Millennium Tension

Chapter 158

Chapter 158: Presumed Ancient Ruins

Their prediction, the unearthly thing in the one-kilometer diameter area came from ancient ruins that had been buried one kilometer under thick snow and ice.

Neither explosion nor destruction they did to pierce the floor of the wall which they failed to detect what was behind it. It's a super laser with high penetration power concentrated at one point.

It took a few seconds for them to successfully bore a hole into a deeper area, an area that was so mysterious and sacred.

"Hmm... These rocks mess up any detection ability. Sonar, sensors, radar, energy waves, all disturbed... Troublesome rock." Aizen scrutinized a pebble in his hand.

It was a small rock from the fragment of the rock wall a mysterious place one kilometer below the snow land.

"Who would have thought, that stone wall was 30 meters thick... The entrance hole has been made, are we going to enter the ancient ruins?" Ana muttered while looking far down at the connection from one of the mechas.

Unlike the ruins of Yifei and Lian's realm, this ancient ruin was not like a very dark abyss but rather like a ruin that was animated by a wall of igneous rock that glowed the color of the aurora.

"Not yet, 100 mecha units will be our scout and we will follow from the safe zone." Aizen shook his head slowly.

"Okay." Ana nodded then looked back at the sensor and the vision camera of one of the mechas that entered the hole one by one.

Axel and the five fairies also did the same thing, they inspected the ancient ruins by controlling one of the scout teams as if they were there.josei

Aizen stored an insurgent detection ability stone into the [Space Storage], he would later plunder the stones for other purposes, perhaps it would be useful in the future. Then, he also did the same with the girls to control one of the mechas remotely with the help of the system.

Below there was like an empty space devoid of anything, but there were several passages leading to different places.

"What an empty hall, just a place with nothing... No clues, no carvings, no inscriptions, no fossils, or anything... If it weren't for the interference stone of these thick walls, I wouldn't have bothered checking on this. "Aizen looked disappointed.

Even after tracing those many maze-like passageways, there was nothing they could find. Just a dead-end room with no way out, lots of passage branches that make them go round and round only to get back to square one.

The detection sensors had been messed up very badly, and they could only see what was on the vision camera sensors. The 100 mechas again gathered into the great hall, where an entrance hole they had made.

"The place itself is unnatural, or maybe there is still a level below it?" Axel suggested, she felt with her hunch that it was all too odd, there must be something there.

"We'll break through the floor wall once again, right under the hole we made." Aizen nodded in agreement.

After that, 100 Mechas formed a formation once again to make a circle. All of the mechas aimed their laser rifles downwards and fired a high-penetrating laser powered by Neutron Core Energy.

All the mechas flew in circles until the floor wall collapsed and fell, but it immediately disappeared because the tubular wall had been placed into the [Space Storage].

A hole with a diameter of 30 meters was once again made just below the initial hole. Down below was a hall similar to the hall on the upper level, but was darker and the density of interference was higher.

"It looked scarier down there than the top level... Want to go down there?" Ana asked as she peeked down there in the mecha she controlled from afar.

"Of course... Let's go down there. Wait! Don't get off! Hold on..." Aizen immediately exclaimed as a mecha that had descended first to test the area immediately lost its connection.

"Uuh... The interference is too dense there. Do we need to use space law to send our connection to mechas?" Ana suggested but she immediately tested it by making a connection through a special space, but it soon failed when she tried it.

"It's like a universe boundary..." Axel muttered as the connection failed no matter what they tried, but the mecha down there was still visible and it was roaming the hall automatically according to the command stored in the mecha's memory.

"What should we do next, Brother Aizen?" Ana turned to look at Aizen with a confused expression.

"Maybe because we are too far away? Our distance to the mecha that has dropped to level two is already more than a kilometer from our position. Let's get closer to the center of the ruins, I don't think anything is too dangerous." Aizen put his hand to his chin thoughtfully.

"What do you feel right now, Ana, Axel. Putting all personal considerations aside regarding these ruins?" Aizen turned to look at the girls beside him.

Women's intuitive abilities were usually sharper than men's, not to mention from Lin Yu's researched energy and all wave frequency studies.

Aizen concluded it had something to do with the inner voice in the soul to decide something from the many hypotheses that had entered the brain regarding related matters.

Ana and Axel were the most likely to use a hunch ability or intuition similar to Lin Yu. Even though Axel had the unreasonable ability to see the future vaguely, it still couldn't be relied on every time.

Ana and Axel got the point, and they closed their eyes to enter into a state of peace and quiet. After that, they used their intuition to make a decision from the many things that were considered, it had nothing to do with logic or logic but only the feeling of the inner voice of their soul.

"If we go down there, I don't feel any danger that will fall on us from this mysterious ancient ruins. It's just plain as if it's nothing, so it's fine. However, for some reason, I feel a little excited.. " Axel was the first to open her eyes and convey how she felt from this place.

"Un, I don't feel any danger. As you said and felt earlier, brother Aizen. I really believe there must be something down there, but not at level 2, it's empty like level 1." Ana nodded gently as she opened her eyes.

The three of them had a similar decision from the intuition that could not be considered by reason, and that they would use as the decision they would make at that moment.

The five fairies standing behind them had no clue what their three masters were talking about. Hunch, intuition, soul, and so on as the data they found for clues didn't give them the answer they wanted.

All five of them didn't have a soul, and they knew that very well. Maybe because of that, they didn't understand anything that only perfect humans could understand.

Gamma looked at her sisters and they also looked back at each other as if they understood each other. They were still anticipating their turn to enter the family, recognition from their masters, and many other amazing things they could gain from having a soul within them.

Alpha and Beta as Yifei and Lian had told them the difference between before having a soul and after the unifying existence ritual. It was as if they were brought back to life with far greater insights and mindsets.

"Well, now I'm glad we learned how Lin Yu's abilities in terms of hunch and intuition work. This only works for those who have a great soul, now we will prove the conclusions of our research at that time." Aizen smiled lightly.

"Un." Ana and Axel also nodded in agreement.

All of them immediately drew near to the snow hole without hesitation or anything, full of confidence in what might await them in the ancient ruins buried in the valley flanked by steep cliffs.

However, just in case because it was better to be safe than sorry, all of them were wearing full [Rank 9] body armor.

"Ready?" Aizen took a quick look at the girls who were ready to go down.

"En." Ana and Axel nodded lightly.

"We are ready, Master Aizen." The five fairies were ready for free fall.

After received the confirmation he wanted to hear, Aizen jumped in and was followed by his seven girls. They freefall up to one kilometer deep into a hole of snow and ice that was held firmly by a barrier like a pipe, so that an avalanche would not occur and bury them.


After reaching level one of the presumed ancient ruins, all of them made a perfect landing among the 99 mechas in standby mode.

"The depth from the initial position is 1100 meters, the light intensity is 20 lux, the temperature falls and becomes minus 120 degrees Celsius. The interference density is 75%. The more likely we go down, the worse it will be." Axel gave a brief report, and all of them looked around with their own eyes and abilities.

"Wow! Minus 120 degrees? Ordinary people and cultivators below [Rank 5] will not survive this temperature." Ana shook her head.

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