Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 334

Chapter 334: 334 A defeated person

Zhao Lingxin was very shocked to see the mastermind behind all of this. That was his third brother. Zhao Lingxin immediately understood. The Third Prince had a significant influence among the Dong Zhou line of merchants and capitalists. Third Prince Zhao Zemin has a talent man for business. Therefore, it is not surprising that Dongzhou dealers and capitalists across the country , so that they could join in this revolutionaries.

Now the true face of the revolutionaries is the noble royal family pushing for the rebellion of Parliament.

The Dong Zhou capitalist power secretly chose to stand beside the Third Prince. They wanted their prince to rise to great power to take control in this Empire.

Third Prince Zhao Zemin stood in front of Zhao Lingxin.

"Fourth brother, it has been a long time no see." Third Prince Zhao Zemin greeted. At this moment, Zhao Lingxin withdrew all the pressure force that he was spreading to revolutionary soldiers. Causing the revolutionary soldiers to have a relaxed expression on their faces.

"Why are you doing this?" Zhao Lingxin asked rationally. He treated the Third Elder very well. And also let him live and work in the royal property office. Managing Zhao Lingxin's assets and all of Zhao Lingxin business. But his Third Brother had betrayed Zhao Lingxin.

"Fourth brother, you never understood my feelings. Many years ago, I was threatened by your men with a gun like this. Now, I want you to know how painful it is to be taken over like I had it, ." Third Prince Zhao Zemin said angrily. The anger of the past was revealed entirely.

"I understand now. Liao Jinhong was your underling. That's why you managed to control the reserve force." Zhao Lingxin saw the weakness of the army that allowed the Third Prince to take over this power and all of these reserve forces to himself.

"I have always been good to you. Why did you choose to walk this road?" Zhao Lingxin asked incredulously. The past third princes lived a peaceful life. His ambitions were not revealed in the slightest at allt.

"Zhao Lingxin, you don't know how ruthless you are. My past life has always been watched by you." Third prince said of the past that happened to himself.

Even though he had come to live in the capital, he was closely watched, unable to wiggle. With the people of the investigation sect laying their gazes, they almost never ignored their eyes, even for a moment.

"Neighbors, wives, and even servants are all members of the Inspectorate. Who watched me every step of my life. You don't know how torture and painful it is to live like this." Third prince said of the difficulty of living a harrowing life.

Such resentment was the driving force of the Third Prince, who wanted to rise to power over everyone. He doesn't want anyone to control his own life.

Later, the Internal Inspectorate bureau had been keeping an eye on the Third Prince for a long time until they were sure that the other side would not be betrayed the Empire. This caused the Internal Inspectorate bureau to withdraw from keeping eyes on the Third Prince, thus giving the Third Prince a time to set up his own powerhouse.

"It is because of this that you are aware of all the secrets of the Empire." Zhao Lingxin already knew that this great culprit knew the imperial system so thoroughly that he could plan such intricate plans. Third Prince Zhao Zemin had an important position in the Imperial Palace. He was the custodian of Zhao Lingxin's property. He was the one who was behind in convincing the Eighth Princess to go on a trip. Until causing some of the royal guards to follow the custody. Because of this, Zhao Zemin easily occupied the capital.

At that moment, Zhao Lingxin understood something.

"Did you use your own position to build up your strength?" Zhao Lingxin asked.

"Hahaha." Zhao Zemin laughed.

"Fourth brother, you don't know how rich you are." Zhao Zemin said.

In fact, the richest man in the Empire was not any giant capitalist at all. But it was Emperor Zhao Lingxin who had a lot of property affairs. Including many technologies and patents, Zhao Lingxin was the wealthiest person in the Yanhuang Continent.

Zhao Lingxin had too much money to be invaluable, thus allowing the Third Prince to take charge of his personal property to embezzle and lead a private force in the name of the Revolutionary Council.

Zhao Zemin used his own line and connection. Both capital and personal status, which is the noble dynasty of the Great Dazhou Imperial Court, The only dynasty of the Yanhuang Continent right now. Mobilize and order personal force and weapons to form an army.

Although it is not possible to purchase high-end weapons such as tanks or planes. But such funds were enough for him to employ hundreds of thousands of soldiers to become his own personal force.

The Great Da Zhou Imperial Court became the only noble dynasty in the world right now. People belonging to dynasties that rule over hundreds of millions of people. It was very influential, and the identity of the talented prince was slowly building up his strength.

It took Zhao Zemin several years to form a private army that represented his own. Including many plans, he knew of the Internal Inspectorate bureau and a brilliant artificial intelligence Hong Bao'er are exist. But the Third Prince avoided detection every time; no one had suspected this Third Prince before.

And now, hundreds of thousands of revolutionary forces are stationed in the capital and took control of everything.

The money, the army, the capitalists, everything was in the hands of the Third Prince. Ready for the change to happen in this royal palace at any time.

"Third Brother, your plan must have been accomplished," Zhao Lingxin said calmly. He thoroughly listened to what his brother had to say. Zhao Lingxin was now aware of everything.

"From now on, the Great Da Zhou Empire's Dragon Throne will be mine." Third Prince Zhao Zemin stared at Zhao Lingxin passionately. Now, he wants to come up and replace Zhao Lingxin as soon as possible.

The Great Da Zhou Empire was no longer an ordinary small province. This country is full of industrial energy. It had the same power as the former major sect, inferior to it. Third prince wanted to sit on this throne instead of Zhao Lingxin.

Zhao Lingxin could not imagine that many years had passed. The war for the throne is not over yet. That day, he deserved to kill this man and not let it be a disaster today.

"Fourth brother, it was you who took all of mine. The throne of the Great Dazhou will now belong to me." Third prince had already dreamed that today he would become the new Emperor of the Empire. He just wishes Zhao Lingxin died. The government officials had to accept his power, but for good. The Dragon Throne would indeed belong to him.

Yue Ningxiao was still standing behind Zhao Lingxin's expression, listening intently to watch the fun that happened in the bloody battle for the throne.

Zhao Lingxin's eyes revealed a cold expression.

"I have let you rant enough. Today, I will never have mercy on your life like many years ago." Zhao Lingxin decided to kill this man. This time, he wouldn't let go of the other party like in the past.

When Zhao Lingxin's cold words sounded out, A mysterious dark shadow lurking in the lettering room flashed more than thirty, quickly killing the revolutionary troops.

A black shadow had revealed themselves. They were Zhao Lingxin's secret guards. They draw a sword to kill the enemy until they are all dead. They also targeted the Third Prince as well.

However, the Third Prince did not look scared in the slightest, even though his soldiers were all dead.

"Fourth Brother, do you think that I will not have any trump cards to deal with you?" What made the Third Prince so confident was that there was someone behind him.

Before the Secret Guard's sword touched the Third Prince, a wave of blue light appeared to pierce the thirty Secret Guards' bodies in a single move.

All of the guards lay on the ground with their bodies split in two.

"King Level Martial Artists," Yue Ningxiao said hurriedly because she could feel an immense power comparable to her own.

Zhao Lingxin, who had heard this, knew that this coup, the major sects involved.josei

Only the major sect can train the King Level Martial Artists.

Five King-level Martial Artists surfaced. After killing the secret royal guard, they immediately charged Zhao Lingxin.

"Kill Zhao Lingxin."

Yue Ningxiao immediately drew her sword in front of Zhao Lingxin to protect him. Yue Ningxiao was inferior to the five Martial Artists. There was a sword contest in the royal room until the roof collapsed.

As Yue Ningxiao dealt with the five Martial Artists, a mysterious black shadow quickly charged towards Zhao Lingxin.

"Be careful." Yue Ningxiao tried to warn Zhao Lingxin. But it's too late. The black shadow flew out too quickly. The black shadow drew a sword and cut off Zhao Lingxin's head, tearing his body in two.

Zhao Lingxin's head still had an unsettled face before Zhao Lingxin's head slowly landed on the ground.

Zhao Lingxin's death put an end to all the fighting. The people in the room were quiet at this event.



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