Millennium Tension

Chapter 129

Chapter 129: Seeking the Neutron Star

The footage of what had happened was played over and over again and slowed down as slowly as possible just as Jin Jun was about to disappear from the shackles that were unlikely to let him escape.

"Wait, just as his body was about to collide with a supernova explosion in 1 nanosecond, his body immediately disappeared into a place with this faint black portal. What do you think? We need so many theories to explain this uncertain and unknown event." Aizen asked the girls.

"Something like this faint dark portal seemed to be pulling him somewhere. It's an unknown move, even for Yifei and Lian who is from the middle realm. Could it be that he is in a magical world? Another dimension?" Ana muttered while stroking her chin slowly, this is quite confusing.

"His life force immediately dropped drastically along with his spirit energy signal. He forcefully opened the portal at a very heavy price. I was wrong, it might not be an ordinary portal to another dimension but like a dimensional space that worked as a black hole. He bounced himself somewhere by opening a portal against the laws of space."Axel delved deeper into the events.

"I think it works like a teleportation portal or a realm portal too but that ignores the laws of space. Our absolute barrier is breached without a problem. The barrier that should prevent any further use of the law of space to get out of there." Yifei pondered what she had learned with the science data from the database.

"Yes, that may be true. That man can move places very quickly by manipulating a little space around him. Even though the distance is limited, it is like teleportation which has become the mainstay of our realm that you have perfected. Surprisingly this technique is much more visible and does not follow the laws of space." Lian is just concluding about what has happened before.

The five of them discuss their hypothesis and theory for a moment until Aizen draws a conclusion about the events that most likely have occurred.josei

"So, right before the supernova, he opened a portal like a black hole which pulled him very fast and strong and saved him from being destroyed. The divine spirit that he relied on so much was already seriously injured and there must be another big loss. Hmm..."

Aizen leaned back and removed the semi-transparent monitor in front of them. Ana hugged his hand to get his attention, and of course, it was granted by him.

"What are you thinking, Brother Aizen. You think with the system so fast, I can't even understand what you are thinking. I can't follow, just say it and share it with us. Please?" Ana smiled sweetly and blinked her eyes repeatedly then opened them wide in a cute way.

"Sure, I was thinking about the ability of a man named Jin Jun. We already know that he mastered dark energy which is also dark matter or maybe he is the embodiment of it. If our conclusions are correct, then he also has a little mastery of black hole laws." Aizen stroked Ana's head slowly.

"Hehehe..." Ana just giggled happily as her hair was gently stroked.

"Then it's troublesome. We can't shackle him so he doesn't run away."

"Then he opened the dimension with the strongest gravitational force and opened it again so he would appear somewhere. That's terrible. He can ignore the law of space to escape. An escape technique, huh?"

Lian and Yifei made their own opinions and conclusions if that was true, it would be difficult.

"We need to find a method for the counterattack of that law. Black holes are the part of space that is the most powerful gravity, not even light can escape."

"That's right, Axel. We'll be looking for it. Do you know what is called the most dangerous existence in the universe?" Aizen smiled as he turned to the girls left and right.



"Gamma-ray burst!"

"Ana, that's a method of destruction and not existence." Aizen shook his head while stroking Ana's hair.

"Neutron Star?" Axel suspected a possibility.

"That's correct, but what we need isn't that but the core." Aizen gently stroked Axel's hair with his other hand.

"Neutron Star? Why is that? Can it match a black hole?" Yifei asked because there was no data about it in the database, and Lian did not understand anything.

"The Neutron Star is the densest thing and not a black hole. In its core, we will find the most dangerous substance in existence. We'll call it the Neutron Core, it's so extreme it can bend the laws of the universe." Aizen explained slowly to the clueless girls.

"It's so dangerous like that? Then we'll be affected too? Aren't we going to kill ourselves? Is it really in the universe?" Lian fired a barrage of his worried questions.

She has just experienced a new life in a new family and environment, she is very reluctant to die again after experiencing death once. Just like Yifei who was a little worried.

"Don't worry too much, we just need to handle it properly and everything will be fine. We only have a theory that might be true, it's just not directly confirmed. But since black holes exist, a neutron Star must also exist." Aizen gently consoled two overly worried girls.

The five girls standing behind the sofa couldn't follow the conversation at all and just listened. Right now, they were just accompanying and waiting obediently for orders.



Yifei and Lian nodded innocently. Since Aizen was so confident that Ana and Axel really had no objections, they should also put more faith in Aizen, their master, and the head of the family.

"Good. We'll leave Zavier shortly. Tracing closely any part of the core of the galaxy we come across. Let's go to the command room, we will be more comfortable examining a much wider scope."

Aizen immediately stood up and followed by four girls sitting on the sofa, they immediately teleported to the central command room within the Axel Goddess.

Lots of enormous semi-transparent monitors were around them as if they were not on a massive supergiant spaceship, but outside on their own.

Surprisingly there were only semi-transparent monitors in a closed room that displayed what was visible outside the Axel Goddess without any control equipment or anything, just a comfortable sofa in the center of the room.

Axel immediately took control and gave orders to the [Axel Goddess] using the master system, they immediately left Zavier's atmosphere.

Aizen looked at the large blue planet which was also a cultivation world for a moment then looked back to the front. They all sat on the sofa that had been laid out like a theater to observe the vast space at a steady pace.

The three days that Aizen gave the cultivators' alliance was also a show of delay so that his group could find a way so that Jin Jun's existence could be completely annihilated and not a very troublesome escape target.

Four girls and one man sat on the front sofa and five girls who didn't have a name other than codename sat in the second row, they were enjoying the beauty of the universe that they passed quickly.

"Is that the Neutron Star? According to the characteristics you gave, it must be true, right, Brother Aizen?" Ana cheerfully points to a star some distance ahead of them.

"Unfortunately, that's not what we seek and need. That Neutron Star is already a Quark Star and it's already a medium-density between the Neutron Star and the black hole. We won't find a Neutron Core there." Aizen shook his head.

"But it's very similar... Well, what we're looking for is a supermassive neutron Star. Let's continue looking to other galaxies."

Ana gave up because her father was always right about serious things and she needed to learn from him. She snuggled back into Aizen's arms and stretched out her legs on the large bed-like sofa.

"Master Aizen, how did a Neutron Star form in the universe?" The curious Yifei turned to the side at Aizen while blushing slightly, indirectly they were lying down together. But her curiosity won everything over her embarrassment.

"A Neutron Star is formed from the remains of a very massive star that exploded by a supernova and the star collapsed under its own gravity. At that time, there will be a struggle of electron particles being pushed onto protons and becoming neutrons due to the strong inward force. They will desperately push against gravity, against collapse. If gravity wins, they will become a black hole. Then if they win against gravity, it will become a Neutron Star..."

Aizen goes into more detail about real scientific theories which may be true because he has researched them in the past. The four girls on both sides who leaned on the sofa like a bed were listening obediently while looking up at him with awe. Likewise the five girls behind them.

They continue to explore several other galaxies to find what they are looking for at this time while chatting, joking, and sharing some knowledge stories.

Yifei and Lian really enjoyed this moment. Where they don't have to worry about very many things and only need to support and rely on their small family group with the strength that may become immeasurable in the future, especially the two of them were already there.

But of course, the ones who enjoyed the most relaxing moments on this trip were Ana and Axel, the two of them snuggling in Aizen's arms.

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