Millennium Tension

Chapter 137

Chapter 137: Second Energy Resource

Another day passed swiftly and was filled with many new projects that were soon to be implemented. Research, experiment, trial, and error has been done tens of thousands of times in thirty hours. They are all too engrossed in this Neutron Core Energy project that they skip sleep and eat.

If it weren't for their superior bodies and still using ordinary mortal bodies, they might have collapsed and passed out.

After their long research of nearly a day and a half without sleeping, eating, and drinking, the results they got were very satisfying. The energy produced by Neutron Energy can be used as an energy resource!

Although not as versatile as Axel Energy, Neutron Core Energy can be used as a source of high explosive and destructive energy. Massive supernova explosions or even gamma-ray bursts may be manifested with almost unlimited energy.

Neutron Core Energy can multiply their own energy as long as they are supplied with materials with energy compositions of different types and are at a lower level.

Axel Energy is a perfect form of energy with a level of 100 percent and Mystical Stone which has a level of 90 percent to 95 percent cannot be infected by Neutron Core Energy because it only has a level of 85 percent.

Very limited indeed, Neutron Core Energy can only support destruction and combat power. Even so, Aizen does not run out of wits in managing the use of this Neutron Core.

He and his nine girls and tens of millions of versatile unit robots make a lot of power plants from this nearly limitless destructive energy.

They have obtained another energy resource that is very useful for conserving the use of Axel Energy. So broadly speaking, they ended up having unlimited energy resources in operational and combat power. If there was a never-ending war, maybe they would come out victorious just because their supply was so great.

Currently, in [Space Storage], [Plant Space], [Robot Space], and [Private Space] as special places with space law, each of them stored one hundred Neutron Core Energy spheres that have been accommodated in the special shell formed from Axel Energy.

One thousand have been implemented in [Axel Goddess] and the others as many as more than seven thousand are placed in a new place that they deliberately created only for energy resources.

[Energy Space], a place with a newly created space law where all Neutron Cores are stored as energy reserves under special protection.

This special place that has a volume area ten times larger than the other four places that also have space law has used up all of their remaining Space Stone stock.

Each Neutron Core Energy spheres has a spherical volume of one thousand cubic kilometers and is wrapped in a cocoon-like shell in the form of energy protection from pure Axel Energy which is assisted by several special devices.

For now, Axel Energy is used as management energy, operation of advanced systems, main systems, and cultivation of their superior bodies. The rest is given to Neutron Core Energy which is used as a second energy resource but because of its nature, it will look like the main power.

Starting from just a theory that hasn't been proven with certainty and finally ended up being the second energy resource in the Axel Goddess. Currently, Aizen and his nine girls are about to relax in their home after a long hard work, they have just returned home by teleportation.

As Aizen said, they really had an enormous amount of work to do and were finally done. Now they can relax and do what they want while waiting 14 hours before their meeting on the planet Zavier.

"Ahh ~ I feel weak, Brother Aizen carry me. You've been using me for thirty hours without stopping. Now take responsibility!" Ana whined with a cute expression.

It would sound strange to other people's ears but it wasn't in this family. The relationship between Aizen and Ana is very close even though they were father and daughter before being brought back to life. Even Axel has become Ana's sister even though her mother is one with Axel.

"Of course, my princess. Let me bear the burden and carry your body. Princess carry is good?" Aizen offered with a smile.josei

He is very familiar with Ana's personality and behavior. A father figure who performs in very many roles only for his daughter. But the role that he started from father has now turned into a brother? The relationship between all of them is very ambiguous and quite complicated, the relationship between the girls to Aizen.

Even so, they just run it as usual, as long as they are comfortable and okay then just let time tell the story.

"Yes! Hup, hehe... I love you, Brother Aizen." Ana giggled happily as she was being carried like a princess, she kissed Aizen on the cheek and then wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Yeah, I love you too." Aizen answered with a gentle smile and considered it normal, it was normal.

Ana has often played the role of his wife in several circumstances in certain situations. Besides aiming to drive women from outsiders who want to approach Aizen, she also does it for fun and just playing around.

"We have a maximum of 14 hours before the promised meeting on the planet Zavier, on the Heavenly Soul Sect's floating island. You can do whatever you want at that time. Now for leisure hours, but before that let's eat together again." Aizen glanced sideways at the girls.

"Yes! Of course, eat first. We haven't eaten, drank, and slept in the last 30 hours. If we count the time when the Neutron Star was stripped, that would be 42 hours from the last time I slept!" Lian has a great motivation to eat big, as much as motivation for food from the menu.

"Hehe... But there are no eye bags due to overtime work. When we became the Realm King, didn't we ever spend several months without eating, and not drinking? Even sometimes we forget to breathe and end up fine." Yifei countered jokingly.

"It was while we were cultivating! It was well prepared for closed-door cultivation! We plunged into the subconscious and the body went into a static state of motionlessness. But now that we say goodbye to that, we have a better one. Hum … Hum, hum~" Lian chided happily and ended up humming the melodious of the rhythm song.

"Right now I'm feeling tired and lazy. Can we use some robot units to cook as chefs? We just need to order food and drink." Ana has found a comfortable position and is reluctant to go to cook again.

Not to mention the previous hard work that matches Aizen's words. Her body was already crumpled with chores and she now ended up being lazy.

"That's a good choice for now. It's time for us to relax. Relaxing after hard work is best." Axel also nodded in agreement. Yifei and Lian also expressed their agreement, right now they just want to be pampered.

Meanwhile, the five girls from the seven fairies only followed the wishes of their masters. For now, the decisions and wills of their masters are absolute, they don't have an opinion of their own. They are very proud and happy to complete the tasks assigned by their masters.

But that will change when they get lucky like Alpha and Beta. The five girls are anticipating that moment with great enthusiasm and passion, where they can join the whole family with a name.

"We'll do that, let's go to the dining room and order what you want. You can see the notification on the system, add the menu you want there. The unit robot will take care of it quickly." Aizen prepared everything with alacrity.

Dozens of auxiliary robot units are teleported to the kitchen to carry out cooking tasks with the connected system.

The girls excitedly added the dishes they wanted to eat. Arriving at the dining room, they sat in their respective positions, and a moment later the awaiting dishes arrived.

The portion is large and the amount is not small. Lian is the girl who is most enthusiastic about plunging and immersing in the sin of greed and gluttony for worldly culinary delights, she was the one who ate the most of the ten of them.

"Lian'er, I never thought you could eat that much and your appetite became so big. You're not like my little sister that I know... Have you become a gluttonous monster?" Yifei ate slowly with manners and was surprised to see her little sister eating like someone who has been starving for years.

"Just this time, let me drown in this sin of greed and gluttony. Once I am satisfied, I will return to normal. All these dishes that I have never tasted with my earthly tongue, let me taste them. Nom... Nom..." Lian replied to her big sister after swallowing her food and then she trying to calm her big sister down.

"Well, I trust you. Don't lie, you remember. Next time you're like this again, I'll punish you. You're not such a virtuous girl at this. Master Aizen is eating with us." Yifei immediately whispered softly to Lian, but that also goes to Aizen and the two girls next to him.

Lian blushed because she felt like she was just possessed, but she continued her actions, with proper eating manners.

The three of them just smiled and finished their meal, now their family is getting livelier and more varied with lively and charming expressions.

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