided to fight for his life to protect this base.

The commander's orders were sent down. Over a thousand disciplined imperial soldiers armed with heavy weapons and armament had gathered at the second defensive line to prepare for the decisive battle in no time.

"Commander, now the enemy is coming to the Third Sector."

soldier report.

"How's the evacuation going?" the commander asked about the progress.

"Civilian officials and scientists, they have traveled to Sector One already," the soldier reported.josei

The military commander who listened thus nodded in response.

"Very well, order all the soldiers to prepare. When an enemy appears, attack with everything we got." The commander gave supreme power to every soldier on the battlefield. Can fire and kill Martial Artists at any time.

Every soldier in the second sector tightened their guns. Ready to fire at any time, But after several minutes, the enemy did not appear Until many people began to be startled.

"Why hasn't the enemy appeared yet?" Even the commander wondered why the enemy had stopped moving. But when they look back at the display, they find that The Martial Artists divided their group into two parts.

Some of them are located in the third sector. But another force split up on the base's left flank. Which this area is within the mountain is a place to store some things.

      Now the commander's face changed dramatically. His face was filled with utter panic.

"I understand. What does the enemy want? We have been fooled by them!!."

The commander mumbled out.

"Order all soldiers to attack with full force to the Third Sector immediately!. Intercept and kill everyone you face, don't let anyone escape." The commander quickly ordered.

Because he already knew what the Martial Artists who had attacked the secret base wanted.

"They want a nuclear bomb!?," the commander said nervously because the place where the other Martial Artists were headed was the Empire's nuclear arsenal. With more than fifty nuclear bombs in this army base, If letting the Martial Artists control these atomic bombs. Then there will be a great catastrophe for the Empire that cannot be reversed.

The commander didn't want to imagine what would happen. If this group of Martial Artists hijacked all fifty nukes,

"Don't let them have nuclear bombs !. Everyone sacrifices your lives to protect the nuclear arsenal!!!." The base commander gave a decisive order.

Engage everyone, and sacrifice your lives for the Empire to prevent the enemy from getting a single nuclear bomb.



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