Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 344

Chapter 344: 344 The Wedding's Day

The Guardian stepped down first from the carriage. Such high-level beings are well known. The people who participated in the event bowed their respects to the Guardian. Even Godmasters had to lower their head slightly, showing the supreme supremacy in the world recognized throughout the land.

It is broadcast live around the world. The Martial Artists who watched the scene and saw the Guardian walked out.

"That's the guardian." Millions of Martial Artists watched the live broadcast. They bowed humbly to pay their respects to the world's highest self. As soon as the Guardian appeared, the surrounding sounds quickly calmed down.

At that moment, Divine Goddess Yue Ningxiao appeared and stepped down from the carriage. This time, the goddess was wearing a western-style white wedding dress, matching Zhao Lingxin. Revealing her beautiful face. Just such a face was enough to make many men take a big breath; their breath sped up, their faces unknowingly hot.

Even if it was a dress that broke the traditions and practices of the Yanhuang Great Continent. But it is undeniable that their wedding dresses are unique, bringing their looks to the next level of elegance.

Countless women watched the marriage with hot eyes filled with envy. That the two matched as if created by heaven. But it must be admitted that today's emperor's wedding dress is incredibly quirky and full of harmony.

"Someday, I will have to wear it to my wedding." Countless men and women watched the live broadcast. Had vowed in their hearts that their wedding would follow the emperor's example.

Zhao Lingxin had no idea that his wedding would inspire so many people. Follow the example of today's wedding.

"Yue Ningxiao, you are magnificent today," Zhao Lingxin praised.

"You too," said Yue Ningxiao.

The two of them glared at each other, ignoring the surrounding people. The guards couldn't bear to look at them, so they intervened.

"Today is very late. Let's start the ceremony," said the Guardian, immediately starting work.

Zhao Lingxin continued to follow the Yanhuang Great Continent's wedding convention. The newlyweds are obliged to pay their respects to their parents. Which Yue Ningxiao had given to her Master, and Zhao Lingxin had Qin Bo represent.

"One bow to Heavenly Earth," said the ceremonial representative of the Royal Secretariat.

Zhao Lingxin and Yue Ningxiao paid their respects to the heavens. As if the heavens had concurred, they sent a rainbow to appear across the capital with a mass of birds flying around the Royal Palace, which is a symbol of great auspiciousness

"Two bows to your parents."

Yue Ningxiao and Zhao Lingxin paid homage to the Guardian and Qin Bo.

The Guardian's face flashed a smile.

"May the two of you love each other for a long time." If it had been before, the Guardian would not have agreed to let his disciple marry an ordinary person who could not train profound energy like Zhao Lingxin. Because both will have a cruel age gap that will separate them from each other.

But the Guardian who saw Zhao Lingxin's profound energy at the King rank was terrifying. It can last for thousands of years without any problem. And just at this moment, the Guardian discovered Zhao Lingxin's Secret.

"Training is hazardous. I hope you will be careful. If possible, avoid it as much as possible. The way you were walking was too dangerous. Even the demon queens of the past had a bad ending," the Guardian warned with good hopes. The abnormality in Zhao Lingxin's body could not conceal the Guardian's eyes.

Zhao Lingxin, knowing that the Guardian had seen all his secrets, accepted the other party's warning.

"I will remember your instruction." No one knew what the Guardian said.

Qin Bo, who was now crying with joy, didn't say much. Just bless them both very much. When finished, it's the last time.

Zhao Lingxin and Yue Ningxiao smiled at each other.

"Three bows to each other." As soon as the announcement sounded, Zhao Lingxin and Yue Ningxiao turned their faces to each other. bowing to each other at the end of the ceremony

Zhao Lingxin's wedding was now complete. Yue Ningxiao became Zhao Lingxin's wife. Hold the status of Queen of the Great Dazhou Empire.

This noble character and behind this queen will be the trump card that will stop anyone who wants to invade the Empire. The Godmasters who wanted to attack the Empire had to come back and think twice. Pay close attention to the Guardian's face, whether to insult him or not.

This marriage of Zhao Lingxin had a big political connotation. The Empire and the Divine Temple had become one piece of gold.

Raising the status and power of the Empire to become the number one superpower of the Yanhuang continent, immediately surpassing the Divine Sect.

Moreover, Zhao Lingxin also had a good relationship with the Immortal Sword Monastery. Right now, the powers of the Yanhuang Continent were clearly divided into two factions.

The power of Zhao Lingxin, the Divine Temple, and the Immortal Sword Monastery. On the other hand, there were three major sects, the Five Elemental Sect, the King Slay Demon Palace Sect, and the Sacred Sect.

Despite the two great powers, the advantages and disadvantages are clearly visible.

Sect Master Li Houshun looked at the scene in front of him with a harrowing expression. He was displeased that the Divine Temple and the Empire had become one piece of gold.

"Sigh, from now on, I can no longer take revenge on Zhao Lingxin." Sect Master Li Houshun sighed.

Palace Lord Feng Zhong came and patted Li Houshun on the shoulder knowingly.

"Now the Empire is even more powerful. more than we can surpass, I think we should adjust our relationship with the Empire."

Li Houshun nodded slightly.

"I think so too. Let's start a new relationship. Let old man Yao Huang take vengeance on the Empire alone. As for me, I don't want to join the band." The two major sects decided to withdraw.

From the Holy Sect Front, preparing to improve their ties with the Empire that dazzled their eyes.

This marriage of Zhao Lingxin marked a major turning point in the politics of the Yanhuang Continent.

"Let's celebrate together," said General Guo Ling. proclaimed throughout the palace. The wedding is over, now it's time for everyone to relax.

At the end of General Guo Ling's proclamation, there were big fireworks all over the country. People join together to celebrate the auspicious event.

"To the Emperor."

"To the Queen," the people celebrated the arrival of the Empire's new queen. This position has been vacant for a long time.

The imperial dignitaries bowed to Zhao Lingxin countless times. Fortunately, Zhao Lingxin now had extremely high profound energy. Ten thousand cups of alcohol were not enough for him to get drunk.

Both the royal palace and the whole country were filled with the festive atmosphere of the auspicious event until the banquet finally ended. The cabinets sent Zhao Lingxin into the dormitory to truly complete the wedding.

Zhao Lingxin, who had a solemn expression on his face, smiled shyly.

"Everyone, I will do my best." Zhao Lingxin gave a thumbs up to everyone who came to transport him. Before walking in After that, to prevent people from disturbing the precious moments that often occur, bullying occurs. Hong Bao'er was assigned to sit in front of Zhao Lingxin's dormitory.

Because Zhao Lingxin was convinced that artificial intelligence would definitely not have the temper to bully him. Therefore, Hong Bao'er was the best choice for him to pass the night happily.

Hong Bao'er had a slightly bored expression on her face, not understanding why she had to take on such a role. During the period of rest, she still had to work for the emperor.

Hong Bao'er had to sit in the front of the room, trying to block the noise that was made in the dorm under full secret control.

"I don't understand humans at all. This matter must be complicit." Hong Bao'er felt annoyed. Before doing the job perfectly, leading hundreds of bio-mechanical robots to control this dormitory with all their lives.

People who wanted to bully the emperor, watching the army of robots outside, had to withdraw. No one wants to be targeted by artificial intelligence. Let the night pass as it should.



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