Millennium Tension

Chapter 105

Chapter 105: Elena's Destiny (2)

Unfortunately, hope and reality are not always what she hoped for, Elena opened her eyes in a similar place but not at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the bodies of Aizen and Ana still there, right next to her.

She didn't understand anything else about her existence and she also didn't know what she would do now. Elena went around [Goddess Axel] and found Axel's new body which had just awakened to become a whole human with a spirit.

Surprisingly, she was able to have direct contact and talk to Axel's spirit. Elena also became acquainted with a subtle existence like her who had the name Zhao Lian, she introduced herself as a realm king.

Elena finds out a lot of things that happened when she was with Axel and Zhao Lian, including Axel's mission to raise Aizen and Ana.

Axel and Zhao Lian often argued with threats that Zhao Lian would take over Axel's body, but Axel always won all of that because she could suppress and resist the subtle existence that was trying to take over her body.

After that, Axel and Zhao Lian made a mutually beneficial agreement. Zhao Lian wanted Axel to take revenge on the Sovereign who destroyed her realm and search for her sister, while Axel wanted the knowledge and everything needed for Zhao Lian's request.

Everything went well in the exploration of the many things needed to resurrect someone who was dead based on the knowledge Zhao Lian gave Axel, until several months later Elena's subtle existence began to fade.

Elena's existence will be completely wiped out with no turning back because Elena's mortal soul has held back in the mortal world for too long, she also can't enter other people's bodies to cultivate her soul.

Since Axel only has spirit but no soul in her superior body, Zhao Lian immediately suggested fusing Elena's existence to Axel. The ritual of unifying existence was the only way for Elena's soul to support itself by nurturing her in a real-life body.

The sacred ritual was performed by Axel herself with Zhao Lian's help to integrate Elena with herself.

Elena was currently in Axel's [Mind Consciousness] while Zhao Lian lived in [Soul Realm] was guarding something, Axel's soul and her [Soul Realm] is actually Elena's soul that has been cultivating for a hundred years.

One hundred years had passed since then, Axel had gathered everything that could later be used to revive someone who had died but once again the ritual failed.

Based on the message Ana left and Elena's confession about Aizen and Ana's spirits and souls suddenly disappearing on Earth, the [Axel Goddess] which had been massively upgraded immediately returned to Earth.

Sure enough, their souls and spirits could be found in that world order as if being held back by something, they were in a state of sleep before the awakening ritual was performed.

Elena begged Axel to hide her existence for some time because she wasn't ready to meet the two of them, she always considered herself to be an unfilial wife and a bad mother.

Axel agreed with that and decided to share everything after Aizen and Axel reached [Rank 4] for some reason after considering Aizen whom she knew very well.

Now the time has come, and her husband is holding her hand. Even though she had prepared herself, her emotions were still overflowing when her husband grabbed her without further ado.

"That's okay, we all died once. No, you are not an unfilial wife or a bad mother. You are a wonderful woman..." Aizen hugged Elena gently and spoke sweet words to her, the woman he loved. Elena who was sobbing could only cry in that warm embrace

Axel saw the two people who finally met with a smile on her face, while Ana looked at her with confusion and didn't know what to do because she didn't have many memories of her mother.

Some distance away, there was a woman who was peeking shyly at the four of them.

After Elena regained her composure and Aizen finished with his words to make Elena better, Aizen released his embrace from Elena.

"Can I call you Sister Elena?" Ana approaches Elena after Aizen and her release their embrace.

"We become sisters? Ana, my daughter... Thank you and please forgive me." Elena immediately hugged Ana, while the latter could only hug back the woman who she considered her new sister, even though she was actually her mother.josei

"I don't blame you or anything. We didn't have the power to change our destiny at that moment." Ana can only say what she is thinking. Unlike Aizen, Ana doesn't feel much more than ordinary.

Aizen smiled happily to see Elena and Ana getting along well, then he turned to look at Axel who was also looking at him with a satisfied smile.

"What should I call you now, hmm? You are clearly Axel but at the same time, you are Elena. Combining existence, that agreement, your detailed journey, not to mention the agreement you made with that realm king girl. I wouldn't be surprised if you still keep secrets from me." Aizen shook his head slightly before taking a step and embracing Axel in his arms.

"All the remaining secrets and what I have have been shared directly into your system. So, only four of us can access them." Axel raised her hand with a 'trust me' hand gesture, she also counted Elena as a different existence even though she is also her.

"I understand why our first meeting when I was brought back to life for the first time, you were so emotional. It's because indirectly you are Elena too but you are Axel. Hmm... I'm confused now."

Aizen released his embrace and scratched his head. Soul, spirit, consciousness, soul realm, and so on are difficult to explain in science. He quickly checked even techniques up to [Rank 10] to confirm it.

"Fufu~ don't think too much about it. Now that we are in my [Consciousness Mind], want to greet one of our guests who are staying at [Soul Realm]?"

Aizen glanced at Elena and Ana who were chatting with each other. They are now only in Axel's realm of consciousness, Elena herself has lived for so long and put her existence at risk of disappearing and eventually becoming one with Axel.

Elena is Axel and vice versa, the two of them have become one inseparable existence. So, what Axel's body did was actually the result of Axel and Elena's decision.

"Let's visit her. The Soul Realm is so vast, I never thought there was a sealed place with residents there. Elena, Ana, are you coming?" Aizen asked with an invitation.

"If Axel is there, that means I'm there too. Ana, you have to see the Soul Realm and greet someone who lives there. Axel is me and I am Axel, that's us now." Elena spoke softly and then told her daughter to go with Aizen and Axel to the Soul Realm.

"Un." Ana nodded and immediately took Aizen's hand.

After that Aizen and Ana disappeared from [Consciousness Mind], leaving only Axel and Elena there.

"Thanks a lot, Axel."

"I do it with pleasure. Master Aizen and Sister Ana are the most important things in my existence."

"I'm happy to know you and I'm grateful to be one with you."

"You don't need to thank me, Elena. As you said, you are me and I am you, that's us now."

Aizen and Ana's consciousness is currently floating in the Soul Realm in spirit form, beside them is Axel who is also floating like them.

In front of them was a sealed place with intricate light blue runes in a remote place within the Soul Realm and in the distance was the [Axel Goddess] who was floating in standby mode.

"It's a soul sealing realm, Zhao Lian is there while guarding the Sovereign's soul. Let's go over there to greet her." Axel opened his eyes after having a light conversation with her other self on her [Consciousness Mind].

The three of them approached the small realm that was sealed with the soul sealing rune and entered without a hitch as Zhao Lian had predicted their arrival because she peeked at Axel's [Consciousness Mind].

"I have anticipated the arrival of the three of you. I, realm king Zhao Lian, welcome you, O mortal." A girl was sitting on a chair like a throne welcoming the arrival of three guests like a queen.

"Huh? Realm king? But your realm is so small though? You also live in Axel's Soul Realm." Ana answered innocently about the reality she saw and explored.

"Uh." Ana's statement seemed to stab the realm king who wanted to look noble and great.

"What big ball is that? Are you guarding it? Then you're a guard." Ana pointed at the purple sphere that glowed with another intricate seal.

Besides Axel, this girl was also fond of teasing her. Zhao Lian now looked at Aizen hopefully. After always being defeated by Axel in various circumstances and added by one similar girl, she really hopes this man is more kind to her.

"What's with that hopeful look? Come over here, sit down with us. I know your deal with Axel. Because of that, I want to dig deeper into what we're going to do." Aizen smiled kindly as he made an invitation to the girl who originally possessed power at the Divine King Realm level.

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