Military System god realm revolution

Chapter 9

Chapter 9: 9

The whole city of Shenzhou was stained with the smell of gunpowder. Change this peaceful capital city drenched with blood. It became another day that the townspeople will remember for the rest of their lives. Everyone kept themselves in the house and didn't dare to go out. Can only open door and window to observe the possibility of this capital city

A large group of soldiers wandered around the quiet capital city, with the loud sound of rifling that rang.

In the house of a nobleman, The soldiers quickly break through the door.

"Surrender, I give up; I will gladly give everything. Whether it is wealth or power, you can get everything," one noble said to surrender. He doesn't want anything else, just to stay alive.


The rifle soldier ended the life of a crying nobleman, ignoring what he had said. They were only following Zhao Lingxin's orders. Events like this happened throughout the capital.

"Nooo!!, please spare my life!."


Another nobleman died.

"Please! Let me meet with the emperor!."


No matter how much you cry, On their forehead, a bullet hole appeared.

"You are so daring; I will never surrender without a fight." Some began to see that the soldiers in front of him were merciless. Do not accept the submission Causing them to take up arms to fight. At least the battle seems to make more hope to live.

"Bang! Bang!"


People after people fell to the ground.

Useless resistance A group of nobles lay down in the blood. Never get up to speak again.

Only 20 rifle-armed military units. It is enough to suppress the nobles in the courts. Even in the nobles' house, how strong a guard is, they cannot stop a bullet.

The operation to clear the nobles continues. After the Venerable Hall's massacre was finished, Venerable Wei Guan yu and the hight rank nobles of the Dazhou region all died.

Zhao Lingxin's troops were also conducting clearing out hidden nobles at various points of the city. However, most of them gathered at the house of the Chancellor. But some still remain in their own residence.

Zhao Ling Xin would not let this good opportunity slip away. He decided to cleanse the decaying royal court as clean as Feng Huang's bird reincarnated.

Zhao Lingxin ordered not to kill innocent people and arrest the nobles' descendants for free labor for the rest of their life.

Until there is a pardon from Zhao Lingxin

The two thousand city guards surrendered.

Zhao Lingxin didn't want to use them immediately. If two thousand people flared up at the same time, even he and his soldiers would be hard to suppress. Fortunately, these ten thousand soldiers were terrified by the sound of sniper rifles. They hold the head with hand in fear.

Pray that this fury will not spread to them. The purges continued until the evening. Zhao Lingxin's soldiers kept on patrolling, preventing the enemies from bothering this period.

The next morning, Zhao Ling Xin arranged a meeting in the study room. Initially, he thought of meeting at the palace as before. But the nobles all died. The vast hall was just a few people talking. Such a lonely atmosphere made Zhao Lingxin decide to meet in the study room.

There were three people in the room. Zhao Ling Xin was the president. Later, Eunuch Qin Bo, Zhao Lingxin's confidant. Qin Bo is already ancient. His 60 years of age when medicine was not very advanced was a very long life. If not counting the Martial Artists that were hundreds of years old to thousands of years, Qin Bo was considered one of the most senior in the Human Realm.

Qin Bo's eyes were filled with excitement. His face was full of joy; He didn't expect the emperor to be genuinely successful. The 500 soldiers that appeared mysteriously were mighty.

Qin Bo had seen the might of the army with his own eyes. Qin Bo was confident that this regiment could compete with the lower-level Martial Artists as equals.

Qin Bo served the emperor for three generations. In his heart, he was not happy that the emperor had been taken away by his power. He can now restore his supremacy once again. Qin Bo almost shed tears of joy.

The third, dressed in German officers' uniforms, looked significantly different from ordinary soldiers. It was the person who appeared after Zhao Lingxin summoned 500 soldiers from the system. This person's name is Li Wei. Commissioned officer, a rank of captain of The commander 500 military soldiers.

Captain Li Wei was summoned by the system. Have knowledge of tactical command in combat, Including the various abilities that modern people should have

Zhao Lingxin assigned Li Wei to supervise the last nobles' killing operations.

Which of his work is that Zhao Ling Xin was very impressed. Operation is concise, fast, without errors.

"Li Wei reported the situation," Zhao Lingxin ordered.

"At this time, our troops have finished wiping out the nobles in the capital. I have allocated some of the troops to secure the city, and the rest have replaced the Royal Guards. Operating the security of the imperial palace"

Zhao Lingxin nodded in satisfaction. The fact that he acquired a person with tactical expertise at this level saved a lot of his work.

"Qin Bo, how are you doing, how are you doing?" Zhao Lingxin turned to ask Eunuch Qin Bo.

"Tell His Majesty I have sent some of the eunuchs to carry out the seizure, and soon there will be reports," Qin Bo said.

"And whom we have arrest?" Zhao LingXin asked.

"In the royal family, all of them escaped. I can't find

anyone," Qin Bo reported.

"So let them go. They can't make any wind waves. Just don't forget to go and find the property and seize them all," Zhao Lingxin charged.

"I know I will immediately take action," Qin Bo replied.

The palace was the residence of the concubine since the previous reign.

Zhao Lingxin's mother passed away. He has no brothers and sisters. Left only the mother of another prince Which the Royal Guards Division has opened an escape route for the people of the palace to go out

Leaving in a hurry meant that most of the property was not taken with This group is the highest point on the top of the pyramid, through exploitation by the people. Many treasures are preserved. Considering this, Zhao Lingxin couldn't wait; he was so greedy that his saliva almost flowed from his mouth. Quickly ordered the seizure.

This has to blame his cheating military system. The energy points that had to be recharged by the spirit stones were too high. A large amount of gold was needed to exchange it for a spiritual stone.

There are few opportunities for seizure. This transition of power forced Zhao Lingxin to catch a crucial moment, seizing the elite's wealth throughout the city to fund his own foundation. And this is the main reason for the order not to spare any nobleman's life.

If the aristocracy were alive, it would be difficult to proceed with the seizure or even with the seizure of these groups. Is at risk of being a disaster in the future, Zhao Lingxin had to complete the purge.

The many eunuchs within the palace were the descendants of various nobles. Zhao Ling Xin also spared them. At this time, their original master was utterly dead. The maids of the eunuchs had sensed the cruel and ruthlessness of the emperor. He was making them hard to move.

Not to mention betrayal, Making them very willing to cooperate with Zhao Lingxin.

"And how will the city guards deal with them?"

Right now, this was the major problem of the twenty thousand city guards that caused Zhao Lingxin a headache, didn't know how to deal with it.

"Your Majesty, we cannot trust them. Among these groups can be a problem. Moreover, these groups of people are no longer useful to our country. "

Li Wei spoke of his own opinion.

Li Wei's words were exactly the same as Zhao Lingxin. These groups became clearly useless to the region. Since there is Military System, That day was the beginning of the Yan Huang Continent's transformation forever. It is impossible to return to the traditional methods of fighting with swords and spears.

The future will consist of guns and advanced weapons, tanks, planes, and missiles. And his power at this time was not ready to begin recruiting. Zhao Ling Xin would be waiting for more soldiers from the system. By that time, a group of twenty thousand people was no longer a problem.

Loyalty is the most important thing. Since ancient times, what group of people who came to have the highest power were the people who control the army? An uncontrollable army was an uncertain factor for Zhao Lingxin. Therefore, a soldier who is entirely loyal to the system is what he needs most right now.

"Dismiss them. After this, we need a lot of labor to develop the country. This group of twenty thousand people is our main force"

Zhao Lingxin said.

The capital needs a lot of labor for both construction and agriculture and improving the city's infrastructure. Zhao Ling Xin decided to give this group of people an important role.

"Yes, I will immediately take action." Li Wei vigorously accepted the order.

At this moment, Zhao Lingxin's mind was more relaxed. The feeling of absolute power is difficult to express in words. Unlike before, he was as if there were nobody.

The emperor's words were of no different value from the whispers of their mouths. But Zhao Lingxin still knew that this was not a safe time. There was even a threat from his brothers. This capture of the capital was only the beginning.

During that time, Qin Bo walked over to submit a report.

"Your Majesty, this is the list of assets that we have seized. Your Majesty, please look." Qin Bo sent a report to Zhao Lingxin.

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