Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 312

Chapter 312: 312 White Tiger Tribe

      The expedition team traveled under the direction of Tao Sun Guixian. The expedition team traveled for more than three days. They entered a valley. The military has clearly marked this area on the map.

As mysterious as the Twilight Realm, the Demon Realm data was thoughtfully collected by the Imperial Forces.

"We have arrived," Tao Sun Guixian said, staring forward with a sad expression on his face. He had now returned to the home of the White Tiger Tribe.

Under the dark clouds, the surrounding area had not much visibility. As if it were the land of the night.

But with the light of the convoy of trucks, Colonel Li Wei was able to observe the surrounding area.

"This place is horrible." Colonel Li Wei looked at the surrounding area and was shocked. Because he saw a tribe full of exhausted cats and weakened lying on the floor, their eyes no longer left a glimmer of hope in life as if it were a land of the dead.

This tribe of white tigers There were buildings similar to rural villages. There was a cat-like creature lying tired on the ground. They were aware of the arrival of Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei and the expedition team. But I don't even have the strength to speak.

"All plants have died. Even the animals that they could hunt had disappeared. Our Demon Realm is facing extreme starvation." Tao Sun Guixian as an elder, was deeply harrowed to see his great clan collapsing.

Even Tao Sun Guixian could not imagine that without sunlight for a few months.

It was going to make their demon realm go extinct.

In the current situation of the Demon Realm, the Imperial scientists speculated that the pattern was similar to the extinction of the dinosaurs millions of years ago. Thus, the Demon Realm was not far from dying. If the situation continues like this, In the future, they would only leave the Demon Realm only in a name.

Now the imperial reconnaissance plane has flown into the heavens of the demon realm to collect samples of black clouds that cover all areas. Take it back to the research institute to examine the physiological components.

"We are going to be unable to stand any longer. If we were a little later, everyone wouldn't be able to stand it," Tao Sun Guixian said in a sorrowful tone. His own supreme monarch-level power. Unable to fill the tribe that they are starving.

Had to face the imperial dependency for help.

"So do the other tribes in the Demon Realm have a situation like this?" Colonel Li Wei asked.

"I don't think there will be much difference. No one can get through this crisis right now," Tao Sun Guixian explained.

There were only high-level demons like the four tribes. Who still maintains full consciousness. As for the hungry lower-level demons, they cracked the consciousness into parts. Live by instinct and slaughter the other demons together for food, like a demon attacking an expedition convoy.

Now Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei was able to perceive the situation of the Demon Realm clearly.

"I think we should help them first." Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei quickly decided to provide humanitarian assistance to the White Tiger Tribe.

"First, deploy security forces around the area."

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei gave an order. In this expedition team, he was the supreme authority. He organized a troop of five thousand men who followed him. Spread out to set up a strategic point to prevent sudden attacks. After all, and this land was a demon realm that they could not even underestimate them.

      "Roger that." Five thousand soldiers spread out across the tribal home. Set up an ad hoc security unit.

The Communications Regiment also installed antennas to connect to the Imperial satellites.

"The satellite signal has been linked, sir," the commissar reported to Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei.

"Report the news back to the capital that, Now, we have arrived at our destination." Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei sent a message to the government.

Now the military forces have installed generators. To temporarily generate electricity, The survey unit installed equipment to increase the lighting to facilitate the operation.josei

After a while, the entire home of the White Tiger Clan was as bright as daylight. Especially prominent in the Demon Realm. Like the only city that shines in the night realm.

Such a light was like picking the sun and placing it in the center.

Until it attracted a large number of unconscious demons rushing to attack the home of the tribe.

The troops have to deal with it. until a periodic sound of gunfire erupted.

As for the expedition officers, they followed the orders of Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei.

Start humanitarian aid.

When there was enough light, Officers began to remove equipment from the back of the truck. Then, they started setting the stove on fire to alleviate the hunger for the White Tiger Tribe.

The staff has prepared liquid food. Suitable for the condition of prolonged fasting. After a while, the food began to smell good throughout the area.

A member of the White Tiger tribe that smells of food. It's like having a strong push on one's body to get up. So headed in the direction he smelled.

"What's that smell? It smells so good." The smell of the cooked food stirs everyone's consciousness to turn in the same direction.

"Hungry, I am starving." The White Tiger Tribe, who smelled the food, was like a zombie.

Frantic dashing for food with bloodshot eyes.

Thousands of White Tiger Tribes rushed out with all their lives, and it was now that Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei understood. So why is this place called the White Tiger Tribe?

Because, for the most part, cat-like demons are very rare. Most of their body is two to three meters tall. Like a fierce tiger, This is the origin of the White Tiger Tribe.

At that moment, Tao Sun Guixian had used his power to make an announcement reverberating throughout the area.

"Stop" with Tao Sun Guixian's skill and dignity. Help spell stops all chaos from coming to an end until everyone remembers that he was the elder of his own tribe.

"Elder, you have come to help us." Many people were delighted to see Tao Sun Guixian come back again.

Tao Sun Guixian, despite the appearance of a gray cat. Standing among the fierce and tall demonic tigers, it was clear that most of them were very afraid of the gray cat.

"Do not make a mess. Line up in order now."

Tao Sun Guixian used his power to control and make the order. As a result, the situation goes on smoothly.

      The members of the White Tiger Tribe were lined up to enjoy the hot, steaming food. As soon as the food entered the mouth, Everyone's eyes were wide open.

"Oh, this is delicious," many people shed tears. In the past, they had hardly eaten anything for weeks. have to dig up the roots of a tree that has dried up to sustain life.

If Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei had come a few days later, The White Tiger Tribe would suffer like a lower-level demon. Eat your fellow tribesmen as food.

"I haven't eaten food like this in a long time." Many White Tiger Tribes recalled the past. Before the black clouds covered, The White Tiger Tribe had never fallen to this level before, to the point that they had to eat tree roots in order to sustain their own lives.

The food the survey unit provided, although very common, for the White Tiger Tribe, was a fantastic food from heaven.

It didn't take long for everyone in the tribe to start eating their food.

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei then began the next step of operations.

"A military doctor will provide basic assistance." The expedition team has arranged for military doctors to help the sick White Tiger tribe.

"Thank you very much for helping us this time." Tao Sun Guixian sincerely thanked Lieutenant Colonel Liwei if he had not received the help of the Empire. Afraid that the White Tiger Tribe would have only left their names engraved in history.

"This is a humanitarian aid that the Empire should do."

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei said embarrassedly because these contributions have a background of benefits behind them. The Empire never gave free assistance to anyone.

"Now go take care of the people of your tribe first."

Lieutenant Colonel Li Wei decided to wait for a while. Before discussing the benefits he had provided, He wanted the health of the tribe to be more stable.

The expedition team continues to provide initial assistance. The White Tiger Tribe did not have a single location. The White Tiger Tribe has hundreds of thousands of people scattered throughout this region.

Causing the expedition team to travel under the direction of Tao Sun Guixian. to the white tiger tribes that settled around to help alleviate the famine that is now occurring.

Fortunately, they rescued some of the white tigers. It was able to recover the body incredibly quickly. Their skeletal appearance transformed into a stalwart body—full of muscles like a tiger in the forest.

The Empire now had a friendship with the White Tiger Clan. The White Tiger Tribe, who had restored some of their strength, repaid Colonel Li Wei. They, therefore, provide assistance to the survey team. The White Tiger Tribe has its own magical powers to protect the expeditionary unit from working smoothly. However, they were causing other assistance operations to proceed successfully.

With many items in the expedition's hundreds of trucks.

Colonel Li Wei had enough resources to help hundreds of thousands of people right now.



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